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Water Reflection

It's almost August already! How crazy is that! Time flies and it flies even faster as you have limitations and some lifts of said limitations. In short you want to squeeze everything in the little time you have to enjoy it all. People are treasuring connections even more now and it leaves less time. Also I have a short vacation coming next week which I am even more excited about. I don't really have a proper update so I will just go with I have here. Actually we took these photos during the short walk in the park with husband. We took it as break from work. He has more work than ever this month and with vacation he is super busy. It's just what life is: having it all and treasuring what you have.

As for my outfit it's the example of little something I wear daily without any blog plans behind. Comfortable romper, flip flops all that. But the location is so pretty that I hope you'll just enjoy the view with me more than my actual outfit. I actually wore awesome necklace but you can not see it because I never cared to let go of the view.

Bonus: did you miss my pups?


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. First of all, your dogs are adorable. The bigger one actually looks a lot like mine. Secondly, I absolutely can't believe that it's almost August already. It's crazy.

  2. Your dogs are adorable, this year has literally started with chaos and we are now half way and very soon it will be the end. Let's just hope we don't see another like this one.

  3. Your dogs are so cute! They look very happy, and so do you. :) Love the romper, and I honestly can't wait for Autumn, but we still a little ways to go for that. Have a beautiful weekend.

    Stephanie S.

  4. Nice romper even though it's hard to pee in public with one lol. Pups are cute too.

  5. That looks perfect for a hot summer day and it looks really good on you too :)

  6. Those are lovely pups you've got. It's nice to be finally outside again and I do hope you enjoy your vacation.

  7. It so gorgeous. I love the peace and sanity on your blog.

  8. I know I can't believe were in August already, time is just flying by like crazy!! I love your outfit and your pups are adorable.

  9. That's so great that you have a short vacation coming up, I'm so jealous! We're in a really strict lockdown where I live, the only reasons that I'm allowed to leave my house is to do grocery shopping or to pick up my medication. Even my work closed down, and as someone who genuinely LOVED working, that really hurt 😩 So I've just been focusing on creating content for my blog! I've got to say, we're lucky to be writers and creatives at a time like this - I think we'd go mad otherwise!

  10. Wow it sounds you have a great time! It's my month I hope this crisis will be end soon and going back to our normal lives!

  11. Nothing beats a fresh walk in the park. Love that romper on you! Looks comfy and breathable.😊

  12. Such a cute romper. I'm still shocked it's already August. Hoping things go back to some sort of normalacy

  13. That lake is gorgeous and your romper is amazing! It looks perfect for the warm weather.

  14. You know I love your dogs and you always look lovely. The view is peaceful!

  15. The place looks so mesmerizing, it's like staying there for a while to relax and calm our inner self. Thanks for showing this to us.

  16. It's hard to believe it is August already. July just flew by! These pictures are so beautiful. I absolutely love what you wore.
    the creation of beauty is art.

  17. I'm really struggling with the fact that it's August. It's weird because I thought with Covid summer would go slow, but it's going by SO FAST.

  18. Your dogs are so cute! Lovely photos! I cannot believe it is August either.

  19. Wow, you're lucky you get to see that wonderful view! And your dogs are so cute! :)

  20. Yes you have to enjoy whatever it is that life has to throw at you because you never know when it could change. Enjoy those walks with your husband and pups, sometimes its the slower days that are the most memorable.

  21. well truly your dogs looks so cute and amazing one...glad you shared this with us..and yeah your dress looks so amazing and you look so stunning in this..great work though..

  22. These are really nice photos of yours and your dogs look really adorable! I also love the outfit and the scenery, thanks for sharing these with us!

  23. You have such a cute doggies <3

  24. Your pups look really cute. It's true. We need to treasure the memories we have now more than ever because we don't know when the next time will be.

  25. I love that romper. It's so cute! Your dogs are adorable as well!

  26. You've got those adorable besties! And your summer dress looks good on you :)

  27. Your dogs are so cute! Loving the romper too.

  28. Cute romper! You need a photo with the pups because you match! The romper material would look great in a dress too--you could always wear a black skirt over it and totally change the look (two outfits in one).

  29. That is a beautiful view and I think you're outfit is cute. I love the water, it's so soothing. Thanks so much for sharing.

  30. What a fun romper. Love the pattern. I need to get me something like this for the summer days here!

  31. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by too! Seems like Summer just started but is almost over now. Love your outfit, such a cute print.


  32. Aww such cute doggies. I love your outfit. It looks so comfortable.

  33. Yes, days are passing by so quickly. I miss summer and all about things outside.

  34. It's a lovely romper! And your dogs are super cute. It definitely looks like you enjoyed a great day out with this perfect view.

  35. July flew by waaaay faster than I was expecting! Seems like the months before that just dragged on, and now suddenly summer is almost over. Enjoy your vacation next week!

  36. I can't believe how quickly July flew by! It's crazy!
    I am always here for dog pictures - your pups are SO adorable. Your outfit looked really comfortable and the view there was pretty, but your dogs stole the show!

  37. looks like a great spot to bring your adorable dogs and ponder about life and all of its crazy times. great outfit too!

  38. just like you, I do love having a break in a place that is surrounded by the beauty of nature.

  39. Time really flies and I was really surprised that it's August. Enjoy your vacation and looking forward to your photos of it.

  40. You photos are beautiful! And yea, time is flying by. It's crazy to think that August is here and we're almost done with summer. SO SAD! This year was interesting.

  41. Very cute dogs, I know I am a bit late to the this post and to think, August just flew by! I too will be taking a little trip in the next few days and it will be the first time in an Airplane in nearly 8 months which is totally rare for us. I think I need to find a river to sit by and just take a break!


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