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MBFWRussia, day 2. Kids fashion. L'Erede.

ENG: There is no secret I love kid's fashion. It's adorable and super cute. And I can't lie - everything looks great on kids. That's why I simply couldn't miss kids fashion on Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia. I don't actually have many words because it's adorable. I wonder why not most of kids clothes is not like this. Perfectly wearable, not too childish and not too adult. I easily see my niece super excited over any of those looks.
Русский перевод под изображением

RU: Ни для кого не секрет, что я люблю детскую моду. Она очаровательная и супер миленькая! И тут невозможно солгать - на детях всё смотрится отлично. Именно поэтому я не могла пропустить тематическую детскую секцию на Mercedes Benz fashion Week Russia.  Если честно, у меня не так много комментариев, уж слишком этот показ был очаровательным! И почему вся детская одежда не такая, как эта! Прекрасная в ежедневной носке, не сликом "детские", не слишком взрослые. Я уверена, моя племянница была бы в восторге, примерь она любой из этих нарядов!

ENG: To match the theme I have chosen a 'childish' outfit with jumpsuit, funny baseball cap and adorable unicorn from Rosegal. Did I match the kids theme?
RU: Чтобы соответствовать мероприятию я выбрала несколько "детский образ". Комбенизон, смешная бейсболка и милый, но немного странный единорог от Rosegal. Попала ли я в образ?


Have a nice day,

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  1. I love kids fashion too. That purple number is very cute.

  2. My daughter would love that hot pink and purple dress! These dresses and outfits are all adorable!

  3. I am sorry but I disagree. The only two outfits that didn't look "too adult" were the green and pink dress and the red sweater. Your outfit looked far more appropriate for a kid. Some of them might be fine for special events but the two I mentioned are the only ones I would consider buying for my kids.

  4. So cute! Awee *-* Interesting!
    So lovely post darling, like it!

    Visit my blog, Malefica

  5. My weakness has to be kids' shoes...I know when I have kids I won't be able to walk by the section without buying a pair! This fashion show looks amazing though, the colors are stunning :)

  6. I have never seen a kids fashion show before. So interesting!

  7. This is so cute! We are actually going to a kids fashion show in a few weeks and I am excited. I wish those clothes could fit me lol

  8. I wouldn't have thought that they have a kids fashion show. I love your overalls, I'm glad that they are coming back.

  9. This is amazing, kids look so adorable with those frocks, loved the purple dress the most. Great way that they have carried on the ramp.

  10. I have a 6 yr old daughter and I loved to dress her up sometimes! The kids looks so adorable! Love your outfit too! :)

  11. This fashion show looks incredible! The kids must have loved it, I know I would have. Seriously some of these kids are more fashionable than me! I recently wrote a fashion article as well, check it out!

  12. Awww, This is the cutest fashion show. I've seen all my life. The kids are so lovely.

  13. These kids looks so lovely on the runway!Kids fashion is indeed super cool! I'd really love to attend a kid's fashion show too someday!

  14. Awww soo cute! Those kids must have loved being on stage. I would have been far too shy at that age, they must be so brave!

  15. Aww.. so cute I would love to watch! those cute models in their stunning little fabric, I really enjoy kids fashion too.. brings out the child and more imaginative me.

  16. I love the outfits and the kids looks so cute.

  17. Wow, these kids really owned the runway! Love the dresses, they all look stunning and wearable. :)

  18. Honestly, I don;t quite get that...but I suppose a sense of style should be developed from early childhood, I can agree with that...

  19. I couldn't agree more. When my daughter was little, it was so hard to resist all of the cute clothes. It would have been fun to go to this event to see all of the new styles and it looks like the kids carried themselves to well! I especially love the white dress with the pretty flowered shall. x

  20. How fun would attending a kids fashion show be!? Thanks for taking us along your journey. As the mother of a young boy, I love seeing stylish options for little guys. That green jacket was quite dapper.

  21. Some of these kids clothing items are so cute! The little teal dress with the different colour underskirt is just lovely!

  22. aw this is too cute! I bet a kid's fashion show is just adorable!

  23. Kids outfits look so amazing, they are all cute and the whole look is adorable. I like Kids Fashion, they have to look cute and stylish at the same time.

  24. The kids are so adorable in their outfits. I love seeing them walk the runway. So so cute!! :)

  25. I saw a beautiful dress, some lovely dresses and some cute children's clothing. I have to say your outfit was much more child like than the rest, they were more dress up.

  26. I like some of the outfits here. My daughter is almost 5 and she would love them too. Some look too grown up though.

  27. Wow. These kids fashion are so cute. You look cute too with your jumpsuit. I love it!

  28. Those are adorable outfits for kids. And I agree, not too adult and not too kid either. I can see why you love kids fashion.

  29. Kids fashion is so good these days! It has definitely evolved a lot since I was growing up. I'm currently pregnant with a girl and can't wait to dress her in cute clothes!

  30. Oh, lovely kids and you, too!!
    That pink cap is so cute and cool!
    Have a great weekend, Lyosha <3


  31. Love the kids' outfits. I especially like the first purle dress with a lace top and the breezy, flowing white dress with embroidery. My daughters love fashion so much! They are little fashionistas and love photo opps!


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