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Women's Success Awards

November 29ty there was a great awards ceremony in Moscow. We've been celebrating the Women's Success Awards by Women's Time magazine. Not only it is important to appreciate the work and achievements of people no matter of their sex but setting an additional pattern makes appreciation wider in general. I was honored to attend the awards and want to share my experience with you.

RU: 29 Ноября в Москве прошла отличная церемония награждения. Мы отмечали Women's Success Awards журнала Women's Time. Мне кажется, что важно не только отмечать достижения и работу людей вне зависимости их пола, но несколько сузить выбор иногда, чтобы посмотреть на достижения более широко. Я была очень рада посетить эту церемонию и разделить мои впечатления с моими читателями.

For the event I've chosen a long dress (it's awards after all) from my fellow blogger, heeled boots to keep my feet warm as it recently got even colder in Moscow and a funny backpack to give my look a little less pomposity.
RU: для этого события я выбрала комплект из длинного платья от дружественного блоггера (это же церемония награждения в конце концов) и ботинок на каблуке, чтобы моим ногам было тепло, так как в Москве в последнее время изрядно похолодало, а так же смешной рюкзак, чтобы не быть помпезной.



Have a nice day,

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  1. What a fun award idea! LOVE that dress! And it's so fun that you added a quirky bag to the ensemble! Great choice! XO

  2. How cool! And u were great Lyosha! ox

  3. It looks likea funny day. Love your dress!

  4. It looks like it was a great event especially with the focus on women. Hope you have a lovely week. x/Madison

  5. Ah how wonderful to have attended such a great event, we need more positive things like this in the world. And I bet it is cold there! We are experiencing an arctic blast in NY right now. And love your stylish solution to the cold weather. And great place to shoot too!

    Allie of

  6. Look like it was a great event. Pretty dress. Thanks so much for your visit and comment.

  7. Looks like a fantastic event! The dress you chose to wear is so fun and chic!

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  9. Thanks dear :D

    woow, this is incredible event :D And you look so pretty!

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  10. love it! what a wonderful event :) thank you so much for your comment, I'm following you! kiss

  11. Cool event!!!
    In love with your plaid maxi dress!
    Kisses, Paola.


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  12. I like your blog, very nice :)

  13. Lovely dress!!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  14. This blog is so nice to me. I will continue to come here again and again. Visit my link as well. Good luck
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  15. These glasses ALL look SO cute on you!

  16. I can't wait to visit Cancun again. :)

  17. You did a good job with the pictures. Sounds like a cool event to see in person.


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