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MBFWRussia, day 4

ENG: One more day to be covered on my blog! It was the day I looked forward to. There was a fashion show by Nikolay Legenda. I closely follow the brand for the last two years and I like more and more each season. I do love the direction the designer is moving.  Second show I got to see that day was by Snezhana NYC. I looked through her designs in PopUpStore while waiting for fashion shows and was super excited what she will come up with. More excitement as it was collaboration with NVIDIA, the computer brand I put a lot of trust into.
RU: Ещё один день в моеём блоге. Честно признаться, я очень ждала этого дня. Это был показ дизайнера Николай Легенда. Это марка, за которой  наблюда. в течении последних двух лет, и каждый сезон влюбляюсь в неё всё больше и больше.Мне очень импонирует вектор развития дизайнера. Вторым/другим показом этого дня был показ SnezhanaNYC. Я видела коллекцию дизайнера в PopUpStore в рамках Недели, пока ждала другие шоу, поэтому была в приятном ожидании её показа тоже. Дополнительный эффект давал тот факт, что это коллаборация с NVIDIA, компьютерная марка, в которую я очень верю.
ENG: The first show by time was one by Snezhana NYC. It is so wearable and chic. I'd say it's my perfect clothes for brunches and hanging out with friends. Black and green mix did leave a mark on my heart. Very nice men options, most of them made my husband want to shop. Extra bonuses for the most beautiful model cast I have ever personally seen.
RU: Первый хронологически показ - Snezhana NYC. Любую вещь из коллекции можно легко надеть и оправится куда угодно. На мой вкус, идеальная униформа для бранчей и приятного времяприпровождения с друзьями. Сочетания черного и зеленого пришлось мне очень по душе. Хочется так же отметить и мужские модели, большую часть их них мой супруг захотел купить. Дополнительный бонус за безумно красивых моделей, отобранных для показа.

ENG: Nikolay Legenda as I have already mentioned before is evolving to a direction I really like. So many fantastic items, great prints and patterns. Everything is wearable for many occasions! It is the only fashion show this season made desperate to wear men styles myself (which is not possible because I am petite).
RU: Николай Легенда, как я уже отмечала развивается в сторону, которая мне очень по душе. так много фантастических дизайнов, потрясающих принтов и паттернов. Всю одежду можно легко носить куда угодно! К слову, это был единственный показ в этом сезоне, где мне безумно захотелось примерить мужские модели на себя (как жаль, что мои более чем скромные габариты не позволяют даже подумать об этом).

ENG: As for outfit.. photos are not showing the best part of it! Actually my bra had small goldish rounds which sparkle as I move giving a snake skin effect. So beautiful. Jacket and pants are pretty nice too. I wore my pants opened so you could see some extra flesh (more and more!).
RU: Мой образ... Если честно, фотографии не показывают его лучшую часть! На моём спортивном топе есть золотистые кружочки, которые при движении производят эффект кожи змеи. Так красиво. Мой пиджак и штаны тоже классные. Я открыла клепки внизу моих штанин, так, что при ходьбе мои ноги оголялись до колен, показывая ещё немного кожи (ещё и ещё, да).

I was wearing:
Love Moschino bag
Monki pants
c/o Bornpretty accessories
Nike top
Motivi jacket


Have a nice day,

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  1. Cool outfits, I especially like the one you're wearing with the Nike top. looks like something I would wear. thanks for sharing!

  2. This is a really cool series you're doing. I had no idea that Russia was so fashion forward. Very cool!

  3. I've never been to a real designer fashion show. But I've never been into fashion until recently, so I may have to find one in the area.

  4. I like your outfit, I also like the black & green

  5. What a cool experience! I've never been to a fashion show like this with such bold designs.

  6. I like how everything is "futuristic " in fashion! It looks so fun and I feel like we should be in space!

  7. Oh wow, those designs are so bold! And I LOVE what you wore. Those pants are fabulous!

  8. That lookslike su h an awesomecollection

  9. Love all of the textures that are used in all of these pieces. And that vibrant green piece, to die for! Thanks for sharing!

  10. It is my dream to go to a fashion show one day - but at least in the meantime I can live vicariously through you :)

  11. Thanks for this blog that i see some of the fashion that look so nice and pretty ., as your outfit you look so great on it., i like your style and look.

  12. I have never been to a fashion show, but it sounds like an exciting experience! These are pretty cool, bold designs.

  13. Fashion is so interesting. Designers can make their outfits to look like anything they want! The colors and textures can be so unique.

  14. You look stunning in those trousers with cropped top!

  15. Woow those outfits were amazing ! And yours too!

  16. Your outfit was so savage! Love it girl! and the outfits in the show were all bomb! Great show! I can tell!

  17. You look fantastic in this outfit!
    Great show as well.

  18. cool outfits! sporty and chic at the same time, just like what you wore. i also love the pops of color. nice collection.

  19. I have never tried to watch any big fashion show event like this and it looks really a great one to watch and I love those collections all are so beautiful.

  20. These are pretty cool outfits. I also love what you are wearing!

  21. So many unique looks here! Confidence looks to be the key since they all make it look so effortlessly fashionable

  22. The Nikolay Legenda collection looks absolutely fantastic! What a great day you had - looks like a lot of fun!

  23. I think this has been my favorite day so far. Everyone looks so fresh and modern.

  24. This looks like a fabulous show! I love pantsuits and men's styles on women.

  25. Fashion shows are always a nice event to attend. Although I feel these clothes would not be something you'd usually wear everyday, but the designs are just fantastic.

  26. Everything looks so fabulous! I especially love the Moschino bag that you have!

  27. The collection looks amazing. But I must say that I love your outfit.

  28. I have been followi.g your cover with this awesome fashion show since then. I really love the futuristic fabulous collection.

  29. I have to be honest here. I have never been to a fashion show, like never! It does look like a really nice event to witness. The designers are really talented!

  30. Lovely outfit, I like how you paired a sports bra with a chic pair of trousers!

  31. Love their outfits!! so cool and fashionable. The collection looks awesome.

  32. What a great experience and cool outfits to wear as well! Good job!

  33. I am not really a fashionista but I did enjoy seeing some of her designs in the runway. Very interesting take.

  34. Wow, that's cool that you got to go to a fashion show! How fun. It's always interesting to see all the unique styles.

  35. I am so loving your look here, and your abs, girl! I'm a big fan of abs, and you're rocking them! You must be having so much fun covering these shows!

  36. What a great experience! I would love to go to a fashion show!

  37. Actually among all the other designer outfits, I love the ones that you are wearing. It looks so chic and modern. You have a great sense of style. And a good coverage of the show as well.

  38. Wow! This looks like a great show. It has been a while since I watched a live one. By the way, love your style. It's chic, comfortable and very modern.

  39. Very cool outfits, there are some things that I can wear too. I believe that I can follow this designer from now on.

  40. Some great looks here, bet this is so much fun to attend!

  41. I have never been in any fashion show even and it sounds really a lot of fun being there.


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