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Blue dresses

Talking about clothes and dresses for me there is one color which I love the most - blue. For me blue could never be a 'miss' not matter what. Even if I talk about puffy dresses. In fact for me this post is a very fun experience - to write about something I wouldn't normally suggest. I teamed up with  Sweetquinceaneradress. This time I browsed through Blue Quinceanera Dresses. Blue is my favourite color which helps a lot with those dresses. Having tons of Birthdays in December among family and close friends make it easier. Being older than 15 is making things a little harder as I basically can't imagine my 15 year-old self wearing any of those dresses. But if I had a younger sister which dress would I suggest?
Quinceanera as far I could google is 15th Birthday, pretty much the same with Sweet Sixteen. So the day should be BIG. By the way, in Russia the closest analog is 14th Birthday - after which a person get most of the adult rights. We don't celebrate it widely (or we do, I'm sure because basically I don't know many people of that age, just couple of boys who happen to be not interested in Birthdays at all). But nevertheless there are many people for whom it's not just a date in the Calendar, it's some kind of line they should pass. For someone it means they grew up, for some it's saying goodbye to childhood for someone it's just a beautiful date you should feel special about. It's very important to feel confident and special that day. During birthdays I often forget it happens no matter if I'm celebrating it with family, friends or with hubby somewhere overseas. Clothes always help in that matter esp if your day is very busy. Often we have check what is organized, work or something like that. In the end of the day you can forget about that. That's when party dresses help. Simply putting on such dress make you feel special. Getting back to the subject what I got from browsing Blue Quinceanera Dresses is that on her 15th birthday you should look like a real princess! That do you need for that? It should be long. The skirt should be big. It should form the body (esp if it's not fully formed). It should sparkle. Something else? You should love it!

There are mor options but I've chosen ones I loved the most. Which is your fave?

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


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