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Bye-bye Winter!

Oh I wish it was warmer now. facebook reminds me of fine weather before it is painful. We still have a lot of snow. On the bright side some sun been spotted. I have to say this winter wasn't easy for me go live through, I missed sun a lot. On the bright side there was a lot of snow. It's not a benefit on the other. But it was beautiful. I am making a very snowy post to celebrate the end of Winter. Calendar at least. In hopes for Spring!

By the way do you like my beanie? I am obsessed with these cute ears!
The post isn't complete without beatiful yet cold snowy nature shots

I was wearing:
Monki coat
not branded beanie
Jil Sander boots
Oyosho sweater

Have a nice day,

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  1. Aww you look super cute! Spring has almost arrived down here in Texas!

  2. Winter wonderland! You look so adorable and lovely Lyosha, I'm in love with the beanie as well! xo

  3. OMG!!!! I am totally loving your coat!!!! It's pouring rain in Rome, we also had a snowstorm which for us is really unusual!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  4. I do love your beanie. It's so cute and cozy! I am ready for warm weather, that's for sure.

  5. I am definitely missing the warm weather as well. But at least the snow looks wonderful in your pictures!

  6. We are totally opposite. I live in Florida, and I totally wished that we had a real winter. I live for the cold days that we do have.

  7. I am so glad spring is around the corner! I hate being cold in the winter! I try not to go outside haha.

  8. What stunning photos! We had no snow here, I was a little sad about that as everyone else did! I cant wait for spring though!

  9. what a lovely coat! you look great.

    Here we had a bit of snow, but it is already long gone.

  10. I do love your beanie, we had a bit of snow last week here but went as quickly as it came x

  11. While I am very excited for warmer weather, down here in Florida it tends to get very hot very fast! I am not looking forward to all the humidity yet lol

  12. I'm very jealous lol. i never got to see snow here in Okinawa. pooh lol

  13. These photos are amazing! Love so much your Winter outfit!

  14. I love these photos! Although I feel like here in England we probably aren't over winter.. like ever ahha

  15. Your coat is so cute, I love the length. Winter will be on it's way in not time. It's finally clearing here, and the sun is out. But, I'll wait until it's officially spring till I know winter is properly gone! x

  16. Love the hat - the ears really give it just the right personality to set the rest of the outfit off! Glad to see you're enjoying the snow - roll on summer though!

  17. Growing up in a place where there's only the summer and rainy season, adjusting to the cold of the winter was tough! Now I've gotten used to it but that doesn't mean I'm not secretly praying for Spring to come by sooner.

  18. Your beanie is too cute Lyosha! I love the cat ears! Your coat is also so fab and functional!

  19. Cute outfit! I'm so going to miss the snow once its gone! There have been so many great photos all over FB this year from all the snow across the country!

  20. Красивые зимние фото! Очень понравилось пальто, идеальный крой и принт в клетки. Крутой образ.

  21. Luckily I live in California so no snow for me! I love your outfit

  22. Winter is gone and I didn't see any snow this year. That's just sad since I love snow and the winter is my favorite season!

  23. in texas i dont have to worry too much about snow. its practically spring for us already! but the snow looks so gorgeous!

    1. Right? I'm in New Mexico, so I'm in the same boat. It's like 70 degrees here daily. But I definitely miss the snow, that for sure :)

  24. Girl I love your beanie! I’m a sucker for beanies! I love how beautiful the snow looks there! Winter makes for pretty pictures, but I can’t stand the cold!

  25. That jacket is so dang cute! I love the color scheme, so classic :)

  26. Such a beautiful winter wonderland! You look so great! I love snow days!

  27. Beautiful landscape and view. The coat looks warm and inviting like something my mom would buy me to wear.

  28. Wow!! super amazing pictures:) That coat is superb.
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  29. Such nice photos you had a wonderful winter wonderland. You coat is amazing love the colors.

  30. You look super warm in that coat even though you are clearly in a winter wonderland haha. I say, Roll on summer though...x

  31. These are some really lovely shots of the snow! I do like the snow and think it looks really pretty, but it can get annoying sometimes and dangerous too! Can't wait for warmer weather x

  32. That coat reminds me of vintage. I adore it! And I am SO SO SO ready for spring. I'm tired of cold - and we are supposed to get snow Sunday. Ug! :(

  33. Summers are here in India. Though we dont have winters in this part of the country. Sending a lot of sunshine your way

  34. I am so ready for summer as well. It's not snowing down here in the south though...thank god!!!

  35. That looks like such a comfortable coat! I love all that snow. I don't have any snow where I am.

  36. Your beanie is super cute, as is your coat! We had a pretty snowy winter this year in NC, and I am sooo ready for spring, flowers, and warmer weather!

  37. Absolutely loving the coat. Wish I had something like that last week when we had that awful weather, the snow was so bad!

  38. Some really lovely pictures here. We've had yet another downfall of snow, it is beautiful.


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