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Лучистые образы Наталии Гончаровой

A week ago I attended to a wonderful and very new event. I was invited to art gallery exhibition opening in Tropinin Museum. Tropinin  (wiki link if you want to know more) is a very famous Russian  painter mostly focused on portraits made around Pushkin age (he most famous Russian writer here, yes even more known than Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov). He is the most known to people close to me (I personally asked and showed images) is Pushkin portrait seen by all of Russian people in school. But the new exhibition was not dedicated to Tropinin but to Nataliya Goncharova (wiki link). I was very impressed with her story as I didn't know much about her art before and couldn't wait to see it. Needless to say I never regretted. The art was even better in person than in the internet (obvious effect of seeing actual painting) and it was wider than I ever wanted. The exhibition will be opened till October 17th. If you happen to be in Moscow or you live here make sure to check it.
 My outfit for the event is pretty simple. I wore a navy dress with red bag and beige/red shoes and a big statement bracelet. It was a little cold that day so I took a jacket with me also, it's also navy.

And here are the photos I took during the event:
 Violin sounds made the exhibition even more striking. 
 The opening talk.
And some of the art from the exhibition:

My very fave painting which is a costume sketch.

RU: Неделю назад я посетила замечательное и новое для меня событие. Я была приглашена на открытие выставки в музе Тропинина. Тропинин (wiki link если вам интересно узнать больше) знаменитый русский художник, рисовавший в основном портреты во времена Пушкина.  Его самая известная работа, по крайней мере среди моего окружения, - тот самый портет Пушкина из учебника литературы. Но выставка, открытие которой мне довелось посетить, посвящена не Тропинину, а Наталии Гончаровой (wiki link). Я была так впечатлена её историей, так как ранее я знала о ней не так много, что никак не могла дождаться открытия. И конечно же я не пожалела. Её работы в жизни оказались даже лучше, чем просто изображения в сети (очевидный эффект реального присутствия рядом с произведением искусства), а сама выставка оказалась больше, чем я могла ожидать. Выставка открыта до 17 октября. Если вам доведется оказаться в Москве в это время или живете в нашем замечательном городе, обязательно посетите эту выставку "Лучистые образы Наталии Гончаровой" 

I was wearing:
Uniqlo dress
Topshop bag
Marc by Marc Jacobs shoes
Gap jacket


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
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Here I show you an online dress store full of appealing dresses including bridal gowns and evening apparels.

Bridesmaid Dresses 2017


  1. Great post:) kiss

  2. Спасибо за хороший пост!

  3. I'm not familiar with the artist but his work is beautiful!
    Very envious of your lovely sun tan, too! x

  4. So lovely post.
    I love your dress.
    P.S Would you like to follow me back?

  5. So pretty... Interesting art.. Kisses

  6. So pretty... Interesting art.. Kisses

  7. So pretty... Interesting art.. Kisses


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