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You do all know, how much I love penguins both alive and not really alive. That's why I couldn't stand and not take shots in front of those little cuties! I'm sorry for lack of outside shots lately but the weather is really grim and there's not enough sunshine to shoot normally. Plus during the weekdays when I come back from work (about 19:00) it's already night.
These photos were taken right after I made a new haircut (ok-ok, nothing rally changed but my head looks neat). But the way, I guess I've found a new place to do that since I had to make a change in the hairdresser.
This outfit was created for two sides of my life: work and personal. As part of personal life Max and I went holiday shopping. We bought a lot of presents... for ourselves. Shoes (2 piars) for Max, watch and new hat for me Christmas and New Year toys for our home and LEGO Star Wars Imperial ship for us both.

I was wearing:
Vero Moda bag and shirt
Nike sneakers

P.S. at work I wore the same outfit with blue plaid shoes. looked really funny!
P.P.S. A little show off.
His outfit:

He was wearing:
Topman coat, rucksack and hat
Zara jeans
  Follow Inside & Outside


  1. funny pics, great outfit, really like your gilet!
    thanks for your visit on my blog and for your sweet comment, also I like your blog, Now I am happy to be your follower , I hope you will want to follow me also on facebook have a good day ... keep in touch ....

  2. I heart penguins, too!!! :-)

  3. Aw what cute pictures with the penguins!! You look great - I love the colors in your top!

  4. Hey Lyosha...I left a comment but I dont know if it went through.

    Leaving it again! :)

    Love this post...The sweater vest and the bag are major...You look so cute..

    Thanks for leaving the cool comments!



  5. Such cute pictures!!! I love penguins too!

    Have a great week, honey!


  6. Hello World!? I came to thank you for visiting! I loved your photos!

  7. I love the penguins! Too cute.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  8. You look as cute as the penguins!
    Love the vest with the plaid shirt and your bag is very cool as well.

  9. this is so cute! you guys look so adorable <3


  10. great sweater vest :)

    mia o

  11. I love penguins aswell! They are cute & fat haha <3
    You look great :) love your top & bag!


  12. absolutely adorable!! love the layering and bag!! gorgeous colors and prints!!

  13. Looooooooove penguins..

    and that bag is awesome.

    bisou moi,

  14. cute outfit love the photos!!
    thnx so much for leaving me a comment :)))

  15. OMG - these photos are so cute!
    I adore penguins. Maybe it's because they seem so silly and pudgy?
    And how funny that you went Christmas shopping and ended up with presents for yourselves. That seems to happen to me too :-)

    XO - Marion

  16. What lovely pictures!! Love that shirt and vest combo -- the patterns look great together. Thanks for stopping by! xo style, she wrote

  17. hey there!thank you so much for you comment!it always nice to hear from you!I am so happy when i read comments like yours!very sweet of you!I LOVE PINGUINS!how amazing colors your outfit has?oh and have i evere told you that i love your haircut?its really cute!lots of kisses!nandia!

  18. love ur vest!
    kisses from Spain,

  19. Ooooh you both look great! I love these pictures with the penguins! And i love your new haircut!

  20. oh i love love love penguins too haha and you look so supercute here, lovely shots! and a fabulous vest!

  21. Thank you so much for your kind note, it was very sweet what you wrote! I love your effortless and fun style and pictures! Your colorful top makes me so happy! I am following you as well :)
    Good luck!

  22. Very cute photos, dear! I love penguins too:) great outfit as well! I like how you mixed the pattern of your vest with plaid shirt and the colors are do eye catching!

  23. Penguins are so cute, they're my favorite animal in the whole world! So jealous of you that you took pictures with them ;)

    Also, I want to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I love the fact that you (all) take the time and effort to stop by, read my posts and even place a comment! You make my day with doing that!

    On my blog I am now showing that some brands (like H&M and Zara) are copycatting from huge brands. Is this ok or are H&M and Zara going too far? I’d love to hear your opinion about it!

    Hope to hear soon from you, until then… Merry Christmas!


    Rock 'n Style

  24. Your haircut looks lovely and I LOVE penguins too - so cute:)

    Libby x

  25. thanks for your feed back! It really means a lot that you are not just looking through my blog but also leave a comment. You are making my day!

  26. i never seen penguins in my life but my baby and i love watching pinguins cartoons and films :)
    thank you for dropping by to my site.. please don't hesitate to come back!
    xoxo, Haus of Gala

  27. you wear orange really well! I love that vest on you. And your satchel is just darling!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  28. Yeah! Go you guys for having a photoshoot in the middle of a shopping center! Your outfit is so fun and quirky...I agree with Laura. You wear orange really well! Your new presents sound ex would be all over that Lego set. :D

  29. Really cute and boy that mall doesn't look crowded at all. I'd get run over it I tried to take photos at my mall :)

  30. such a cute pics!love your bright vest and plaid shirt and I really really love your bag, where`s it from?

  31. So Christmassy, I love it

  32. Yes, I notice and you are looking very cute. Love to see tha you put together a Scottish shirt with that beautiful, colorful vest. I love the look of them together, may copy it.
    Cute penguin :)

  33. Lovely photos. Your props made me smile.

  34. Beautiful pictures. Love the colors of your outfit.

    Heel in Mint

  35. aww, so sweet fotos, I really like :)

  36. love the vest, so colorful! the bag's great too :)
    thanks for commenting on my blog as well xx

  37. Thank you for submitting interview, is very friendly, I tell you when to be in my blog.
    I wish you Merry Christmas.
    Best regards from Spain.

  38. aww these photos are absolutely adorable! penguins are amazingly sweet animals for sure.

    xx //

  39. Thanks you darling!
    Love the outfits! Full of personality!

  40. Wow, I love that your outfit matched the penguins :) Great colors in your vest.

    Red Soles and Red Wine

  41. Beautiful pics!!!!! :-)
    have a look on my blog if you like it :)


  42. & to think i've never even watched happy feet

    Bright Green Laces

  43. These pics are so cute and adorable hun!!! :)

  44. These are such fun pictures!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  45. Wishing you a very happy holiday!

    xo Mary Jo

  46. Your look so sweet! Adore the happy colors :)

  47. Whoa you're super cute! I love your colorful style and these photos. I also love your hair!

  48. i like your layering here of the sweater and plaid shirt!!

    Enter the Christmas Giveaway!

  49. What a great vest and I love the pattern mixing! :)

  50. haha that's great! we could have met there! i work nearby and go shopping or just have lunch there pretty often :-)


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