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Honeymoon, Black and white love

I'm very busy lately. Who likes that? Nobody, I guess. Being occupied and busy are two very different things and in my opinion the latter brings you no good. Moreover it's a bit hard to come back from non blogging time. Recently we've started a big reorganization of our apartment, made nasty neighbors watch after their dog (it was kinda creepy and did never even wear a lead), Max's third book is processed now (we need find if there are any mistakes), difficulties at work followed by lack of work from my back-up, saving life of unknown cat fallen from window who we simply couldn't leave anole to die and of coarse Surak. He needs a lot of attention as he's a little pup still. 
I'm still showing you my honeymoon photos but still it's nothing with great nature impressions we got there. Just a comfy and stylish outfit perfect for travelling or simply hanging out.

 And this is from the beach side. A land of rocky castle made by tourist. The the front castle on the picture? - we made it being ispired by Star Trek.

I'll make a proper post later on and for now I just want to show you little boy Surak

I was wearing:
H&M hat (borrowed from Max)
Russian brand Tvoe shorts (bought couple of years ago only for home use in fact)
Y.O.U. tee shirt
Raidho 'accessory' 

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Great post--but sorry about all the drama going on! Love the last picture!

  2. Chic hat and cute dogs!

  3. your hat is amazing! love your dogs too, they're more than adorable! <3

    thank you for recognizing a slight change in my header, I'm so happy that you know it! :D

    have a great week, Lyosha!

  4. you look beautiful with that hat it looks great on you!
    congrutalitions for your wedding!

  5. I just love your top! Great blog! The dogs are just so adorable too!


  6. who isn't busy these days? I love you in black and white, Lyosha! And those rock castles on the beach look amazing!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  7. I love everything about this outfit on you! And thanks for showing us Surak. So many rock castles! What a cool landscape.

  8. I read you are form Moscow, I always wanted to go there :D and I love your hat is amazing and looks great with your outfit :D I follow you on GFC hope you can do the same to be in touch (:


  9. Lovely outfit <3

    Nice blog honey!!
    Hope you check out & follow mine!

  10. thanks for the comment girlie!!
    LOVE these photos and that hat is absolutely adorable!!

    stay in touch!

  11. Really beautiful photos and oh i love the combo of black and white ! Your hat (or lets say Max' hat) is great ! Enjoy your time. XX Tani

  12. Love the pic of the dogs, so cute :) Following you both on gfc and bloglovin, dear!

    xoxo, Alessia



  13. Cute blog :)

    I have a beauty blog and it would mean a lot if you could check it out and let me know if you like it...and maybe follow:

  14. You look great in these photos! I love the hat and I didn't know that Max is a writer.

    1. He is. So I have the coolest opportunity to read book while it's written. Unfortunately Max does it only part time, I hope one day he'll turn it full

  15. ON the first pic you look alot like Tilda Swinton! :D

    Love the hat!

    Thank you so much, thats super sweet of you!

    Stop by soon!

    /L from sweden

    1. oh, thank you!I love Tilda so taking it as complement!

  16. you look so nice in this hat!!!

    visit my blog please, I have a wonderful GIVEAWAY there!

  17. You are so pretty!!! I love your black and white look!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  18. Love the tee! And your dog is so cute ;D

  19. Oh gosh, I was so busy and missed your marridge~! so sorry for that and late congratulations~! )
    Love the honeymoon photos~! You look so relaxed and casual~! )

    1. I was busy as well so I knowexcatcly how it is.
      Thanks for congradulations-it means a lot to me

  20. so beautiful post!

  21. Thank you so much for your comment! i start following you!!


  22. Your tee is so cute! I love shirts with personality.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  23. thank you so much for visit my blog!! i love it, your blog! i follow now!! =D

  24. oh those pictures are amazing and you look so beautiful and happy here, i love especially the one with your cute doggy;) i hope you soon have more time to relax darling!

  25. love your hat!!!! a lot!!!
    I follow you, on gfc!!!! do you follow me???

  26. Love your hat!! Such cute photo of you and your dog!!! I am your newest follower, stay in touch <3

  27. love the monochrome hat: you really remind of of Elly from La Roux in photo 1...

  28. Im new follower))

  29. I think busy is the new black! It seems that if you don't say that you are busy that there is something wrong with you! I would rather be occupied any day! Lovely photos.

    Hugs, Stephie x

  30. I love this outfit, those colors look great on you <3
    wanna follow each other?
    Sabrilett's Armoire

  31. i LOVE your look! and how cute are the dogs!!! :)

  32. Ly, I know what you mean. Just keep in mind when there are rainstorms (problems), rainbows always follow. Stay positive and keep moving forward girl. Your outfit is very cute! Love the dogs with the light sabers :)

    1. Thanks for your words, Kim! I keep telling the same but sometimes I just need someone to tell me 'poor Lyosha'

  33. Oh my gosh, two adorable dogs with lightsabers. Holy crap, I'm in love. You look freakin' adorable in that outfit. I love the black and white. Hopefully things slow down a little for you soon! Sounds like a pretty chaotic time.

    May the force be with you.

  34. Поздравляю вас и с нетерпением жду свадебных фотографий! Прекрасные песики!!! Вы великолепны с новой прической. Люблю ваш черно - белый костюм и шляпу.


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