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What I wore for summer, part 2

I'm still catching up with outfits I missed during my vacation and posting travel and other photos.
I've chosen 2 outfits I wore for just one day showing a slight difference of weather and still similar outfits and one of outfits I often wear as no brainer - just comfy clothes I have to wear for work (in case you missed it - I'm an IT engineer who happens to spend most of her day in cold data centres and server labs)

I was wearing:
outfit #1 (Saturday fun):
H&M skirt and hat
Marc by Marc Jacobs mouse flats (Max' most fave pair of my shoes)
Boticca Leo brooch
Clock House top

outfit #2 (on my way from work):
My old noname jeans
Port Aventura souvenir top
Lacoste bag
Marc By Marc Jacobs 'Miss Marc' flip flops
outfit #3 (taken in metro):
H&M hat (stolen from Max)
vitage pants
shoes stolen from my lovely Mom
Boticca Leo brooch
Clock House top
(You see? outfit 1&3 are similar on my top part)
Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Beautiful outfits!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  2. wonderful skirt in the first outfit! The outfits are adorable! You look amazing!

  3. Very cute! Youthful and fun. Your personality enhances every outfit.

  4. love your style. love the third outfit. :-)

    Anyway, what do you think of following each other? :)


  5. i love these mouse ballarinas

  6. the outfits looks very nice and you a beautiful and cool woman :))


  7. beautiful blog, now we follow you, come to us ... kiss kiss ADA&LISA

  8. You have worn such great outfits this summer. I love it!

    <3 Cambria

  9. Love the skirt and hat in the first look!

  10. i really like the third outfit! and thank you for your comment.

  11. Beautiful outfits, honey! The first one is my favorite!!!Love that skirt!

    Have a perfect week! xoxoxo

  12. Looks like you had fun with these looks. I love the first outfit. :)

  13. You look adorable Ly! You wear the cutest tops and hats. Always sweet. Have a great week.

  14. Love your summer looks! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    -Jyoti from Style Delights Blog
    *Giveaway* - Win a gorgeous piece of jewelry from Jeweliq

  15. I love your outfit!

    I follow you now!

    Could you follow me?

  16. oh my goodness this is so cute!
    I love the outfits...and I am really digging that hat girl!
    I love your blog, today was the first day I saw it and I will be back!
    p.s. I invite you to join "The beauty series" on my blog starting on August 15th. Nine posts long, it will feature guest posts, many pictures, and a giveaway.
    Have a great day!

  17. The second outfit is my favorite. You look adorable and so happy!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  18. Amazing photos!!! So pretty! <3

  19. love your style!!!!!

  20. hope you post again soon...can't wait to see more outfit pics =)
    p.s. don't forget to be a part of the beauty series on my blog, started today, august 15 and there will be a post every midnight for the next nine days about beauty and what makes you beautiful! Plus, a giveaway at the end ;)
    have a great day!!!

  21. Lovely outfits! Can't wait to see your next ones! By the way, I really like your other blog, the dog is perfectly cute! *.* :3
    I'm following you now. :D If you want, you can find me on:
    Lots of love! <3

  22. love all the outfits - you look adorable! i love you in hats - they look great on you

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  23. Aw lovely outfits, you are so pretty! Great blog and style! If you get a second, I'd love to hear your thoughts about my latest outfit :)

  24. cute outfits! you look charming!

  25. I love your personal style. Very cute and cool! Want to follow each other?
    xx, April


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