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MBFWR: Day 5.

It was a great yet a little sad at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia. Last day always feels that way. I loved the shows from the las days a lot as there was something very about each of them.
My first show of  day was a lovely and very laconic collection of Elena Tsokalenko. Ladies dressed in clothes with lack of patterns, mostly closed dresses gave a me a strong impression of Medieval in  general and Slavic Medieval clothes as well.
Lets start with amazing double wear look. (first photos are 1-2-3 stages)

Second show was the funniest that night. How could it possibly be the other way if this show was all about... Barbie. Yes, Dasha Gauser teamed up with Barbie to create awesome styles for ladies who wish to be Barbie. Or let us think about this doll again. I've never been a Barbie-doll fan when I was little but may be that's because I didn't have those stylish outfits?


The last show for me at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia was Rob-Art fashion show. The collection was all about patterns they were fabulous! Each piece was inspiried by photography work of designer and her own photos which made a base for patterns fro that show.

It was my last day at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia and I have to admit a huge joy and happiness I experienced there. I want to thank each and every person who made this amazing week real and esp. Artefact agency and amazing Inessa who worked with me.
If not taking about joy of fashion week I would like to tell you a secret: it's big work to do. Not only come to the shows, make photos (each and every photo was by my hands), build up your own opinion it's also a phot filtering (I made a little less then 1000 photos each day which included not only the runaway shows but also presentations of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia (I'll tell you about those fab designers as well but in the other post so stay tuned) and also a little work of shooting my own look). For my last day I wanted a comfy and easy outfit. I wanted to be able to breath the last day of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia s/s13. There is what I chose for that:

I was wearing:
Velvet top
Jeffrey Campbell shoes
H&M belt
Vero Moda bag
various mostly handmade  bracelets
Lego Han Solo watch


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I like how you layer your accessories. Very cool!

  2. Your photo-skills are growing up day by day!

  3. Lovely accessories!

  4. your earrings are SO cool! totally my cup of tea. and I like the classy bag as well.
    by the way, those last two collections look pretty awesome too!

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

  5. I love the Rob-Art collection! Your look is really cute..kinda etno-chic!

  6. Beautiful ethnic top. I like how you matched your eyeshadow with the top.

    Those little girls in the second show are adorable.

    Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

  7. Very interesting show!
    Nice outfit you're wearing!

  8. Thank you for the comment.

  9. Fabulous photos!!!!!!

  10. a lovely show-)))))
    you are beautiful-)))

  11. great show!!
    like your bag))
    Angela Donava

  12. Great look! Like your top indigo!!!!
    Have a good week!!!

  13. LEGO HAN SOLO WATCH :0!!! I want one too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    x, Lara

    1. yeap, I'm crazy about them too. best xmas present ever!

  14. amazing collections!!! you look lovely, lurv ur combo!!

  15. Nice shows ! I love your accessories ! I'm a big fan of gadgets like this one ! Katarzyna

  16. oh I love how the small girls dresses.

  17. OMG! How cool is that first dress :), sweet idea.

  18. Amazing post dear!
    You look gorgeous! Lovely blog!
    Following you on Bloglovin! Hope you'll follow me back! <3

  19. I really love your top!!! I'm following you too!!

  20. Love these collections and your outfit is very nice too. Your top is so pretty.

  21. Вы такая замечательная)) Ни на кого не похожи!!
    Очень интересный пост! И показ такой милый! Особенно девочка - маленькая принцесса!

  22. OMG how cute are those little girls!???

    Pearls & Paws

  23. Thank you for sharing with us! I know this is a huge amount of job, but it's worth it. I love the poncho/skirt and the barbie photos. What an experience!!

    1. so true about fashionshows! I loved that idea so much! fab

  24. I like the clothes from the Rob-art show the best! But the Barbie clothes were also cute!
    Love your denim jacket and brown bag!

  25. Lovely look & nice collection, my dear~!

    Kisses from Russia!


    ♥ GIVEAWAY on my blog!!! / Dress Love ♥

  26. I love your bag! :)

  27. wow amazing post!! thanks for your lovely comment, i follow you!!

  28. Glad you've been enjoying fashion week - and i love your satchel!
    Chic on the Cheap

  29. Hey, Lyosha! You posted so much lately, I'm sorry I've missed quite a few things! I like all of your outfis for the fashion week and generally your style because it's so different each time :) From the shows you showed my favourites were the last two, the Barbie one (esp. the red peplum dress with long skirt) and the printed clothes, I've been looking for something similar in a while.
    Have a nice week!

    1. hey!
      yeap, I'm forced to post more due to obligations (they gave me something good - I give a post). In fact I have so very much to post lately so I actually spent every spare minute on posting. That's partly why I wrote about my hard times this October. Ittotally worth it but theprice is time and many posts.
      You're amazing, Natalia!

  30. The first dress was so amazing didn't knew you could do that with it :) It was fun to watch

    Style Trends

  31. красивые коллекции. не холодно? :)


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