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Give me more nails!

This post is actually about three things in one! How do you like this idea?
Firstly it's about my newest ring. I got from collaboration with amazing shop Bornpretty where you can easily find and buy chip and very pretty accessory. What is even more important those accessories are of great quality and I'm always happy wearing it. Ring doesn't leave marks on fingers which can be a big danger when having some inexpensive accessories. And is of the shape of warrior helmet - what could be better. I'm very happy with it that's why I've given it a big spot on my blog. Soon you'll see one more amazing piece of their style on my blog - a wonderful octopus necklace.

The next part are my nails. I actually got them longer than usual and given a lot more time to make them work. I started coloring my nails more often and still happy about it. My nailing routing is very simple but it works fine with me. I also want to share with an exclusive tutorial from Julep about winter work with nails. Can't argue with it - it's totally correct. From my part I want to add that my typical nail do during winter contains also winter colors which means a paint them in lightter colors. This time it was white. They have my fave colors and other amazing products on their website (highly recommend to visit) here.

And finally I'm linking this post to amazing Share in style. Are you our sister? If not - take part in for example from blog Mis Papelicos which is not only hosting Share in Style but also one my must read blogs for inspiration and great company!

Special thanks for my dog Surak and his patience while taking the photos!

I was wearing:
c/o Bornpretty ring (with a helmet)


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Wow..that ring is amazing!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  2. you have an amazing blog
    follow me back ♥

  3. Really cool ring, never seen anything like it before :) Ha, your dog (so cute)!

  4. That is a gorgeous ring and I used to have long nails like yours but now that I have a little 7 months old, it is just impossible and unsafe to have them long. I might poke him and that's not good. LOL!

    Reflection of Sanity

  5. Amazing nails! Love that ring

  6. Love the ring, your nails look amazing, I would have those broke in no time, haha :) I hope you have a great week my dear xx

  7. really cool ring! Love the winterized nails.

    from Lazygulrox

  8. bautiful ring <3

    new post in

  9. Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yes, I'd like us to follow eachother, thanks for asking!
    You can follow my blog via GFC and I'll follow yours right back :)
    I hope we stay in touch!
    I also love bornprettystore, they have tons of cute things :)
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  10. The ring is beautiful and I really like the style. Of course, I also love Share in Style! Enjoy the week.

  11. Lovely nails! Thank you for stopping by my blog.


  12. Wow!!I like your long nails Lyosha!!
    But the ring looks gorgous!!

  13. Beautiful nails. And I love those tips for winter nails.

    Fabulous 30s

  14. I like your rign it's perfect :)

  15. Gorgeous hands and nails. I love long nails but I am such a klutz that I get them snagged, ripped, torn, the polish chips before I even get it on. So I am counting on you and others like you to carry the torch for me. And I like the idea of lighter colours for winter. Clearly, Sarak is a good dog.

  16. That warrior helmet ring is spectacular! xx

  17. Great nails.
    Thank you so much for being part of Share-in-Style

  18. Thank you for your comment on my blog :) I follow you now, it's your turn :) Would you like to follow on Insta as well? :)

  19. Impressive how long our nails are. And your rings are cool!

  20. Love your ring and your nails are beautiful. I used to have long nails during early 90s but now I find shorter easier to maintain (and I have kids). �� Thanks for sharing your winter tips for healthy nails.

    Heel in Mint

  21. Love everything in your post, Lyosha! You've beautiful hands & nails. xoxo
    Luxury Haven

  22. Beautiful nails! I love your ring! awesome piece!

  23. Looks beautiful ,love the Ring :)

  24. Hello again dear Lyosha, please don´t forget to vote tomorrow for your favourite look tomorrow ( Rosy and I are not included in the voting. This is all about you all)
    Tons of kisses


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