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VFWM: Day 3. Firdaws

It's my last post from Volvo Fashion Week Moscow series telling about the fashion show that made us speechless. In Russia there are complicated relationship between muslim and non-muslim people that's why Firdaws Fashion House fashion show was very important. It was a fashion for muslim ladies full of amazing pattern and unusual shapes. The whole fashion show was very impressive wit musci and background. Max and I didn't think twice making this fashion show the whole post. it was simply too stunning. In the end of the show there were alive butterflies everywhere and again we had a chance to see those outfits very close having our time backstage.



 With the designer

I was wearing the same outfit as before but here I'd love to stick to the details

I was wearing (same outfit as in the post before):
Free People dress
Longshamp bag
Iron Fist pumps
Masterpiece, Tanchoo, Tribal accessory


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Some very beautiful creations! I'm holding a competition on my blog if you would like to check? xoxo.

  2. Wow, really curious experience, relationships between fashion and religions, and then all those beautiful butterflies, it had to be really great experience.

    Cat kisses.

  3. awesome dresses!

    Angela Donava

  4. i love the purple designs. they are so pretty! look at you ly! pretty in your blue tights and black skirt. :)

  5. Those are exquisite...stunning clothes!! :) And you look wonderful! x

  6. Wonderful dresses full of fantasy.
    I love the butterfly ring so much, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  7. The clothes are gorgeous. Great blog! Wanna follow each other on GFC or bloglovin'? Please leave me a comment or just follow me and I will follow you =)

  8. Those are really beautiful. But at the same time I hope the women who will wear them, truly want to cover themselves.
    Wow your earring, do you have a loop or is it fake? I had a loop but it ripped >.< !
    x, Lara

    1. about wearing those dresses. yes, I do hope it's aimed for women who really want some cover. there are a lot of dress which a very pretty on the show but in real life they show off even more.

      it's a fake. but looks nice :)

  9. Your outfit was so nice! : ) and that photos from fashion show, interesting! : )

  10. Gorgeous designs! I love the colors and textures!

  11. wow! so cool to see those muslim gowns - they are beautiful. thanks for sharing. I really like your look.

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  12. Wow, incredible photographs. those gowns are so beautiful!
    I adore your blog, would you like to follow each other?

  13. Cool fashion show and nice dresses they are too classy...

    Fashion Trends

  14. I agree, these designs looks very nice, I also loved your jewellery. :)

  15. Красивые фото, но мне не нравиться такая мода(
    Где-нибудь в Абу-Даби - да, а в России - нет)

  16. uh I love your photos!
    Lovely fashion show!

    >>> <<<

  17. Oh my gosh, that first purple gown is STUNNING!!!!!!!!!

  18. Beautiful dresses! Love the colors & the Design <3

    Thank you so much for your comment. Your blog is adorable. I'm following you now:))



  19. Hey, Lyosha! Thank you very much for your very kind message, I was very happy to read it :) I am fine but I was not in the mood to do something, neither draw nor make an outfit, I needed a break. Futhermore I am still studying and it takes up a lot of time, too. I ckecked your blog lately, sorry I didn't write anything! I hope you are doing fine. Love how you added the coloured stockings to this simple but elegant outfit, it makes it more alive :) I love coloured stockings, by the way :) See you soon!

  20. Gorgeous, especially with the butterflies! Looks like an amazing show!


  21. Thank you so much for your sweet comment !
    Very nice post !!

    XX Luba

    :: Well Living Blog ::

  22. Hi Lyosha! This shooting is just gorgeous! I'm in love with the last gown:) You look adorable! Kisses dear! xo

  23. Nice collection and beautiful dresses!!!
    Have a good week!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  24. Hello Lyosha!

    Very interesting this muslim fashion show, this is something we will never see here!

    i love the details of your outfit especially the earrings, very original

    Ariane xx

    1. guess what - I thought I would never ever see it in Russia. I got an invitation to Firdaws show totally blind. It was like - 'oh, the invitation, ok, I'll take a look, the timing is just fine'

  25. A beautiful collision of fashion and cultural style, they look so demure and graceful! Adore your blue tights!

  26. so elegant!
    thanks for coming by my blog!
    have a happy thanksgiving!

  27. wow such a pretty and amazing collection! loving your blog. xO!

  28. Wow the colors are amazing here! Thanks for stopping by! Let's follow each other!

  29. Great post. You look great!
    personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane!

  30. Very impressive outfits!
    Have a great day!


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