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Swimsuits, yay!

Summer has ended and alas the water season. I have spent so very much time on a boat this summer and it was so cool! I honestly thing getting a license for a boat probably been my best decision this year. That and half marathon. Last week my family celebrated my husband getting license too. It was most likely our last day sailing in Moscow canal and river this season.
But boat aside this season also marked my heavy usage of swimsuits. Not exactly a beach soul I never had a lot of swimsuits mostly having just one sport for gym and other smaller with open belly for a beach. This year I got some new because basically I got tired of my old one. But now I understand I got it because now I have a reason to wear new swimsuit. I do hope I'll get myself a fancy new one next season.
For today's post to brighten up your Monday I want to show you my swimsuits collection. All of the photos taken while been on a boat, yay!

I was wearing:

Have a nice day,

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  1. What beautiful photos! I love the colourful swimsuits. I bet you had a fantastic time on the boat :)

  2. The swim suits are amazing and you look lovely. Really pretty pictures.

  3. I beat you had the best time of all taking those pictures, you look so happy and, all the scenere is perfect.

  4. Those are really cool suits. I love the old school vibe of that high-waisted one.

  5. Those are fun swimsuits! We loved boating when we were younger. Now we are more into sailing.

  6. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

  7. Very cute swimsuits. The yellow one looks especially good on you!


  8. I love them all !!! Love the colors and pics !

  9. You look fab in those swimsuits, I love them all!
    Kisses, Paola.


  10. I love that you got to be on the boat. We didn't get outside as much as we wanted. A bit hard with a 2 year old. I hope you have an amazing winter.

  11. I do love that yellow high wasted bikini. The colours are so bright and happy.

  12. I love these swimsuits and they all look great on you! I'll be going to the beach soon and wish I had something so amazing to wear, or that it would look half as good!

  13. these are super cute swimsuits! I love the yellow high waisted one, it flatters you!

  14. We are blessed to live in Florida, boating season is year round. By the way I love your swimsuit!

  15. Those are really stunning photos and I do love those styles of a swimsuits they are all beautiful.

  16. I don't wear swimsuit but those are really beautiful and I am sure my nieces would love to see this, I will share this with them.

  17. Lovely swimsuits! Too bad we're going into autumn and winter now...

  18. Omg, this yellow floral bikini is my absolute FAVORITE! This is sooo my style.

  19. They're so fun! I think I like the first one the most! I like that you tried a couple of different styles because I feel like the styles can vary SO much from person to person. I am bummed to admit that the high-waisted ones aren't flattering for me but I'm so in love with the old school design of them! They ALL look awesome on you!

  20. Beautiful photos and beautiful swimsuits. And well done for your license. It looks like fun

  21. I love those swimsuits, especially the high waisted one! That is so adorable, I can't wait until summer rolls around again. It's going to be a long fall/winter with these in mind

  22. That looks like a fun day out on the boat. I'd have to say the high waisted bikini is my favorite!

  23. I need to get some more swimwear as I am going on holiday next year and don't have a lot of swimwear. But it's not the best time of the year to buy them now in the UK x

  24. Oh I love these! I thought my summer was over but I am off to Tenerife in 10 days and need more swim wear!

  25. There are so many cute swimsuits here. I really like the yellow one its gorgeous!

  26. I love all of these swimsuits, but the yellow is my favorite! While I'm sad to see summer go, I'm so excited it's fall. 🎃

  27. Looks like a lot of fun! I think the yellow and red bathing suit is my favorite .

  28. I love them all. You look so amazing in them
    Did you take all the pictures of the same day?

    1. no I took photos throughout the season. There are August-September.

  29. These are some very colorful and cool looking swimsuits. I love the yellow and red print.

  30. Nice collection of swimsuits. It's nice to have a variety of suits to wear!

  31. I am loving your swimsuits here. They are super colourful. You are making me miss summer now.

  32. Oh my goodness you look so amazing in all of these swimsuits! I love the variety!

  33. These swimsuits are amazing and you look absolutely stunning. It appears you had a very good time. Oh how I miss summer. Thank you for sharing!

  34. I love all your swimsuits! I also noticed last summer that I haven't got a new swimsuit in the past 6 years and got 3 new this summer, lol

    1. that is so me! Same situation I bet a lot of people can relate to this

  35. I am not much of a beach person myself but got a couple this year. Love your collection!

  36. Growing up I have always loved swimsuits and would be ready to go to the beach. However, since having a baby I havent lost all my pregnancy wait so I'm way to nervous to get right back into it. But it would be nice . Great post!

  37. I love these swimsuits because they are so colorful and looks amazing . you look so pretty and cool in these swimsuits.
    xo Corina

  38. You are really skinny! But I love your confidence! The yellow swimsuit is my favourite! Yay~

    1. it takes a lot of courage to wear swimsuit to me too, you know there are tons of negativity towards skinny people like me as if we shouldn't take any body as normal.
      As for confidence by the way, there is a lot more of it when you are on the boat. Practically nobody but your people actually see you. I'm normally with friends or family on a boat.

  39. Congrats on your boat license. Happy you are loving your swimsuit collection. Continue enjoying yourself and living your best life!

  40. All of these swimsuits look fantastic on you. So cool you got to spend so much time on the boat. I used to spend a lot of time boating when I was younger.

  41. So handsome! Looks like you are having fun! Keep on the good work.

  42. You are so cute in those swimsuits!!
    I have seen some of them on your instagram, but big pictures are more lovely <3


  43. This post makes me miss summer. Cute swimwear x


  44. Well, the swimsuits look awesome on you, but I could never wear any of those. I would enjoy going on a boat, though!


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