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Fashion Month: Estet Fashion Week

I do love accessories a lot and I bet you all do. What would it be for you if there was a fashion week where jewellery would have as much time and attention as clothes. That would be Estet Fashion Week. Estet is very famous here for it's amazing jewellery designs taking each piece very carefully and elegant. I'm so thrilled to attend!

Estet fashion week will take place next week from 8th till 12th of October. I feel very sad I would be able due to personal matter to attend it everyday but I'll do as much I can.
This year there would be different themes for day incl. etno, gothic, eco days displaying the most important global trends. Some of the attenders are: Braschi fur Collection (Italy), Cartas, Cream&Chocolate (Italy), Faouzi (Tunisia), Viquious (France), Black Project (Brithish school of High Design), Michal Negrin (Israel), Tóth Bori Fashion Show (Hungary), Бронислав Витусевич (Bronislav Vitusevic), designers from Russian Eco Fashion Week: Детская галерея «Якиманка» (Kid's gallery 'Yakimanka'), Дарья Разумихина (Daria Razumikhina), Ljuik, Екатерина Бутакова (Ekaterina Butakova) and surely for each day Ювелирный дом Эстет (Estet Jewellery designs).

During the Fashion Week we would be able to see the painting presentation the Magic of East and fashion phographer exhibition Moscow Golden Girls from Alena Berezina.

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Great pics and jewerly!!!!!

  2. fantastic photos - so barock, so trendy! <3
    I'm following you via bloglovin' now. I'm 81.
    I hope you would like to follow me too :)

  3. Great post ! didn' t know about Estet Fashion Week!
    Nice blog also ! ^^

  4. great post and love your blog! :)


  5. Gorgeous jewelry and pictures. Thank you so much for following me and congratulating me on my wedding.

  6. Love this post and the makeup and details are so beautiful


  7. These photos are absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous jewelry.

  8. Hi Lyosha, following you now. Your blog is amazing :) Keep it up!

  9. amazing and very inspiring pictures!
    wow simply breathtakking
    and i love your blog
    everything here is so inspiring and motivating!

    honestly I simply wanted to answer to your comment,

    and not again start falling in love with your beautiful blog :D

    I also posted something new,

    Where you can see my new pink hair a bit better,

    If you want to take a look

  10. fantastic jewels and great pictures.
    i am your new follower i hope u will follow me too, thnks for the awesome comments.

  11. wow))
    adorable photos! perfection!

    Angela Donava

  12. OMG.... stunningly beautiful jewellery! Amazing photos!


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  13. Hi Lyosha! These pictures are so beautiful and inspiring!! One of my favorite designers that I see all the time on street style blogs is Vika Gazinskaya. Her personal style is so unusual. I look forward to visiting your blog again!! ....Jean

  14. Love the idea of Jewelry fashion week! I hope you enjoyed it!

  15. I love learning new things... i had no idea there was a fashion week for jewelry and i had never heard of that brand :)
    Thank you for sharing.

  16. i love that jewellry has it's time to shine, because accessories really make or break the outfit!

    Enter to Win a Complete Anti-Aging System

  17. Attend what you can. These photos are exquisite!


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