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Racing and reviewing

Enjoy the little things. Yesterday I made it to my first run this year (race actually but counting my own results it is being a part is what matters). It was so emotional and so good. I loved it so much. It felt close to my first runs ever by the emotions. And it was also a new location to me. We ran near town of Volokolamsk next to a memorial for 28 heroes Panfilovcy. There is a story of WWII heroes, A squad waited for reinforcements and didn't back off because Moscow, the capital, was right behind them. Only 28 men survived to see the help. They are highly praised here, even though we are not sure it is fully truth. I loved the memorial, it looks impressive but there is no pomposity you see so often about about Russian WWII monuments (even though they are not called WWII, in Russia it is called the Great Patriotic War).
For the run I wore a new suit I was provided by Dear-lover wonderful shop. The suit is made with snake print which I love (and I am Zodiac snake, by the way, and is often called a reptile by my friends and family). It is comfortable enough and goes true to size. It is actually a yoga suit and I recommend using it for yoga or add extra support for your chest area if you do something with more jumps. I ran during the sunny day and it was very hot outside but my uniform was breathing so it was not much of a problem to me. And it is also very inexpensive so I highly recommend it to you! they have a great set of various Wholesale Women's Clothing so go and check it out!

I hope you liked the location and my new running uniform. By the way, if you want up upgrade your look even more I know what you might be forgetting: lingerie. Dear-lover has a great variety of Sexy Lingerie Wholesale so just click on it and enjoy

I was wearing:
Top and leggings set c/o Dear-Lover (shop it here)
Asics running shoes (my favorite and only brand choice for running)
c/o Zaful baseball cap

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I love the top and leggings set that you're wearing in these pictures! The pattern on them is so cute.

  2. Wow the location looks amazing and I am loving your new running set! The print is so cute!


  3. Those are cute leggings. This sounds like a race that I would enjoy

  4. I used to run and I loved participating in 10 km races. That snake print outfit is so cute. I always feel better exercising when I am wearing a nice outfit.

  5. I love running so much, thanks for sharing this. I have been trying to get better everyday

  6. Good for you! Been trying to move and get some exercise lately but it's been tough for me, mentally, to do so. And your location is gorgeous! Love your black and white suit, too!

  7. You did a great job, and what a great cause. My husband loves to study WW2.

  8. Oh, I love it! It looks so comfy. Yay for running <3

  9. What a great running outfit! I will need to check them out!

  10. Great job on going on your first run of the year! No matter your results, as long as you had fun, that's what matters. One day I hope to enter a cake decorating competition; I'm a complete novice baker - I've never had ANY training or guidance of any kind - so I don't expect to place in any way, I just want to be able to say I've been in one and tried, because what's the point of living if you don't put yourself out there once in a while?! ☺️

  11. wow, that must feel great doing things that seem a little bit normal again. I love your running uniform the leggings seem to really fit!

  12. wow, that must feel great doing things that seem a little bit normal again. I love your running uniform the leggings seem to really fit!

  13. wow, that must feel great doing things that seem a little bit normal again. I love your running uniform the leggings seem to really fit!
    Amalia xx

  14. Glad you had a great time. Your outfit looks so awesome!

  15. Oh my, I miss the outside world! I can feel the happiness from this post. :)

  16. Those statues are so stunning! I love the place..! And of course your outfit! You looked gorgeous with those leggings..

  17. I am digging your workout gear, and what a fun place to take pictures! And I love Asics as well!

  18. The sculptures look magnificent! I also love your workout outfit, the place looks really nice and I'm looking forward to visiting there sometime! Thanks for sharing this with us.

  19. Wooooo, great job, congrats on your first run of this year, now the things are going to be normal..... enjoy your time..

