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Estet Fashion Week: Etno day

Estet is perfect place for people with great taste in accessory and jewelry and clothes. I enjoyed my time so much that even nasty weather and a long road to Estet Fashion Week place couldn't spoil the joy. esp. taking the fact I attended there as a blogger getting my first press pass ever (and not last, next one is yet to come. before I attended as guest of special guest as bloggers didn't count as press at VFWM). I'm very proud to be called press.

It was a day of Etno in fashion jewelry and the designers got it perfectly! All of the shows were very bright and fun. Oh, the jewelry piece kept dragging my attention from the clothes. Estet pieces were amazing! I'm dreaming on getting one of their designs in my hands. 
The first show was Margarita Dardinyan (Маргарита Дарбинян) show. Inspired my batik drawing ways everything was very light and definitely perfect for summer.

Second was Yuliya Zhuravel (Юлия Журавель). Her etno patterns used with mostly classic forms just had to impress.

Third and the most posh collection was made by Ekaterina Butakova (Екатерина Бутакова). Coctail dresses where very juicy and the etno vibe was seen in accessories only. Nice touch!

4th collection displayed on the catwalk was created by talented Dariya Razumikhina (Дарья Разумихина), brand Razu Mikhina. It was very playful and definitely oriented for young ladies. I loved prints so much so I didn't need colours. 

 After youthful collection we got to see something more mature. An amazing designer from Tunisia Fawzi Nawar mixed russian and tunisia-arabic traditions creating an unique collection especially  made for Estet Fashion Week.

Last but not least Ljuik collection. Ljuik specializes on hats and for etno day they showed classic Russian shapes and ornaments! So very much fashion fun! Also models were dancing one the stage. That was something! I loved how models were visibly having a lot of fun. Special thanks to man-model (dancer?) preforming the best Russian folk dance ever!

For fashion week Estet we've chosen several outfits and made pre-outfit photos last weekend.
This outfit is created by my hubby and I absolutely love it. Very refreshing for my style and 'so me' even though I do understand I'd barely think it up myself. I took a lot of complements on my look from fashion photographers. Thank you!

I was wearing (c/o my beloved husband Max):
Topman shirt (stolen from Max)
Max's hand cuffes
My skirt and shoes from teenage years
Alba bag
Handmade by my Mom's friend necklace (big) and a little scull created by my friend


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. You look fantastic. No wonder you are getting so many compliments from fashion photographers. Every detail is just right. And congrats on getting your first press pass - the first of many. I'm very happy for you!!!

    1. thanks, dear! being press is cool, even cooler when being a guest. Press spot is very nice Imanaged to take fine photos. And that's me - clumsy lady who happen to snap photos without any sign of thought. (I mean it cameras make me feel dumb, can't help it)

  2. Gerat etno look ! Your outfit is the essence of etno style ! ...thank You so much and of course followed back with pleasure :)

  3. Hi, Lyosha! Great outfit, I like it a lot. And congratulations on your first press pass :)

  4. Beautiful post!!! and lovely outfit!!! I LOVE your skirt!!
    Have a good week!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  5. This is really fantastic blog and that's why i have decided to follow this blog. Such a nice post. All pictures are superb.

  6. Love that skirt your wearing, gorgeous. You look wonderful amongst the leaves :))) xx

  7. You look so happy and beautiful in the autumn leaves - and holy guacamole, how divine is that amazing orange dress? Sarah xxx

  8. Great photos!!!!
    Thanks for following my blog- I am following your blog now too...

  9. That maxi orange dress is amazing, lovely fashion show.

  10. Hey Ly! Congratulations on the Press pass! That's wonderful. The designs from all the collections are so beautiful. Love your outfit!

  11. First of all, I love the skirt you are wearing! And also, the models look amazing, I love the green cocktail dress, and the silk go,d pencil skirt!

  12. How fun to be there at the show! and for me, I love seeing the Russian styles!

    1. than pass by more often this month! I'm attending a lot of shows

  13. That must've been such a fun event to attend!

    The Tiny Heart
    Jewelry Giveaway!

