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Girly for Rome

Finally I came to my outfits part. What do you think about denim? I love it. Even when it's summer (or was summer back then) it's nice to feel it on you again.

After my bootcamp adventures I craved for skirts and all things girly so this outfit for me was like a fresh air. I love how simple and lightweight it came out. Hat and extra-light shoes (sadly partly ruined) added a nice charm to the whole travel look. Rome is very impressive always and wearing something nice He's even better.

 I just can't skip the views part :)

I was wearing:
Masterpeace bracelets
GAP skirt
not branded hat, shoes and top


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Great outfit and photos dear!

    Please help me by cliking on the links of the post

    1. Hi! Happy to see you back! Clicky-click everything :)

  2. You look so cute Lyosha, the perfect combo for strolling around Rome. Kisses! xo

  3. I like your outfit, it seems perfect for a summer ending look. Wonderful photos to stroll around in Rome. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh, Rome, a city of such history. How I long to visit. You look full of energy, and also feminine, in this denim. Thanks for the mini tour.

    1. I'm so happy when someone like to tour part because it's hard not to share

  5. Hi dear,

    you look great! Lovely pictures :)
    I don’t know if you noticed, but I have a completely new website, check it out here:
    and let me know what you think!
    Also, I am moving from Blogger so you can’t follow me through GFC anymore, but if you go to my new page you will see that you can follow the blog through:

    Looking forward seeing you on my blog again!

    1. oh thanks for letting know. got back to you already!

  6. This is such a cool outfit, I love two pieces and this skirt takes the cake :)

    1. yeah, I think this skirt is priceless already - I keep wearing and wearing it over the years.

  7. Wonderful Photos! Also your Outfit looks lovely :)


  8. Replies
    1. hats are my passion - always happy to hear someone likes my choices in hats

  9. wonderful summery outfit! beautiful photos! xx


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