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Cozy Rosegal top at home

Nobody needs vacation more than a person just got back from it. That's so true. I've just got back from magic trip to Dubai and I had a blast there. Unfortunately just everything good or bad it came to an end. I am back home and getting ready for holiday season and numerous family birthdays. It is also not that welcoming outside as it started snowing. Everything looks very pretty and white which is making me feel happy but also making me feel like more of homebody from time to time. And at home there are tons of things to do. Enjoy some family cooking, read a good book, hang out with friends and dogs or feel guilty and watch Netflix until you're bored (or at least make an experiment and try to find out if it is humanly possible to get bored with Netflix around). To do so I always go for pretty and comfy clothes. This top definitely matches the needs however to tell the truth I don't wear it at home often keeping it for gym purposes. But it looks so pretty I simply couldn't help but post it. Also it is generous cooperation outcome. Yes I was so fortunate to get this pretty little thing from Rosegal to wear and be happy.

Rosegal is one of my favorite online shops ever providing the wide range of clothes from activewear and everyday items to beautiful event acceptable dresses as well items for home and big men section. Practically you name it Rosegal has it all. I also recommend it for your last minute holiday shopping as your parcel will still be in time for holidays. Also don't forget to check Rosegal activewear as I am super happy with my top. Unfortunately it is out of stock but I am sure you will find a lot of gorgeous items with same superb quality.

I was wearing:
Calvin Klein jeans
c/o Rosegal top


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. You had me with this line "Nobody needs vacation more than a person just got back from it." This is so real! Haha. I'm sure you'll tackle everything you have to get done while looking cute! Love the top.

  2. I second your opinion that a person just returned from vacation generally feels more prone to have it again...I also liked your top and you are looking amazingly stylish in all of the pics here...

  3. I am already on a vacation and your statement is already taking me to think once my holiday will be over I would need another one. Love your top but it is already freezing these days.

  4. I love that top! It's so cute :) And yes - I feel you. In September, we went to Disney for a week (and we got trapped by Hurricane Irma) and then came back and drove almost 24 hours to Missouri the following week. I definitely needed a vacation after all that "vacationing."

  5. oh i also discovered Rosegal some time ago and talk about it on my blog every now and then! I am actually expecting some items I ordered :)


  6. I am not familiar with this brand, so definitely something to consider. ps. you look very cozy!

  7. Cute top Lyosha. Love the bright happy colors, it's probably just what you need when it's cold and miserable outside

  8. I blame Netflix as well for taking away time in which I could do something productive, haha. I like your top, the design and the colors are very pretty.

  9. Love the top! You're so right about needing a vacation from your vacation, lol! I try to schedule a day of rest when going on vacation to get myself back in the swing of things for the regular week.

  10. It looks so comfortable and stylish...this brand is new to me but i will definitely check out the complete collection..

  11. I agree with you. After coming back from vacation this year, I was looking forward to 1 or 2 more such vacations. 😄

  12. I couldn't agree with you more ... I myself have just returned from Peru and I will feel I need to go lie on a beach to recover from my vacation :D


  13. That is a very beautiful top and I love it paired with the jeans. Your lovely window seat also looks really beautiful aswell as the snow outside. Thats the best of both worlds, being warm and cosy while admiring the snow! I've had that feeling too after vacations, I always feel like they go too fast.

  14. Oh I completely agree! There's something so sad about returning from a trip to the mundane life, haha. Although it just gives an excuse to get planning our next trip really!

  15. lol yeah I always feel like I need a vacation from my vacation. that top looks so perfect for you. the colors are so vibrant and fun

  16. The top is so cute, I have heard about this brand but didn't teied anything feom them yet. I like the details on the top and the style suits you so well. And couldn't agree more about the vacation quote/line 👍:-)

  17. Oh, I love Rosegal! I just received a parcel with this gorgeous red dress and I will definitely be shopping there again. Love your top!! xo

  18. I’m not very familiar with Rosegal & didn’t know they had activewear. This is a cute top & looks comfortable!

  19. Love the Rosegal top and I have not heard of them before. the colours look vibrant and right up my street style x

  20. The pictures of you by the window drink tea? Coffee? Just put me in a cosy mood. It's funny how much toll a holiday can have. Luckily it's the good kind of tired filled with memories.

  21. You are enjoying your different mode of relaxation after having fun vacation. This is needed too. Getting lost in cherished memories of your trip equally makes you smile.

  22. I hear that! You always need a vacation from a vacation. I have never heard of Rosegal before but you sure look comfy in it! You look so relaxed!

  23. You look beautiful in your rosegal top and it looks so stylish and cozy when it worn. Where did you buy it???

  24. The top looks really beautiful, too bad it's out of stock. I will check out their other active wears. I need a vacation badly though, I just wish I can have one right now!

  25. Every time I come back from a trip I need a second holiday to relax haha! Exactly as you said!

    Btw It's first time I heard about this brand!

  26. Currently planning my vacation loving your tip it’s really pretty

  27. I always need a vacation from my vacation lol! I have never heard of rosegal

  28. That top is lovely! I am about to go on vacation and I already can't wait for the next one!


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