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Honeymoon, Madrid del miel

The first day we get to spend during our honeymoon was in Madrid. I loved the city so much! It reminds me (with spirit) my own city of Moscow but even more adorable. Thanks to wonderful people from blogs we managed to create a great way to explore Madrid in a very short time (I wish we had more hours) which included a lot of green areas.
It was very hot in there for each member of our small group but Madrid was totally worth that. People were nice so as the scenery. I wasn't very happy with the crisis stuff around there - it's seen every step on the way (people asking for help, Plaza del Sol where people tried to be heard) but still it's the place we wanted to come back.

 actually there are the two "alive sculptures" (or howevery they call it) are talking off duty

I was wearing:
Marc by Marc Jacobs mouse flats and backpack
Topshop tee


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Wonderful pictures! I envy your rest))

  2. Fun photos! You and your doggie are the cutest ever! :)

  3. so glad u liked my lovely city!
    happy honeymoon!

  4. super jealous you got a photo shoot with Minnie Mouse :)

  5. Cool pictures. You look so cute!

  6. Great pictures! & What a cute dog!! :)

  7. Such a cute pictures :)
    Thank you so much for support, I follow you for a long time now :) Kisses

  8. I love outdoor photos!
    It looks like you had fun.

  9. lovely photo's!
    i'm your newest follower :-)

  10. The picture of your husband and dog drinking is very funny!

  11. lovely and positive pics! I've never been to Madrid but after ur post I want to visit it immediately!! :)

  12. Awwww, I want to dance with Mickey and Minnie! How fun is that?!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  13. Aww looks like you had great times :)

  14. Привет! Не ругайся, я по русски.)))) Очень рада знакомству! Thank you so much!

    1. я тоже крайне рада! А ругаться на русский - ты что, всегда приятно его здесь видеть. (я сама не всегда оставляю оставляю комменты - лень менять раскладку :))) )

  15. wow, what a great place to honeymoon! and i love that your pup got to come along!
    Chic on the Cheap

  16. Hi! Great photos!!!! I like Madrid!!!!!!!!!! Nice city!!!!!

  17. Oh, Madrid looks gorgeous. Such a wonderful place for your honeymoon!
    And you look amazing too :) that top is too cute for words!

    Life is a romantic poem

  18. Hi doll! Thanks for swinging by my blog- I'm always happy to meet fellow bloggers. :)

    Congrats on the marriage/honeymoon! Madrid looks amazing. I actually just got back from my honeymoon as well! We were in Jamaica.

    Keep in touch!

  19. i love your little doggy. he's so adorable :)

  20. great photos!

    I just followed your lovely blog and liked this post on Bloglovin. Stay in touch ;)

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  21. you look so cute with your dog! these are amazing photos. :)


  22. it must've been a great trip. Madrid is so beautiful... :-)
    really interesting blog!


  23. Hi There,
    Thank you for visiting and following my blog.
    Your vacation photos are super cool. I am loving your white collared red top and your hair cut is so cute.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation.

  24. Viva ESPAÑA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Besos, Marcela♥

  25. You look like you're having a wonderful time!!!

  26. oh i love madrid it is really such a wonderful city and i hopefully can visit it this september again;) your pictures are great and i love that top with the lace collar;)


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