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Russian Eco Week part 2

Ecological theme is key for well being for each person in our modern world. We should definitely think more about protecting our home not just for ourselves but for our kids and their future kids. Even though it is important to stay ecologically friendly through small everyday habits like choosing Eco-friendly products we should never forget about major ecological issues. While most of us can't do more about oil, I don't drive car, using mostly public transport and bicycle in my daily life and I do feel more people can do that as well it doesn't feel challenging or life changing. 

But we can change a lot when it goes for fashion. Think of it! Producing clothes is only a little better for environment than oil. That's crazy! That is why it is so important to support designers who think in ecologically friendly way. Today I want you to meet 3 Russian brands who do their best to do so.

Rasskazoff brand work with effort to make their production as eco as possible while making clothes for everyday use. No matter what you need you will find it within their styles. Above you can see my faves.

Natalia Gaidarji did not only present their collection totally working in eco way of life but also shown diversity in fashion. It was funny to listen to this fashion show as well as it had Russian folk music in modern way.

Final show of the day was by Artur Braje. This eco concept is interesting. While making his shows outstanding by super futuristic looks and use of odd materials (he says he uses duct type and stapler more often than needles) the catwalk styles are mere concepts of clothes you can make per request. Each style shown above is made of purely pre-used items.

My outfit is pretty basic but extra warm. As I had to make photos outside and watch three shows in a row I wanted to make sure I felt as warm as possible. So you see that's way I acyually am wearing more super warm items than I normally would. Even though I do spend a lot of time outside throughout a year I rare stand for hour and a half outside barely moving.
I was wearing:
c/o Marina Yachting beret
Calvin Klein jeans, bag
Irregular Choice shoes
Uniqlo coat
Earrings gifted by my parents


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Great post darling, so nice and interesting.
    Like it so much. Have a nice day!

    Follow you! Visit my blog and follow if you want!
    Visit me, Maleficent

  2. Love the beret!

  3. Great post.
    Have a happy and ecologically friendly week.
    Nancy :)

  4. What a great fashion show! I love the reasoning behind it too.

  5. I have to say that the eco concept is interesting. And the outfits are all stunning and unique. I love unique items.

  6. It is great that fashion designers and brands start to incorporate eco friendly fabrics and concept into their products. it helps to raise awareness and protect our beautiful planet!

  7. What some awesome looking outfits, it is so good that people are looking to include more eco friendly materials in fashion.

  8. These are some fabulous outfits! I love that they use eco friendly fabrics. So cool!

  9. Wow so many different outfits! It’s great that these brands are committed to reduce their carbon footprint. Fashion can be really taxing on the environment

  10. I try and be eco friendly too as well so it is lovely that you are spotlighting a brand that try and do more for the environment. They have some lovely pieces too x

  11. This is such a delightful post to read! I really enjoy the diversity of the fashion and it's so wearable!!

  12. As consumers we all need to be more proactive about protecting our environment. At every turn in my life I'm looking for ways to be more loving with the environment which includes buying eco-friendly products when they're available.

  13. wow what a fashion show. Loving all of the fashion and the cultural themes around it!

  14. What a fun experience! I'm glad eco-friendly fashion is trending, because our world is deteriorating at a fast pace and we need to support these environmentally friendly brands to help do our part

    Sondra xx

  15. I love the whole collection! She has such an eye for design! I loved the matching coats!

  16. If only our president wasn't a piece and could get on board. Interesting looks!

  17. Everybody looks posh and fabulous. Knowing that this is all beneficial and stylish makes me want to support it more.

  18. Such great outfits ideas. Love simple looks as well.

    - Dana Peller

  19. These are great fashion designs. My favorite has to be the design by Rasskazoff brand. I like the retro look.

  20. Wow, such a memorable and fun experience you had! The designs are so nice plus what I love is that it is eco friendly! - Anosa Malanga

  21. Such interesting designs and combinations. I bet it was quite an experience.

  22. Wow! Who knew that there were actual people making eco-friendly clothing? While I'm not extremely focused on this area, I am thankful for people like you who are keeping an eye on this part of the world for us. Keep it up!


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