  14. Thank you for following! I am following back!

    I love all the pictures from the event, my fav is the orange dress.... stunning!

    xx, Martha

  15. Ooooh congrats!!! I a so happy for you and I looove your skirt!! I also like these collections a lot!!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  16. oh may fav is orange dress- stuning :) and you looked fantastic :)

  17. I really love your look! Great! I like the Fawzi Nawar's collection.


  18. Hi there,
    thank you so much for visiting my blog!
    I'm so happy I found your blog bcoz it's truly something special!
    Love your urban style, and your accessories are so unique!
    keep up the good work!

    +1 follower :)

  19. Great outfit and thanks for sharing some pics from Estet Fashion Week.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  20. your outfit..very cool!! totally my style of girl:)


  21. that skrit is so cool on you - and i love that your stole your top from max - looks great on you

    <3 katherine

  22. what a great round up of the shows

  23. Such cute necklaces! Specially the skull one! :)
    I'm a newbie, Wish we could follow each other? :)
    Much Love,

  24. looks like a great show!


  25. oh how cool! it must have been really awesome to be "press" at the fashion show :) looks like you had so much fun and some of those dresses are very pretty :) love the skirt you are wearing! matches the ethno vibe


  26. this skirt is amazing!

    xx. Hybrid Hunter

  27. That is so cool, I love Fashion shows, You are lucky you get to go. I love your outfit! That skirt is so cute.

    I am now following your lovely blog. Please check out and follow my blog for support at Thanks, It means a lot to me.

  28. All the fashion show pictures are inspiring and beautiful, but the most inspiring is YOU!! I love how you put your outfit together. Every element, from the boots and skirt, to the shirt and wrist ornaments, are perfect with your wonderful haircut and adorable smile. Even the golden leaves behind you are smiling!!

  29. Hi, thanks for visit my blog. It's very nice here, You look beautifull! So interesting and inspiring. Great coat. I invite you to me again. Best, Wiola!

  30. Love the necklace!!!

    Have a nice day!

  31. Hi Lyosha! it must be very cool the fashion-show's photos are very nice and just love your look!:) Kisses dear! xoxo

    1. ps just letting you know that I follow you also on bloglovin now dear and added back on google+!:*

  32. Great post!

    I am your newest follower.


  33. I can imagine how excited you were to attend the Fashion Week. It must've been an incredible experience.

  34. Hi!! Thanks for your lovely comment!! and thanks for follow me :), Now, I follow you too!!

  35. Beautiful!!! Love the green and orange dresses!


  36. such inspiring outfits!

  37. amazing photos!

    follow aech other??

  38. the clothes look great, I love the floral prints, looks like a fun event to go to!

  39. Great look! Love the jacket and accessories. :)

    Indie by heart

    1. + Thank you for following! ^^

  40. Must be fabulous to attend a live fashion show! It has always been a dream for me. Still not accomplished. Maybe some day!!!

    1. I do believe you would be there one day and sooner than you think.
      Last season I saw my very first show but it wasn't for blogging. I wrote about it here and one lovely person wrote that more fashion shows are yet to come. In just couple of days I was invited to Volvo Fashion Week Moscow.. this season is even more eventful.
      why did i write it? because I know you'll get to see it and sooner than you think

  41. you look great! Love the jacket!
    I like your blog!
    are we following yet?
    Let me know if you like
    & I always follow back!

  42. Love the jacket
    awesome fashion week

  43. Your smile is naturally beautiful. I never heard about Estet fashion week but it seems like you are just right, it looks amazing to me as well!

  44. Amazing fashion show! I really love your outfit! I love when I find a blog with some unique styling that is different!


  45. Love the pictures!!! Great post!! :) Thank you so much for the comment! I'm following you now! :)


  46. It's a so interesting fashion show. I really love your outfit too. It's a great style.

  47. Wowww...Lyosha you look so pretty!! I really love every single piece of your outfit, and the accessories are to die for! Congrats on getting your first press pass ;)
    Thank you so much for stopping by, my "G+'s", and on bloglovin I clicked the "♥like button" on all your posts, to show some love ;)
    Hope you have a happy day<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  48. Вам очень идет эта стрижка. Делает Вас .. особенной, наверное.
    Ведь это нетипично для девушки, но смело и стильно.

    Мне будет приятно, если Вы посетите мой блог в ответ)
    Было бы здорово "дружить блогами")


  49. Awesome pics Lyosha!I like your interpretation of the ethnic mood.The orange tunic is fascinating!xo Coco


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