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Giveaway time

I've great news for you! I've teamed up with Firmoo again and holding another giveaway this time. Glasses or sunglasses from lovely FirmooThe most fashionable and quality sunglasses & eyeglasses selected in Classic Series( are available to be giving away!
And this giveaway is also extremely simple! All you have to do is to go to Firmoo's website (click here for fast jump) enjoy pretty glasses and comment below with your fave pair.
Also I want to give you a reminder that Firmoo is offering the most affordable prices which start at 8 dollars- 80%-90% lower compared to that in local store. Furthermore, Firmoo has launched First Pair Free Program for new customers to test their products and service for free by paying shipping only.
This are my pics for glasses (also could be turned into sunglasses for you)
and sunglasses
I'm so thrilled to know what are yourse!

I was wearing (top photo):
Firmoo glasses
Motel Rocks shirt


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Love the second pair...

  2. I lovelovelove this sunnies!

  3. beautiful goveaway, good luck !

    Video outfit YOUTUBE

  4. Nice giveaway!
    Thank you for following me! I followed you too on bloglovin!

    we ll be in touch!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  5. They have such a nice selection and very affordable. Good luck to everyone. Have a lovely weekend dear. x/Madison

  6. Lovely smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a nice day!!!!!!!!!

  7. Привет! Какая красивая улыбка!!! Тебе идут эти очки!!!
    Angela Donava

  8. Thank you for the giveaway. On your link, I really like the tortoise color with the square frames. It is bright and perfect for summer. I really enjoy the second pair of sunglasses on your blog. I was surprised to see how low some of the prices were as well.

    Please visit My Webblog

  9. So how to join this giveaway? :)

  10. اليكم شركة viewsoft احد افضل شركات المتخصصة في تقديم افضل برامج ERP في مصر والوطن العربي الذى تشتمل على عدة برامج مختلفة ومميزة باختلاف التخصصات والأنشطة كا برامج إدارة الشركات والموظفين داخل اى منظمة او شكة تريد التطوير من أدائها والارتقاء بمستوى العمالة والإنتاجية لديها نحن نقدم لهم افضل برامج شؤون موظفين نتمتع بالمرونة الكاملة لتعديل وتصميم برامجنا تبعا لموصفات وظروف كل عميل نعمل على مقابلة متطلبات وتخصصات العملاء بما يتماشى مع متطلبات سوق العمل المحيط بالشركة عن طريق erp companies in Egypt نعمل بشكل دورى ومنتظم لتقديم افضل البرامج والحلول للشركات بأفضل الأسعار.


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Thank you so much for taking time and leaving me a message! You are making me so happy! I promise to do the same thing for you.

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