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Reasons to pack sun glasses

Today I have a review post for you and also a tip post.
First of all: if it is sunny where you are going on vacation always take sunglasses. First of all it is a stylish accessory which is good for your look. Second of all it is good for your skin because your eyes do not have to react on sun which causes wrinkles in long term. And last but not least nobody knows where you are looking (or not) which is great especially when you are taking photos.

Second of all: if your eye vision is poor like mind go for prescription sunnies. You will have you vision good and eyes shadowed. It might look a little awkward if you will need to see thing better and put the sunnies on in the museum for example but who cares? it saves space!

And third, also last but not least. I have a stylish and comfort recommend brand with budget friendly and absolutely cute options. It is the well known to me (and I hope to you as well if you read my blog carefully). It is Glasseshop. I already have two pairs from the shop (in my constant rotation) and now I tried sun glasses as well. The frames are practically ideal to me. Thank you so much for giving me those glasses, I am so going to live in them the whole summer. They fit my face perfectly and do a good job protecting me from the sun. Delivery is super fast and the glasses are very safe. The prescription part is all good, no issues. Do you like the fun orange color? I am positively crazy about it!

I was wearing:
sun glasses from Glasseshop
Dress from Monki
Bracelets from Inkkas
Watch Certina


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I always wear sunglasses. I have the kind that are designed to reduce exposure to UV light so my eyes stay healthy. Plus, I look super cute in them.

  2. Like you need any reason to put on these awesome sun glasses! You look stunning. Thanks a lot for the tips.

  3. Sunglasses are the ultimate summer accessory! I love this pair. SO cute.

  4. Yup, it's so important to protect your eyes! I always have sunglasses! I can drive better when I have them on as well.

  5. Sunglasses are necessary especially when it's hot outside. It's not just fashionable, it's just functional.

  6. I need prescription glasses when I drive so I buy them online. I love the variety that I can find online.

  7. Sunnies are necessary and I always try to wear them. Furthermore, they're so cool!

  8. a good pair of sunglasses is worth gold. YOu look really cute!

  9. These are the reasons why Sunglasses are part of my everyday carry kit! Aside from being a great accessory, they also protect your eyes!

  10. Living in a sunny city, I never step out without my sunglasses.

  11. You look beautyfull! amazing photos honey :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  12. Oh yea, I need to buy new sunglasses. This one looks good on you and the dress goes well with it.

  13. I never used to wear sunglasses when I was younger, but now I NEED them. Great post!

  14. I never go out without sunglasses. It's important to protect our eyes. I love your outfit.

  15. I don't remember ever going on vacation without sunglasses!

  16. I never gon anywhere with at least one pair of sunglasses, there is nothing worse than being blinded by the sun! Sunglasses are an essential!

  17. Sunglasses are always cool! You look great in the pictures! Nice post!

  18. I live in Italy part time, and sunglasses are a must everywhere I go. Even just for a coffee, they're coming!

  19. Love this post! I always keep a pair of sunglasses on me in the summer!

  20. Such stylish sunglasses! I always have a pair in my purse and in my car - so important to protect your eyes!

  21. Those are amazing! I am always looking for nice sunglasses when I am out and about. Got to take care of those eyes, only ones you get!

  22. Like many have a closet full of shoes or clothes, I have several dozen pairs of sunglasses. I never step outside without a pair or three. Yes, I keep a pair on my head, one in my purse, a spare in the car, and often a pair on top of my head.

  23. You look fabulous as always. And those glasses are tres chic! After having lived in the Colorado mountains and now near the beach in Florida, I pretty much never go anywhere without sunglasses - maybe sometimes at night I leave them at home. Yup, even in my profile photo I'm wearing sunglasses ;)
    xx Luci

  24. I wear glasses, so I make them transition when I go out in the sun. It's such a life saver. Love being able to wear them without switching back and forth.

  25. I can never leave my sunglasses behind whenever I am going out. I loved your sunglass from Glasseshop.

  26. It is necessary to always bring your sunnies most especially on summer season ti protect our eyes from the sun.

  27. Sun glasses is always the most difficult thing for me. This one that you have on is GORGEOUS and totally chic!

  28. Wow, I can't imagine that I could get away with wearing this but it looks really good on you!

  29. I can leave my house without sunglasses. I have them in all shapes and colors!

  30. I'll be honest. I usually only wear sunglasses to go with my outfits haha. I always end up not having any when I really need them. You picked the perfect pair!

  31. I agree. Sunglasses are a must this summer. As you said they protect your eyes and make great accessories.

  32. I have sunglasses with me a lot because my eyes are a bit sensitive to light. They are a must of\have!

  33. I always love wearing one. ��
    I didn't know that it's that important I just do it for style. Thanks for the information.. ��

  34. I always have a pair with me. They come in handy when you really need them!

  35. Not a fan on having them but I might consider bringing some with the points you raised.

  36. Sunglasses are great accessories and protect your eyes too. Looks great on you!

  37. i am always carrying sunglasses on my bag because i'm such an addict! I love how there are so any designs!


  38. I've heard many good feedback about this brand of sunglasses. Looks stylish and seems that would last a long while. You made a lot of point here.

  39. In India, sunglasses are a must if you got out during summers. Without the shades, you cannot even stay outside for so long. It's very sunny and hot here

  40. As soon as there is a bit of sun I pop on my sunglasses - it is so important to protect your eyes.

  41. Love those sunglasses so cute and fashionable. I think everyone should have a good pair of shades!

  42. Your glasses look great. I have prescribed glasses and have such a hard time with wearing sunglasses, because I cannot see!

  43. Nice glasses, Lyosha! Whoever doesn't carry sunglasses with them and yet has the means of obtaining them truly misses out on a lot.

  44. I always need sunglasses, even in the winter some days the sun is so bright. these are very stylish - think I might have to find some like it.

  45. I always have sunglasses in my handbag as they are an essential item where I come from. Its sunny throughout the year. Sunglasses protect your eyes from the harsh sunlight even when you're driving. The sunlight on the dashboard gets reflected straight into your eyes.

  46. You look INCREDIBLE in sunglasses but I also agree with all of this. I always have sunglasses on it just because I squint a lot.

  47. Sunglasses are must and you have given great information on it. You look great and loved your sunglasses.


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