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MFW day 1

ENG: Moscow Fashion Week is always a little special to me. It's not that major yet I love it. I am always a bit excited about attending it. This season is no exception. It started on Wednesday and it was charming.First day was mostly Anastasia Kuchugova fashion show. Romantic and feminine a little retro collection featuring fantastic straw hats.
RU: Неделя Моды в Москве всегда особенная для меня. Она не такая большая, но я очень её люблю. Всегда рада посетить её. И этот сезон не исключение. Сама неделя началась для меня в среду, и это начало было очаровательным для меня. Первый день для меня во многом день показа Анастасии Кучуговой. Романтичная и женственная, немного ретро коллекция, включившая в себя прекрасные соломенные шляпки, которые надолго оставили след в моё сердце.

ENG: But this day was also marked by shows by Alena Nega and her wonderful red and grey gowns. Magical flow of skirts, too adorable!
RU: Однако, день начался для меня с показа талантливой Алёны Неги и её прекрасного красно-серого показа вечерних нарядов. Ткань просто завораживала своим полётом

ENG: And here are wonders of Anastasia Kuchugova designs. I want to mention wonderful coats, and the ability to play with pop of colors:
RU:  А вот и описанные ранее пркрасные создания Анастасии Кучуговой. Хотела бы отметить так же очаровательные пальто, представленные в коллекции, а так же умелые сочетания сложных цветов.

ENG: As for my outfit I went all fall like. I do like earthy red-brown-orange shades for fall. This outfit is basically all about it. And this velvet Monki perfect pants. I mean it, I was waiting for them for so long!
RU: Что же до моего образа, то он полностью осенний. Я обожаю коричнево-красно-оранжевую палитру цветов, традиционно связываему с этим сезоном. И эти прекрасные вельветовые штаны от Monki. Они просто идеальные. Честно, я так долго ждала встречи с ними!

I was wearing:
Arny Praht backpack
Uniqlo top
Monki pants
Nero Garibaldi pumps
c/o Twinkledeals hat


Have a nice day,

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  1. All of the looks on the runway are fabulous but I think what you wore is even better! You look stunning.

  2. Those red dresses are just so stunning. The fabrics they used are just beautiful! :)

  3. Great content! It blows me away to know about all the different types of fashion around the world, keep it up!

  4. I'm loving every look and yours, too :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  5. Some really stunning items. I particularly love Anastasia Kuchugova's designs.

  6. Such gorgeous designs! And absolutely adore the colour combo you're wearing!!

  7. Those red gowns are amazing. I can imagine the entrance buzz they would create.

  8. Moscow fashion week sounds like a great event. The looks on the runway look amazing. You looked beautiful as well.

  9. Pretty awesome show!! I relly really like anthing high waisted and flowy. So comfortable and stylish

  10. This looked really incredible. I love your outfit, gorgeous x

  11. These all looks awesome. Those red gowns are amazing. You looked beautiful as well.

  12. Love the Anastasia Kuchugova designs! Those red gowns look great too!

  13. Love your outfit! I also love those Ivory colored dresses!

  14. У тебя очень стильный образ получился!

  15. There really is so much to like in Anastasia's collection. I love what you wore to the show. Enjoy the new week dear. <3 /M

  16. Amazing creations and I love your outfit!
    Kisses, Paola.


  17. First of all, you are so pretty with your outfit and I can say that this Moscow Fashion show is a great event to witness.

  18. This sounds like a fabulous event to attend! LOVE your outfit!

  19. Wow, absolutely amazing this fashion!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  20. Love the rust tones in your outfit! So perfect for autumn and you look great! looks like a fun fashion show to attend :)

    Hope that you are having a good week so far :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  21. I really love this kind of event and your outfit was look fabulous

  22. There was definitely some great outfits in the show. I love all of the rides that was shown

  23. This must be so exciting and fun. To be in the centre of all that activity knowing you are see the beginning of new trends as they are released. Congrats

  24. That is a lovely fall look! And wow Moscow FW must be quite an event! How lucky for you to see these shows in person!

  25. I like the collection presented. They are so feminine and modern.

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