  20. Amazing run! I can't wait to get out there and pound the track myself. Good luck with the next race.

  21. Wow! You look amazingly mesmerizing on your outfit, loved it!

  22. That looks like a great place for a run. Such a cute outfit too! I need to get out and run more.

  23. What a beautiful location for a race! I wish I had a cute running outfit like that for my races! I'll have to check out the link you provided. Good job on your run, sometimes emotions really do help when it comes to overcoming the wall that you hit during a run.

  24. Love the outfit, and what an awesome place! It looks like you all had a great time, and also great photos! :) Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Stephanie S.

  25. I would love to try that place for a run and you look absolutely gorgeous, love it!

  26. I wish I could still run but two meniscus surgeries ended that quickly. It looks like a very inspiring place to run for sure. Love the outfit.

  27. Good job! I love running races it’s so fun!

  28. This is an amazing expedition to the Volokolamsk! These monuments are stupendous.

  29. congrats on your first run in the year. It must feel so good to enjoy outdoor activities. Enjoy.

  30. Your running outfit is super cute! I have been wanting to run more myself!

  31. Wow! I love your outfit! Looks good on you! I have never been on running since i have been a mom but i do exercise at home.

  32. Good for you for accomplishing this! And I love that outfit.

  33. Congrats on your run! It must have felt like a huge accomplishment. Also, I love that outfit!

  34. Well done and congrats on your run! that outfit looks amazing and suits you perfectly.

  35. That's such a cute outfit! I'd like to try it too for exercising!

  36. Here is the UK there is an amazing running track near us so good to run and burn off some steam x

  37. This looks like it was a beautiful day for a race. And your outfit was on point. Well done!

  38. What a cool location for a race! And I MISS running in races! Ours are all cancelled.

  39. It sounds like the race was a lot of fun, and in a beautiful location. Your outfit looks great on you by the way!

  40. What a fun and great experience you had. that place looks very vibrant to relax and racing. Looks like you had a great time there!

  41. Wow! Congratulations. Looks like you had a blast. Yes, love your outfit. Checking out Dear-Lover after this. Thank you for sharing.

  42. I am not a runner, but I have so much respect for you! Running is such a mental sport. It looks like you had some pretty scenery to admire on your journey as well. I'm so proud - keep it up!

  43. Amazing that you got to run, I am not much of a runner though...and your outfit looks amazing..the leggings especially look so cool

  44. That is an awesome looking memorial! I'd love to see it in person. Congratulations on finishing your race!

  45. I love your gym wear. The location and weather was perfect for the race. Congrats on finishing your race.

  46. Congrats on finishing your race and love the workout gear.

  47. Wow, the memorial does look impressive, and so do you! Love your outfit!

  48. I can bet that it felt great to get out there and run again! Your suit looks so comfortable - and I LOVE the snake skin. How much fun is that?

  49. Looks like you had the most amazing weather for it, as well! The memorial is so interesting, and I love your outfit. It really suits you well.

  50. Congratulations on taking up the run and you look great in the new suit. The location is fabulous and the sunny day makes it such a very special occasion.

  51. Running can be tough going and hard on the legs too but looks like you have it all sorted x

  52. What a fun experience! I really wanted to get back into running this year, but pregnancy and covid delayed that a bit. Hoping 2021 will be my year!

  53. Congrats on your first run of the year! No better way to get motivated and going than with a whole new outfit either. That is awesome!

  54. Wow congrats! This sounds like an amazing challenge for you guys and you nailed it!

  55. What fun workout gear and congrats on completing the race! It sounds like you had a lot of fun and it looks like a great day for it! :)

    Hope you had a great weekend! Thanks so much for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup!

    Away From Blue

  56. So first of all, congrats on your great run! It can be so much fun to return to something these days. I loved the history of the Memorial of the 28! I had no idea that WWII, in Russia it is called the Great Patriotic War and not just World War 2. It is always so neat to learn something like that because we all see the word differently depending on where we live and those around us.

  57. You are so active! Good on you and happy runs! I love these monuments. Superb pictures as always.

  58. Such a background looks great in the picture;): D.


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