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Board games

Do you like board games? I bet you do. Everyone does. It's romantic enought to spend your romantic date or with family. It reminds of childhood so very much! Scrabbles are perfect for each event. Why do I write it? It's been a tough Monday and everything went wrong for me but in the end of a day it wasn't that bad. What helped me? - board games with boyfriend and a long walk with him and my pup

When we were shooting this lady-like close to all black outfit I couldn't be without Raidho (or he couldn't be without me) as we were walking.

I'll catch up with your blogs tomorrow.

I was wearing:
Mexx dress (2 or even 3 size too big - but for me this kind of look is waay better)
gifted silk scarf
Alba oxford shoes
I've tottally forgotten the brand of my jacket and stocklings
Longchamp bag


  1. Hi girl nice post, your dog is so cute. we love itt

    x Hajar & Mounia

  2. I love yours too, very much. Following.

  3. You look so good! This dress is great! The dog is soooo cute!


  4. what a nice blog with beautiful pictures :) i really like it!

    love, lola

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog.your dog is very cute!

  6. Thanks for the comment*
    Your blog is so nice !

    Going to follow.

  7. I love your jacket and your shoes!
    Really sweet blog:)

  8. These are the cutest photos, your doggie is such a darling!

    My kitty sticks close to me whenever I am home as well, pets are such a lovely companion to have. :)

    The Cat Hag
    Join My Giveaway

  9. Love the outfit, girl :) And aww... your pup is such a sweetheart, yep, pets always know how to brighten up your day. They make the worst day bearable.


    A Single Girl's Musings

  10. Many thanks for your comment! Very stylish black total look! Bravo!

  11. You look great honey!!!Your dress is so chic!

  12. Hello, you are also in a black dress!!! Great one too! Love your scarf and the dog!!!

  13. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
    Lovely look and cuuute dog ! :)

    how about following each other?

  14. Oh my gosh, your pup is adorable!! I love your dress & your tights.

  15. Thanks so much for a lovely comment and stopping by my blog :).
    What a gorgeous puppy! Love it :).
    Looking forward to seeing more posts!xx

  16. I love board games, I still play them quite often with friends! They are underrated!

  17. You are so cute!!! Love the pictures!! They are gorgeous!! So is your dress!


  18. well hi doggie! lol :) i was waiting till i saw the pictures when i was scrolling. i was like- i see the leash now when can i see the dog? lol. you look great too! i love that jacket :)

    sharde @ the style projects

  19. love your leather jacket and your adorable puppy!!

    Chic on the Cheap

  20. love the ladylike outfit! And the jacket adds more texture to this look. Love it.

    ♥ laura

    the blog of worldly delights

  21. Cool outfit and beautiful photos. And gorgeous dog xxx

  22. your puppy is so cute!! aahhh :) and i really like your dress, i like having something a bit too big (but then i like having over things snug :P!!)



  23. this outfit is just perfect!
    adore your style!

  24. CUTE socks and dress and glasses and everything! Go you! And yes, I do enjoy a board game or two. I'm really good at Connect 4. I know that's not technically a board game. But it's fun nevertheless!

  25. Cute dog Xx

  26. cute dog Xx

  27. I love your dress and the way you accessorised it. Your dog is beautiful A miniture Jack Russell?


  28. cute outfit :)

    Like it !!!


  29. it looks great with the little blue from the scarf. cute dress :)
    Lydz xX

  30. Awww, you look so cute! Scrabble is my favourite board game :)

    Thank you for your sweet comment and for following, am following you too.

    Carmen Ri.

  31. Love your dress. Cute cute outfit, the way you did the scarf makes it Chic and retro.... awesome.
    Love Raidho., he is the cutest.

  32. hi lyosha! i love your dress and that scarf is really pretty!! also ~ cute doggie!!
    xoxo ~ kristina


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