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MFW, day 1

ENG: 25th season of Moscow Fashion Week started brightly.The theme of the season is Renovation. I have to say the fashion week looks better, refreshed, renovated a bit. I am happy to take part in it and share my experience with you.
RU:  25 сезон Недели Моды в Москве начался ярко. Темой нового юбилейного сезона была выбрана Реновация (Renovation). Должна признать, Неделя и правда выглядит лучше, свежее, в целом обновленной. Я рада, что в этом сезоне я так же принимаю в ней участие и разделяю мой опыт с вами.
ENG: It started last season but I totally missed so it is also something new for me. Street Style podium. It is located in the lobby and does not require invitation (so if you are in Moscow and interested it is your chance to experience Moscow Fashion Week). I find it interesting that renovated 25th season started with (unofficially though) on Street Style Podium. First show was from Todes Wear (Todes Ballet Group is famous Russian dancing group), clothes inspired by dances and second closely followed by jewelry Fashion Show by Kabarovsky, luxury jewelry brand. I offer you simply enjoy both collections here:

RU:  Вообще, это не совсем нововведение, однако в прошлом сезоне (когда этот подиум дебютировал) я его полностью пропустила. Это подиум уличной моды, Street Style Podium. Он расположен в лобби, а показы на нём не требуют отдельного приглашения (так что если вы сейчас в Москве у вас есть возможность приобщиться). Интересно, что обновленная неделя моды пусть и не официально, но началась именно на этом подиуме. Первым показом был показ Todes Wear (от Шоу-балета Тодес), одежда, вдохновленная танцем; вторым был особый показ от марки ювелирных украшений Karabovsky. Я же предлагаю вам просто насладиться фотографиями показов:

ENG:My outfit. Most of my posts have focus on that part. This one is not different. My outfit is pretty basic, casual and comfortable. I have chosen jeans/jacket combo, nothing special. However there is something new and exciting about this outfit: my new glasses. I received it several hours before and couldn't wait to try them on. Shortly: splendid! These are my second from Glassesshop and I couldn't be more pleased! So comfortable and chic. I will make a proper review a little later on but so far I offer you to enjoy the looks.
RU: Мой образ. Большая часть моих публикация в той или иной степени сконцетрирована на этом. Мой образ сегодня довольно базовый, повседневный и удобрый. Я выбрала простое сочетания пиджака и джинсов, ничего необычного. Однако, и в этом образе притаилась интересная деталь: мои новые очки. Я их получила всего за несколько часов до показа и не могла откладывать их примерку и первый выход в люди. Если коротко: они классные! Это уже вторая моя пара из магазина Glassesshop, и я не могу на них нарадоваться! Такие удобные и стильные. Я делаю подробный разбор этой пары чуть позже, а пока просто продемострирую вам их внешний вид.

I was wearing:
Nike boots
c/o Glassesshop glasses
Monki jacket
Karen Millen top
Calvin Klein jeans
Alba bag


Have a nice day,

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  1. This looks like such a fun week! I'm loving seeing the different styles here!

  2. That show has a really awesome energy about it. I can almost feel it just looking at the photos.

  3. I love your casual styled that blazer so well, it looks great worn with jeans and sneakers....and thank you for sharing Moscow fashion week with us.

  4. I love how vibrant and bold these styles are! And what you wore is so stunning. Love that blazer!

  5. Super love the styles, they are so different so colorful, really like them. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Congrats for getting chance of sharing your style :) These are colors are vibrant and kids are doing it so well.

  7. You are always going to so many great shows! What a fun job to have.

  8. I am loving your glasses! They look super cute on you. And that event looks so fun. Everyone looks so energetic and vibrant.

  9. So lucky to attend that great show! I love your style too. Thank you for sharing:)

    Please visit my new post:

  10. I had no idea Moscow also did a fashion week, but I love the unique street styles the shows featured.

  11. Got to be honest, I never knew that Moscow has a fashion week. I do love the bright colours of the first set of photos and the daring design of the black dress.

  12. I love those different and beautiful styles of an outfit and that fashion week looks like a lot of fun!

  13. Cute glasses! They really go well with anything you want to wear!

  14. Loving your casual and comfortable outfit, you look super smart too! MFW looks like a lot of fun.

  15. It's great that this show is free and if you are around Moscow you can pop in to see the new trends for free. I also like the variety of outfits in the show.

  16. It looks like a lot of fun I have never been to a fashion show before

  17. I liked the flamboyant photos. I didn't know about this fashion week. It seemed like a lot fun.

  18. What an exciting show! The electricity must have been at its peak! I can tell there was an incredible vibe.

  19. Thanks for sharing about this show. It looks awesome.

  20. Out of all the pictures I like yours. I love outfit here. You look great.

  21. I am really loving your pictures. They all look great. Thanks for sharing this experience with us.

  22. Those glasses really do look awesome with your look! I also love the light purple jacket.

  23. I love a blazer + sneaker combo. You look amazing and the shows look so fun!

  24. This is such a marvelous fashion event started from the kids to the adult theme. They've added a great twist of making this event so good that you will not get bored until the show is finished.

  25. Loved the black dresses the most; those are really sheik and stylish!

  26. The theme of the show is really unique! It looks like it would be a lot of fun to attend something like this!

  27. What a great experience you had watching this show. I love your look by the way.

  28. It looks like such a fun event! I am crazy about fashion and love your photos here in this post !

  29. Those were some amazing and unique designs! That's is a really nice collection, love the yellow tutu skirt. Glad you were there!

  30. Looks like a fun and incredible seeing all the different styles and personalities come together. What an experience!

  31. I love all the different looks that you have there. Looks like it was quite a show and quite a fashion week.

  32. Such a nice blog with 2 different language to read. The fashion isnt really my thing but I enjoy this post!

  33. Great post! Going to a Fashion Week in Moscow is definitely one of the things in my bucket list. Loved your outfit btw.

    Enjoy your weekend love.


  34. I love how you match your outfit, it looks casual but cool. And you had such an awesome job!

  35. I love how this Fashion included models and girls of all ages! I wish other shows could included this!

  36. Such a fantastic fashion event. I liked your jean and jacket. I learned some new fashion styles.

  37. Clearly, if you go to a fashion show, you will get to view the latest fashions.

  38. This fashion show must be so great! I really love the colors of the outfits here.

  39. Sounds like a wonderful experience to attend all these shows! I loved all the outfits!

  40. Sounds like a fun event. The outfit looks interesting and fab!

  41. Wow I love your glasses and it looks like an epic experience, thank you for sharing!

  42. Loved your style, it totally matches the occasion ;)

  43. I love the outfits. I am sure it was a great show and an awsome fashion week.


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