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HSE Art and Design Alumni

Last week I enjoyed another fashion event: the graduation show of students of British School of Design. The new born but yet fully formed fashion designers. They showed wonderful and meaningful collections non stop. I loved it.

here are the highlights:

The fashion show took place in one of the most awesome museums in Moscow, the Museum of Moscow (if you read my blog carefully you might have noticed I posted my reports from this museum several times a year). It was not alone in there: the exhibition of art students made the place very vivid (see below).

As for my outfit: I went on a comfy side. I ran there from my new hairdresser (I do hope she will become my permanent master, I love her creation so much!). The day was warm but rainy so I decided to warm my upper body leaving legs exposed. I tend to feel more cold up (you can often find me wearing shorts with flip flops and a beanie) so went for this look. It was super comfortable for me. Also check out my new hair. I loved those curls and I love my straight hair option too (seen in post before).

I was wearing:
Calvin Klein Jeans sweater
Arny Praht backpack
Pakerson shoes


Have a nice day,

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  1. Those are some really great looks! I love how interesting and different they are. You look lovely in your shots, as well.

  2. Love the haircut! Totally fits you. The show looks to have some very interesting designs from the graduates of the British School Of Design. Certainly all are about to set the fashion world on fire!

  3. I always see fashion design as an art. Something I could never do, and I give great credit to those who can. This looks like an amazing event!

  4. Fashion is always interesting to me because of how creative it can get. I am in no way good at fashion so I enjoy seeing what those who can choose to create.

  5. This fashion show looks awesome! Love the looks

  6. What a fun event! I used to want to be a run way model except I am so short and don't care about fashion AT ALL - hahahahaha!

  7. Quite interesting attires. The event looks to be pretty cool

  8. oh nice! This reminds me of the fashion shows i attended last year in Riga, Latvia, they look prettymuch like that one!


  9. Oh, I love your outfit for the event! I always love long socks and I think you nailed it so well. Don't forget to mention the umbrella, it certainly add in more style.

  10. This fashion show was interesting to me. The shoe choices seemed off, like athletic shoes aren’t for a fashion show, I feel. But I definitely enjoyed the red dress, that was my favorite out of everything. Your hair looks fantastic, and totally fits your style! I too get cold on top easily. I can wear capris/yoga pants and flip flops in the winter, but with a hoodie or jacket. I can’t stand my arms being cold.

  11. You look amazing. Yes! Also now I really want to go to this fashion show!

  12. Cool fashion show! Those art and design graduates really know what they're doing. Fashion design is much harder than it looks. Really impressive art exhibition as well.

  13. Love your new look with the hair - super cute! And your outfit is fab!

    I love the photos of the fashion show! I'm always so fascinated with high fashion as it has a sort of futuristic appeal to me.

    Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I feel like I've just stepped into 2099! Avante Garde, futuristic and 'out there' are three terms that come to mind when I look at these designs. These students are extremely talented and their concepts show that they do not mess with the ordinary. And, I'm definitely loving your outfit.

  15. I really loved some of the pieces in the collections from the students of British School of Design. I especially liked the white dress! Lavern Moore

  16. Some of these designs I never would've guessed were done by students - they are so talented! I'm happy you were able to showcase their hard work.

  17. Looks like a fun event! So much passion for fashion for the new graduates! Such an exciting time for them to be embarking on a new career.

  18. Those are some great outfits and you look like such a happy person too!

  19. Looks like you had so much fun at the fashion show. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever been to a fashion show. I should check one out sometime.

  20. Oh wow. These looks are fabulous. Loving the zebra print two-piece outfits.

  21. These looks are all so beautiful! Looks like a great time in design.

  22. I love fashion so this post is super refreshing! These students are so super talented! And you look wonderful

  23. thanks for this sharing, inspiring as a great styling tips to me, gonna check these amazing styles that you have shared. lovely captures. cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  24. The fashion show looks really cool. Some very fun and fashionable outfits! Your outfit is adorable! Your new hair is gorgeous. Awesome pictures!

  25. The takeaway I get is everyone has on comfortable shoes! Oh how I hope THAT is a trend that explodes and sticks!

  26. What colorful and unique outfits! I've always wanted to attend a fashion show

  27. The fashion show looks fun, but what got my attention is your outfit.. You look so fab..!

  28. This looks like such an awesome showcase of fashion! It must have been fun to be there to see it live!

  29. The high socks with that skirt are super pretty! Your style is always on point. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  30. You surely enjoyed the evening a lot as the show looks quite interesting with the different and artistic designs. Some wonderful creative work there.

  31. those students are so talented ! few of those pieces looked like from a hot couture runaway !! it must be so much fun to experience this

  32. Seems like a great event! I am loving your new hair style and also the outfit 😍 You look super cute 💕

  33. You are so lucky to be able to head to the British School of Design to experience and watch the stunning fashion shows. Although they are just students,they are all so very talented!

  34. Love the hairstyle - that hairdresser is a keep. You captured some great fashion too!

  35. Looks like a fun fashion show. My favorite is probably the red dress.

  36. These pieces are really nice. The students did come up with designs that are unique and eye-catching! I haven't been to a fashion show, but I assume that it is an exciting event to attend.

  37. My favorite look was the holographic dress with the blue and purple jacket. Fashion is art for clothes and I was quite inspired by all the creativity.

  38. It's fun to see these fashion show photos through your blog! I liked the soldid red dress the most. So pretty, so elegant!

  39. Seems like you had a lot of fun. I've got to be honest, I don't understand why clothes look the way they look on runways. Do people actually wear those stuffs? Just wondering.

  40. So interesting! I love all of the different colors and textures. So many great looks for all types of people!

  41. Those were some amazing and unique designs! That's is a really nice collection, love the red dress. Glad you were there!

  42. I have never been to an event like this before it looks like you had a great time and i love your outfit x

  43. There are some really interesting outfits here. Your outfit is really cute--love the skirt (and your hair)!

  44. The outfits are so chic and it must be so wonderful to attend such a fabulous fashion show!

  45. WOW! Some of it is absolutely stunning and the other has half has me going "why"...and "where would one ever wear it"? It does look like it would be a fun event though! You just never know what kind of flair is going to come down that runway next!

  46. These are really interesting styles! It's cool to discover how some of these fashion ideas filter down into everyday clothing lines and street clothes designs.

  47. Some truly great talents out there, what an amazing show, thanks for sharing your experience with us


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