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Get me some Banggood watches

Recently my beloved smart watch died. As much as it is disappointing and not comfortable (I feel odd without watch) it's always great to have a fresh start. I'm not one of those people who has millions of watch practically because I tend to wear them 24/7 so changing is not my thing. Mostly I take my watch off only if my outfit forces me to which  is fairly very seldom. So Have to pick it carefully. Also I don't always look through only items I would really buy. For example I don't see myself without full turn sports smart watch. No heart rate monitor - no watch. But as much as I love functional side of watch I do appreciate style a lot as well. That's why I want to share with you a wishlist or a list of pretty watch I found on Banggood. Because after all why not.
The first option is the one I actually considered buying - it looks perfect for me and does everything I need watch to be doing and even a little more. Sounds like a dream? It actually is because the prices is very likable. he only reason why I didn't get them is because they are a little too big for me - no issue for most of people but my wrists are too tiny for unisex options.

But putting actual 'smart' watches aside there are tons of wonderful and very cheap watch options of Banggood. After all sometimes you forget to charge your smart watch and you feel like having some watches on your wrist. This is a very stylish alternative.
Classic ladies watch. I like the sparkles and bright colors (pink is not the only option).
I love men style watches. These are brutal enough but the size makes them unisex. I also like how the numbers are distributed here - so pretty!
Talking about watch display the other option is unique. Touch screen led watch. Perfect as a substitute for smart watch - I got used to actually touch the screen in order to see the time... even on regular watch. Oh and they are waterproof which is a huge pro for me.
The last but not least watch I loved. Regular, everyday and even a little sporty LED watch. They come in various colors and actually I might even get several of them is different colors to match any outfit I might think of. 

What do you think about watches? What d you think about Banggood? No matter what you want to tell me - drop me a line, I can't wait to read your thoughts.

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Beautiful watches:) I love the gold one:)

  2. I love this watches dear kiss

  3. Lovely watches!!!
    I have got new page of hats!!!
    Have a nice day!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  4. The led waterproof watch looks promising!
    And I also feel weird when I forgot to put on my watch when I'm going out

    The Sweetest Escape

  5. These look like great watches.

  6. Amazing selection, I need to see more watches!
    P.S Would you like to follow me back?

  7. Great selection of watches, I love black one!

  8. Interesting post! :-)

    I followed you on Google+ and GFC.

    Have a nice day

  9. Oh, I like the brown one a lot!


  10. These are all so stylish!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  11. You've shared a great variety of watches here! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  12. Amazing post!

  13. great review!
    xoxo Gina

    new post

  14. Excellent information on your blog, thank you for taking the time to share with us. Amazing insight you have on this, it’s nice to find a website that details so much information about different artists.
    Affordable Mens Watches

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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