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Love Firmoo and get yourself a FREE pair of glasses

Not long ago Firmoo, on of biggest online glasses shop wrote me offering me pair of their glassses for the review. I didn't think twice as I love glasses so much. I chose a pair and waited. The delivery was very fast esp. for Russian post services. And everything else was simply perfect.  But I think it's way better if you see it yourself.

First of I all I needed to chose a pair. It wasn't easy as there are a lot of pairs! I have to be honest but with all my love to online shopping glasses never were the object. I thought it would be too complicated taking glasses as item I just have to try on. Firmoo add awesome app for virtual try on and it worked perfectly for me. Moreover glasses mesurements taken pretty much everywhere. Not mentioning filters, which very useful. Plus you can also find small theme-based articals about styles with exampls and set of glasses you can buy. What I also just have to add - the number of pair increased in just couple of weeks. (I checked Firmoo web-site again as I already want to get myself one more pair or even two. Oh, and Max also wants to order glasses without lences. Yes, that's possible as well). And prices are very friendly from just around 8 up to 70 for all glasses.
After delivery was made I opened the pacage. To be honest I was shocked with amount of everything there. Look at photos yourself!

Glasses, hard case, soft case, screwdriver and even set of brakeable parts! So cool! (and yes, it's a Map from Skyrim, and lego droids, they help a lot)

Glasses fit perfectly better than I expected in fact. They are comfy and easy to use. I tested then during walk with Raidho and we even went to see vet (Raidho had a little surgery on his cheen two weeks ago but everything's great now). So this glasses had a lot of work! I' m very happy with my Firmoo pair and highly recomment it to each of my followers! Try their sunglasses, sport glasses ( they have models even for people with not that good vision), regular glasses and just 'fashion' glasses! Don't forget to order your first pair for free!

I chose a very playful and energetic outfit for the test. I wanted a lot of colour and comfort. I went for my Morgan stripped tee to be a little more sexy. I was happy with the result and I really hope you would be as well

I was wearing:
Marc by Marc Jacobs bag and mouse flats
Morgan red and white stripped tee
Tvoe shorts
Mango belt
Firmoo glasses ( I mean it, I highly recommend you to order yourself a pair espesially taking that the first pair of glasses fir free!)
Accessory from Canary Islands including a braselet bought from local hippies :)


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Wow, I can't believe you get your first pair free! Yours look great! (But I do LOVE those little lego droids.) And what a fun outfit - the playground is the perfect setting.

  2. Love that neon bag!

  3. Thanks for following me!! =)
    I'm your follower right now =D
    Cool fluo accesories!!

  4. lovely pics! I like your bag, so cool!!
    we're new and would love you to visit our blog and if you like it please feel free to follow us!
    xoxo. A

  5. wow, this is so great! By the way you have the most perfect legs I have ever seen :o

  6. Your striped top is way cute! I love the frames you got, too. They are so flattering on you.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. Love love love the outfit! The neon yellow goes so well with the red and the glasses look amazing! The skyrim map and lego droids made me smile too! :)

  8. Hi dear, these glasses are beautiful. I love your earrings. Thank you so much for the sweet comment and following. I follow you now too via gfc/619 and bloglovin/69, keep in touch,
    kisses chris

  9. Hi Lyosha! You are right, these sunglasses are so lovely and suit good on u!:) Also lovely look, I like ur flats!:) Follow u back dear:) Kisses!

  10. Hi dear!
    I love so much you're blog! I follow u!
    My name in GFC is: sexy_paige_cucu.

    Hope u follow back, honey :D :D :D

    A lot of kisses.

  11. These glasses are wonderful!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog, I follow you with pleasure :)!

  12. I don't need glasses but I have heard so much about Firmoo. many bloggers have written about them.
    anyway, I actually wanted to mention how cool your neon yellow accesories are! and those classy flats as well.

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

  13. Beautiful glasses!!! I love your bag!!!
    Have a good week!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  14. Hi!!! Thank you for joining my blog!! I'm following also yours on GFC and bloglovin, and also following your fashionlista!! :-)

  15. Hi, i follow you, please follow mr back
    Kisses from spain

  16. Woww...great glasses, great purchase! Cool outfit, and your earrings are so lovely! Thank you so much for stopping by. Hope you have a wonderful day<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  17. Hello!! I saw your lovely comment on my blog, and it would be great if we could follow each other :D. I am following your blog ^-^.

  18. You look lovely... nice pair!
    Don't forget to visit my blog & leave a comment
    Hope to hear from you soon
    Ally O

  19. hi, lyosha! long time no visit! how are you? hope you're doing well. you look amazing in those sunnies. yes, i've heard of firmoo before.... great choice of glasses--really suits your face. :)

    have a great wknd! :)


  20. cute little glasses hehe

    I love your neon bag honey!


  21. The glasses suit you well. That's a great deal! The mouse flats are adorable!

  22. Ly, those glasses by Firmoo look so awesome on you! I love that you can virtually try them on. Thanks so much for the compliment. I LOVE your outfit! Your stripey top is so cute. Hope all is well my friend.

  23. О.. это замечательно, вам идут эти очки! Так же вам идет этот яркий макияж! Вы прекрасны и радуете сердце.

  24. fluo bag makes an outfit so fashionable!
    great choice

    Pretty To Be Happy

  25. Those glasses look great on you! I love your outfit with the bursts of neon - amazing!!

  26. Those glasses look great on you and I love the bright bag :)

  27. Beautiful! you look great with glasses and the outfit is amazing, love the pop of yellow.
    Hope you are doing well.
    * STYLE ID NET *
    * Filomenas Closet *

  28. Lovely top and glasses!!! love it!!! xxx

  29. I have a pair of glasses from Firmoo as well and they are really good! Your glasses are really cool!




  30. look how cute you look! the glasses are great, but i;m loving the red lips, too!!

  31. u look great, i like your neon bag


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