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The essence of the image

Recently I enjoy the photography a lot even though now I have tons of shots and spend like gazillion time on sorting and thinking about the perfect shot. And as photography is a very important part of life for any blogger I'm offering you an easy read this Thursday.
Photography is the science of the human being, is a story of life, caught up in an instant. When picking up the camera, one is obliged to open in the object all the best which there is to reach, and even find more. The creation of photos carries an incredible responsibility that many cannot even comprehend. When you press the shutter button, you take the responsibility for this particular moment of reality that you decide to immortalize in frame. But how do you know if this moment is worthy of staying in eternity? Can you capture it correctly, retaining that unique fine line between reality and image, while respecting the laws of life and space? Will you be proud of your work later?
Today the humans’ life is hard to be imagined without photography, as it accompanies each of us from the day of our birth, throughout lives and until the very death. For the most people photos are precious documents, incontrovertible evidence of their personal stories of a lifetime. Every event of our lives, no matter how pointless it might seem to outsiders, for us can play an extraordinarily important and sometimes even a decisive role. Whether it is a random, spontaneous walk in the park, yet another birthday party, a wedding, a long-awaited voyage to some exotic place, a party at friend’s place - all these events a person seeks to perpetuate, to preserve memories, trying to recreate the moments of delight and cheerfulness, to once again feel all that he used to felt. The only way to get back into the past, known to a common man, to relive something that once took one’s breath away – to look at the photos. A good picture, if it is genuinely good, do not plainly catches the light, shadows and the placement of objects. It captures the emotion, the enthusiasm, it provides an opportunity to stare deeper through the space and time, reviving and repainting the memories.
To accept photography’s essence like a nice image of something or someone, judging its quality by how does someone or something look, or “do I look pretty on this pic?”, is blasphemous. Being a Miami photographer, or any place else where the culture of art is perpetuated, one would appallingly often hear all these profane speeches about photography, which emphasize completely wrong objectives. A photo is a grasp of moment and atmosphere, a scrap of reality, a material embodiment of one’s stipulation, feelings, desires, emotions experience, a piece of internal universe. After all, every photographer is endowed with a unique opportunity to make photos of a certain sense from his or hers unique point of view, to tell a matchless emotional story, which no one else could have seen of felt. The way one perceives a picture is a reflection of some of intrapersonal truths, a thin, though precise metaphor for one’s perception of the immense Everything.
When making pictures of the world around us, a photographer is able to be inspired by the bliss he sees, the sorrow he notices, the beauty he finds. Thanks to photography, to some extent, one is able to see and capture the world like no one else could, to explore people from different angles, with different emotions, experiences, in different colors with different opportunities. In the photo there is the contact and connection of reality and fantasy, so that the picture becomes a kind of tool for the development of its own internal reality.
this image is not mine and taken from intenet

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Thanks for your comment! Sure, I'd like to follow each other.
    Following and waiting for you:)

  2. I am getting more and more in love with photography too!

  3. I know!!! The magic of a great shot is awesome in itself!! I am a great lover of perfect photography too

    Btw do check out my new post
    Stay in touch

  4. Brilliant thoughts on a subject I care about. Good work, buddy.

  5. Amazing <3


  6. Lyosha, your words are definitely true! Photography can be such a powerful medium and it is touching and wonderful to see a moment that is beautifully captured!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  7. Taking photos is what I love to do the most. Never thought I'd be so hooked up on it. Now I always want to take shots and I wish I had a better camera :)

    xx Mira


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