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MBFWRussia, Julia Dalakian

I am so happy that despite all the rumors Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia happened. I didn't know if it happens or not at all and I did hope it would. As much as online fashion is comfortable nothing beats offline fashion. I just came back from actual fashion show by Julia Dalakian and I say it again and again: sitting or standing next to the catwalk is not the same as watching from your screen.
RU: я так рада, что несмотря на циркулирующий слухи Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia произошла. Я не была уверена до последного и просто надеялась. Конечно, онлайн удобен, но это и даже близко не то, что показ мод вживую. Я только вернулась с показала Юлии Далакян, и не устаю повторять: быть рядом с подиумом совсем не то же самое, что видеть это на экране своего компьютера.
It is not my first and it is not my last fashion show by this designer. Julia Dalakian stole my years back when I just walked in there not knowing what to expect. The time was right for me and I vividly remember looking at it from press photo zone smitten with delicate beauty. I always try to visit ever since. This year is no difference. I am so blessed MBFWRussia happened this year at all and I am even more grateful to be able to experience a fashion show by one of my favorite designers ever.
The only thing I didn't like about the collection is my inability to wear it right away. Those flowing, glowing, light summer dresses, huge hats practically screaming about summer - is all I want to find myself wearing right now and deeply love. More practical spring looks divided the whole fashion into two entities, summer and spring. Happy, careless summer ideally somewhere next to the sea; and energetic city looks. Wearing first I deeply want to go on vacation and wearing more spring-like, casual and practical outfits I want to have brunches with friends, visit exhibitions, theater and philharmonic or hurry on some fascinating meeting.
RU: это не первый и, я надеюсь, не последний мой показ от этого дизайнера. Одежда Юлии Далакян похитила моё сердце много лет назад, когда я довольно случайно зашла в зал, зная лишь в общих чертах, что ожидать. Показ был блистящим, и я ярко помню как я наблюдала за показом из зоны фотографов, с замиранием сердца наблюдая за нежностью и элегантностью моделей. С тех пор я очень стараюсь не пропускать показы этой марки. В этом году особенно. Я очень рада, что Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia в этом году всё-таки произошел и открылся для меня показом одного из моих самых любимых дизайнеров, Юлии Далакян.
Единстенным минусом коллекции мне показалось то, что эти летние образы мне хочется носить уже сейчас. Летящие, беззаботные ситуэты, шикарные огромные шляпы, буквально кричащие о лете - всё это то, что я люблю. Практичные весенние образы для меня поделили показ на две части: беззаботное веселье, желательно где-то около моря; и энергичные, городские образы. С первым отчаянно хочетя в отпуск, а в более весенних, повследневных и практичных образах, хочется обедать с друзьями, посещать выставки, театр и филармонию или спешить куда-то на встречу.

For my outfit I picked a vampy or a little victorian jacket (I have made a few alterations with it really) and a big skirt to follow the same line. Sorry about masked press wall shot, better safe than looking best. Yes  that is me saying.
RU:  для себя я выбрала немного викторианских, вампирских мотивов в жакете (если честно, с ним пришлось немного поработать перед выходом) и пышной юбкой в пол, чтобы дополнить идею. Прошу прощения за фото в маске у пресс-вола, но лучше быть в безопасности и чуть менее красивой, чем наоборот. Да, я это сугубо моё мнение.


Have a nice day,

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  1. You look fierce my friend, I am digging this look on you. Thanks for sharing such a fun show with us.

  2. It is very exciting that the event took place! So many things are up in the air this year. So happy you were able to attend! Those designs look gorgeous, especially that all pink look with that black and white jacket. I also really love what you wore. SO stunning!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. I love the bold colours and especially the jacket with the squares. You're so right about the difference between seeing it live and up close and logging on to Zoom. A world of difference. I'm so happy it went ahead

  4. Great collection by Julia Dalakian, thanks for the beautiful pictures. And also your outfit is great and event suitable!

  5. The collection is superb, the colours and the design. Your dress is also very beautiful. Liked the event.

  6. Wow this is a gorgeous fashion show - I would definitely wear some of these myself, especially the checkered jacket!

  7. Super super like all of them, they're amazing!!!! The pink dress is my favorite, amazing...

  8. Her collection is something that I would be happy to wear when I'm in the city! They are all gorgeous and the details are fabulous.

