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Girl's day

Before I've found job I had more spare time than I do now. So my friend Dasha and I went to lovely Tcasritsyno palace and park We've spent most of our day there injoying the weather, views and the palace itself.
For this walk I've chosen the simple outfit comfy enough to spent all day in walking a lot.

All the shots were made by my dear friend Dasha. Thank youbso much, dear!

I was wearing:
Colin's shirt and skirt
Marks and Spenser sunnies
No brand shoes


  1. Awsome photos!! i love it


  2. lovely photos, the scenery looks breathtaking and you look really nice in these photographs, especially the last one.


    A Single Girl's Musings

  3. What a wonderful place! :)

  4. The last one is very sweet- you on the bridge makes a good snap

  5. What an amazing place to spend an afternoon! Love the photo of you by the side of the bridge!

  6. Dasha sounds lovely. I adore girls' nights out.
    And I love the green nature in the background.

  7. Gorgeous looks and pictures!!!I would love to be in that park right now!

  8. That park is beautiful, and I love your yellow top! :)

    Having time off from work is something precious indeed.

    The Cat Hag


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