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Florals | Everybody, Everywear

I'm so very happy to take part in Everybody Everywear. Floral theme is one of my faves although I don't have a lot of flоral prints in my closet. I've chosen to wear my new floral romper (I've already told you about it). This romper is very comfy but comfy is not its best describtion. I love the contrast this romper is giving - preppy from face, sexy from the back.
But what I have to say - I took the shots I'm showing you now yesterday, when my man and I spent 10 minutes for taking photos to have the floral theme in time (we had the day off due to celebraton of 9th of May - the day Germany capitulated in Second World War). I'm back to my normal working and posting as well. I hope, you're having fun!

Я так рада принять участие в Everybody Everywear. Цветочная тематика одна из моих любимых хотя у меня и нет большого количества этих самых принтов. Я решила надеть мой новый цветочный комбенизон (о нем я уже упоминала). Этот комбез очень убодный, но удобный не самое удачное слово для его описания. Я люблю тот контраст, что он способен дать - немного мальчишечий с лица и сексуальный со спины.
Но, что я просто обязана упоминуть, так это то, что эти фото были сделаны вчера, когда мы с моим мужчиной потратили 10 минут на съемки, чтобы успеть показать цветочную тему вовремя (у нас был выходной из-за празднования 9 Мая - дня Победы). Сейчас я вернулась к моим обычным и ежедневным походам на работу, а так же к ведению блога. Надеюсь, у вас все хорошо!

I was wearing:
Topshop romper
H&M heels
Marc and Spensers sunnies


  1. Oh girl, i'm really enjoying your blog (yeah, i just discovered it ;P).
    I'm in love with all the floral appearing in every corner i walk through, and this one with the jumoer is just AMAAAAZING!!

  2. Are H&M heels comfortable? Ive always wanted to buy one!



  3. What an awesome romper! Love it!!


  4. Hi sweetie, you're welcome about the comment, thanks for commenting back ! I am loving this floral outfit, you look so cute in it ! And yes, the back is sexy ;-)
    Follow my blog if you want to and I will follow back ! Kisses

  5. wow- I'm so impressed at your romper-wearing attitude. That is just spectacularly cute on you, and the shoes just rock. nice.

  6. i'm dying -- DYING -- at your blue shoes especially. you are rocking this whole look!
    -brittney (my daily outfit blog; come on by if you'd like!)

  7. the romper is really cute, and I love the back of it!

  8. I coudln't pull off this romper but the back gives me hope. You look cute. I'm especially fond of the blue H&M heels. A recent purchase?

  9. Ohhh, I adore your playsuit! The cut out at the back is so cute! And the pattern is ridiculously pretty!


  10. Gosh I love that floral romper!! Its so bright nd sunny and helloooo SEXY LEGSSSSS hehe gorgeous hun love yoru smile so much x

  11. Прекрасные босоножки! Отлично выглядишь!Присоединяюсь! Ты ко мне?

  12. I love the looks fabulous on you


  13. WOW,stunning romper!!!You look great!

  14. Очень интересный комбинезончик! И образ очень милый!

  15. I just adore that back of that romper and the way you paired it with the blue heels :)

    xo Lynzy

  16. What an adorable outfit.. i can definitely feel the summer coming your way
    lee x

  17. I love this outfit, it's my favourite outfit of yours so far. ♥

    You look so pretty and sweet!

    The Cat Hag

  18. Love the muted florals in this onsie! And the peek-a-boo back is my favorite!

  19. that romper is fantastic--love the open back! also LOVE your shoes :)

  20. Your gorg romper is amaz!


  21. The back is very cute and the heels fab..)

  22. Lady, I am loving your romper. The back is such a surprise and I particularly love the print. And those shoes are just fabulous! xx

  23. Your outfit is adorable! It looks like you're having a wonderful summer day! Those shoes make me want some colored heels for summer, which means I will put it on my list and keep an eye out for them! Great job with EBEW!


  24. I'm addicted to your Topshop romper!
    it is so amazing and gorgeous!!! i want one :(

  25. Thank you so much for comments! it feels like.. wow!

  26. Beautiful romper and shoes .... love the outfit.
    it looks fantastic.

  27. All around gorgeousness! Love it!!


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