I wanted to post this for a bit long time... But you know, I'm so slow! Sometimes I simply don't get how one of my posts ends up being so slow to publish. This posted waited to be written since Dec. 28th. This finally (!) my ootd. And it's a fun one. It's all about kerling. My father celebrated this Birthday with family and friends in curling club so we were not limited by talking and having regular fun but had a chance to learn how to play curling as well. Being separated in two teams we had a game. Unfortunately Birthday-boy team didn't win but happy to say my team won (with two points came from my throw). But in the end we decided the friendship had won anyway! We had so very much fun. I'm actually still grateful for spending time celebrating - the best birthday party I attended so far! My outfit was the most comfy but I think it was very cute. Panda are cute always. I was wearing: Oysho sweater Topshop pants Have a nic
Inside is for personality, outside is for clothes.