    1. yes definitely your style. I hope it might give you some inspiration for one of your wonderful projects

  9. Wow , I love the fashion show! Her collection is very unique.

    Stephanie S

  10. These designs look so beautiful, relaxing ,and colorful!

  11. I love the colors and the designs of these clothes, they are totally wearable.

  12. I love the yellow jumpsuit and the multi-coloured jacket.

  13. What a fabulous and scintilliating collection. It is really heartening to see that mbfwrussia took place. Really lovely outfits carried off with panache.

  14. I love all the bright colours in Julia's new collection. There are some outfits I would definitely wear. Your outfit also looked great!

  15. The colors and designs are really interesting. I like the relaxed fit of the outfits.

  16. The colours are amazing, so happy for you that you could enjoy this event. "better safe than looking best" is the quote of the year.

    1. thanks! My friends agreed and liked my way of putting it

  17. I love the vibrant colors and designs in this fashion show, its really not as fun seeing in on screen versus in person, thanks for sharing

  18. I love fashion shows. This was such a fun read and the pictures are stunning. I am glad the event was not cancelled!

  19. The all-pink outfits were to die for! Oh man, such great pictures. I hope you had a really great time!

  20. You look gorgeous in this dress! I liked all the outfits you’ve shown in the post but one that clearly stood out for me is the hot pink one.

  21. That is awesome and brings a sense of normalcy in the crazy time we are leaving. I love all the outfits.

  22. These are some bold colours! Not sure if I’d wear them everyday

  23. Oh wow what a very cool catwalk this is. Love the vibrant colours and the range of outfits on offer such as the jumpsuits x

  24. A beautiful showcase and you are rocking those bold colors! Interested to know more about the brand and their fashion ~ Knycx Journeying

  25. What an amazing collection - I love all the bright colours and flowing fabrics.

  26. This is an awesome collection. Also you carry off the designs with so much panache.

  27. I'm not normally a fan of posts with lots of photos but this post is wonderful. Your photos are amazing and the collection looks great. Nice to see you in the post too.

    1. thanks! I couldn't help but feature the whole collection here

  28. I am glad to know that these types of events are happening and you were also there. I liked the collections and photos are also taken nicely.

  29. Wow this is yet another classic collection. Julian range is just awesome and certainly will be worth the price.

    1. totally. actually the prices are reasonable for her items

  30. Loving your outfit and all the outfits in this fashion show! Fashion is so important in giving us a sense of normalcy and hope during this crazy year. And agree that offline fashion is so much better.

  31. I can easily see why you are such a fan of Julia Dalakian! I am too. The bold and vibrant colors are captivating, but there is a serious style to her designs too. These are all pieces I can see being worn often.

    1. She's got some great looks indeed! And you're right z watching from a runway is so much better than fromtv.

  32. These are really good. The colours are really vibrant. Great pictures though!

  33. All of the bright summery colours and designs were really giving me life as I scrolled through this. The temperature may be getting cooler here, but that doesn't mean that I can't hold onto the summer vibes in a different way! Right?

    1. definitely. fashion suggests thinking of spring summer 2021 already

  34. Looks like a very good show, some great shots here. It's nice that they can still do this despite the pandemic, and also good to see you and everyone else staying safe and wearing masks - better safe than sorry! Lovely outfit.

  35. Love the outfit and the designs of the fashion show. Kinda dissapointing to see the audience so close together and many not wearing masks.

  36. I am SO jealous that you got to see a catwalk show in real life - and so close, too! This is definitely one of my life goals. I adore fashion and always wanted to be a model when I was younger, but when I stopped growing at only 5 feet tall, I knew that wasn't going to happen �� I LOVE so many of these outfits! There's so many gorgeous pops of neon colour. I would wear most of these outfits in my day-to-day life *and* on a night out too; they're so versatile! I bet this was a true night to remember!

  37. Some of those outfits are very cute. I love all the bright colors.

  38. I have never been to a fashion show before. This looks so cool and interesting, love the colors the style.

  39. what a lovely event, amazing pictures and looks like you had a lot of fun !

  40. The collection is beautiful. Love the all pink wardrobe. Good job to Julia Dalakian. I also loved what you wore. You look fierce.

  41. I am gald you managed to attend the event, expesialy in these strange times. I like the outfits, expecialy the blue dress with a big hat. I like hats. Everything looks so nice.

  42. What fun outfits! It's so great that you got to go and you looked great as well. I'm not big on fashion but these are really cute and make me want to dress up! Thank you for sharing :)

  43. You look fabulous in this all black styling. I'm happy you were able to attend fashion week in Russia. This collection looks amazing btw. Julia Dalakian is very talented.

  44. Wow I am loving all your piccys and I think you look absolutely amazing. Go you girl x


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