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Best lingerie fashion ever

I write a lot about lingerie fashion and I have to admit I love lingerie fashion in general. This event is was something far better in my eyes. I had tons of laughs and the models (not professional) were killing it. The show was held outdoors and there was an extra reason for it. It was held on May the 1st (I can't believe I forgot to post it right away) so they made a funny parade. In the USSR it was common to hold a parade on labor day. The location was just perfect for that, a Tweed Hat shop. It is place were you can find lots of hats (caps, fedoras), suspenders, tie, bow-ties, scarves and cufflinks. Everything with a slight vintage vibe. It is perfect match to 'Volshebnyi Komsomolets' (which is roughly translates into Magic member of Komsomol, USSR communist youth organization) who made men panties just like they did early/mid XX. yes these are not shorts. Below I am showing you couple of shots from the show. You can see how fun it was to witness from photos (or so I hope)

I didn't buy these hats but I seriously thought about it.

My outfit is pretty basic and very cute. I love this huge skirt because it goes pretty much with anything. The bag played with vintage vibe and it's exactly what I wanted for the occasion. As an avid hat wearer I couldn't miss on an opportunity to rock my hat as well. The weather was unstable with hot sun and slight wind so I added a jacket as well to sustain the fashion show time on the open air.

I was wearing:
Lucio skirt
Topshop bag
Paul Smith hat
c/o Zaful jacket
Portal shoes

Have a nice day,

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  1. Seems so fun there, I love the hats.

  2. I like how fun this was to look at! They all look like they are enjoying it. I bet everyone around was smiling too lol

  3. Wow this looks like it was a really funny show!

  4. You all sure did have fun. The hats are really cool and your vintage outfit — even though I didn't get to see the whole thing— looks nice.

  5. Ah you should've got the hat! It looks great! I have such fond associations with flat caps - my Grandpa wore one and even got my brother a kid sized one so they could match!

    1. I love them too! The reason I didn't buy is that I have too many! well... as if you can get too many hats

  6. Looks like it was a fun show. You rock that cap - should have bought one!

  7. That does look like a fun fashion show. You are rocking the beret.

  8. Well that's truly a unique show, and the hat shop is so cool!

  9. Looks a fun and memorable fashion show! Everyone looks so happy. That cap really suits you.

  10. I really like the Lucio skirt that you're wearing! So cute!

  11. Oh wow! This definitely looks like something to spend a Sunday afternoon doing with a few friends then go and have dinner afterwards.

  12. I am so glad it was a fun event and everyone had a good time! That is always the most important thing. I have to say...I love those hats! I can see why you were tempted by them!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  13. This is so neat, you always find such unique things to share with us.

  14. Looks like a lot of fun at the event all of them seem to be enjoying it .The hats look great as well.

  15. This was very interesting. Thank you for sharing!

  16. Seems like lots of fun. I love the colours and the models presentation. The hat suits you beautifully. Great share.

  17. The 'lingerie' looks indeed fun, and comfortable! If only there was something like that for women too!
    Love your outfit - the hats you tried on looked really fun, especially the first one!

    1. well ladies styles changed to something more like we have today a bit earlier than men styles. petticoats are actually what women more at about that time.

  18. this definitely looks cool and interesting. I loved the hats on the display seen here

  19. Looks like an interesting event. Nice hats!

  20. Thanks for sharing your fashion tips and it was an interesting show, look forward to hearing from what you will discover next :) - Knycx journeying

  21. Haha this looks like a fun event! I love the energy the men give off. They look like they're really enjoying themselves!

  22. you should have totally bought one of those hats, you're rocking that look! Those men look like they are having so much fun! And I spotted a warrior 2 yoga pose in there too!

    1. I know the model and he actually does yoga (we go to the same center and shared couple of classes), great eye, expected from a pro like you

  23. This looks like it was a ton of fun! I would love to have all of those hats in my closet. Also your skirt is super cute!

  24. I love the skirt. I love mostly that it can go with anything

  25. I saw your pics the other day on Instagram and thought this was such a neat event! I'm surprised you didn't purchase one of those hats though. They looked great on you!

  26. I love this! Too often, our minds instantly jump to serious and professional shows walking the catwalk when we hear the words 'fashion show' but this goes to show you that there is so much more to it than that. There are different opportunities out there, different approaches and unique inspiration. Thank you for sharing your photos - I can tell that it was all a ton of fun!

  27. Wow! This is really unique and fun. I can glad you were able to watch and capture it. Love your skirt by the way. :)

  28. Very nice post, i certainly love this website, keep on it

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