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Hot pink

If someone ever told me like 5 years ago I would wear pink and then publish it on any web site I wouldn't believe it and moreover I would found this person crazy! But here you see me. In a pink dress while running the errands on Saturday with my hubby.
Ok, I do often wear dresses during weekend as it's most likely the only time I actually can wear it with out complications. And there is nothing better for summer than a chic dress (and don't even think to argue).

What I also wanted to share is my new award! I was awarded with the Editor's pick award of Pocket Change web site. I feel very happy and proud these lovely people found my blog. By the way, their work is very interesting, you shoud definitely check it and find a lot of useful stuff there.

I was wearing:
Topshop dress
Marc by Marc Jacobs 'Mouse' flats
New Yorker bracelet


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Hi Girl,

    so nice dress! perfect colour for coming season!

    girls from VOGUELE

  2. ♥ Lovely look! XOXO

  3. Love the cut and design of the dress...very classy n cool aswell looking cute

    Btw do check out my new post
    Stay in touch

  4. What a pretty dress! You look adorable.

    And congratulations on the award. You deserve recognition.

  5. such a cute and classy dress, love it!
    and cool backgrounds with the graffiti!

    maybe you want to take a look at our blog :)


  6. lol. Our ideas for fashion change each season. No wonder you changed your mind from 5 years ago. The dress looks stunning on you. It fit like a glove.
    Mom Fitness Journal | Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

  7. love this topshop dress! such a great color!

    love from San Francisco,

  8. Cutest outfit over! Love the preppy flirtiness of your dress!
    Material Fixations

  9. I love this dress lady!!!!!! The colour is gorgeous, I love the little keyhole neckline. And I am glad you took a risk.

  10. wow, your dress is amazing~ Love the bow detail~! )


  11. gosh, this is such a beautiful dress! I love the colour and the shape. it's wonderful!

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

  12. That dress is goooorgeous !!! What wouldn't we do for the sake of fashion blogging ! If someone would have said I would wear green jeans I woudn't have believed it either !
    My Blog - A Pretty Nest

  13. Oh, this is such a cute and pretty look! I adore your flats :)

  14. That dress looks so cute!! I love the color on you.

  15. It's funny how much the blog changes our views on our style!
    love your mouse flats, and the dress looks great on you!
    Chic on the Cheap

  16. I love the dress! Coming from a former pink non-wearer, I'm glad you wore the dress because it suits you so well :) great flats as well

  17. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such nice comments! I absolutely love your dress in this post. Gorgeous. Glad to have found your blog! Have a great weekend, dear!
    -Ashley Cooper @

  18. I'm the same way with pink--SO not my top choice for color, but once in a while I find a piece that makes me fall in love. You look great!

    The Glossy Life

  19. love the dress!
    can't wait to see you on my blog!

  20. love how the color stands out on these sets of photos. :-)

  21. haha! I feel ya girl! I used to be SO against pink! But it looks great on you!!!! I mean, you are GORGEOUS!!!
    have a great weekend!

  22. Beautiful look!!! I love your dress!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend! and my G+ for you...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  23. Wow! This is incredibly chic! I'm glad you finally found pink again because this colour suits you, and against this groovy backdrop your understated outfit really stands out. I love the hair too.

  24. Hi! Nice your dress!!!! I like it! Have a nice day!!!

  25. you look great in pick and You have a beautiful blog <3
    Following via GFC and Bloglovin. I would love if you could follow me back <3


  26. Hi beauty ♥♥♥

    Awesome dress. The color si absolutely amazing. Suits you so beuatiful.

    I am running a new giveaway on my blog. You are mostly invited to participate!



  27. Nice!

  28. Hi,

    Thank your for your comment on the blog :). I'm thinking of doing the blog in English, as there are enough people still follow to me. I'm in the process of empowerment of the blog and do not worry it'll translate in English :). Thus facilitated people to read my post.

    The dress is very nice, I feel great!!!


  29. I like your dress, girl! The color is so cool! You have a great blog.
    maybe we can follow each other?


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