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Wfest 2018

As you know I am a long married woman. But I can't deny I love things wedding related: it's so much fun! Today I wanted to share my experience with the best ever wedding event in Moscow. It is WFest. I have attended it several times already (3 times to extact in 2016, 2017 and today). It never fails to impress! And it is also curios to watch trends pass by. Last year was all about the photobooths and this year they are all gone. One the bright side it was super easy to find yourself a perfect wedding cake this year. I bookmarked several places to buy a cake because you know it doesn't have to be a wedding cake to be good. But no wedding is complete without a bride as well as no wedding festival is complete without bridal fashion show. Or at least for me. As I have spent my day on WFest (and was super happy about it) I've seen two marvellous fashion shows: one from Lovyline & BeretkАh…!  , and the other was from YOO Studio
Русский перевод под изображением

 RU: Как вы знаете, я уже довольно давно замужем. Но я не могу не быть очарованной свадьбой и окружабщей её суетой: это так мило и весело! Сегодня я хотела бы поделиться моим днём на самом интересной на мой взгляд свадебном событии Москвы.  Это Wfest. Я уже трижды посещала его (вспомним 2016, 2017 и, конечно, сегодня). И Wfest не подвёл. Очень интересно наблюдать за сменой трендов. В прошлом году всё полнилось фотобудками, а в этом году их совсем не было. В этом году всё утопало в тортах. Я, к слову, отметила для себя несколько кондитерских, ведь торту не обязательно быть свадебным. Хотя, конечно, ни одна свадьба не возможна без невесты, и ни один свадебный фестиваль не возможен без показа свадебной моды. По крайней мере, для меня. И сегодня на Wfest мне довелось увидеть два совершенно разных показа. Один от Lovyline & BeretkАh…!  , а другой от YOO Studio

Fashion shows, wonderful music and creative professionals all around made wonderful atmosphere you feel happy to be a part of. Master-classes were very handy and useful. And moreover they had contests! I congratulate all the winners!
RU: Модные показы, замечательная музыка и креативные профессионалы создавали отличную атмосферу, в которой я чувствовала радость от даже простой сопричастности. Мастер-классы были очень полезными и ясными. А ещё был розыгрыш призов. Поздравляю победителей!

As for my outfit it was super simple and cute. I wore comfy pants and a funny vest which made look a little bit of western show character. Great way to emphases the joy.
RU: Мой образ был очень простым, но милым (по крайней мере, я на это надеялась). Я выбрала удобные штаны и смешной желет, который сделал меня немного похожей на персонажа вестерна. По-моему, это отличное добавление к радостной атмосфере.

I was wearing:
DKNY bag
Monki pants
c/o Zaful vest
Tommy Hilfiger sweater


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. I love everything wedding related too! This wedding fashion show is so nice.

  2. I have always wanted to learn more about Moscow, anything about Moscow. Glad to learn some wedding fashion and love those pictures to the max. Even though I am not getting married but still I think some of the pieces I can wear it for any formal dinner or occasion.

  3. This fasion wedding show looks amazing!

  4. What an amazing event! I have very little experience of weddings really but I always love seeing the dresses. I really like the long white dress with the sublte hints of colours. Its different but not too crazy for a wedding dress!

  5. There are a lot of amazing pieces. Thanks for sharing this on your blog.
    I love the dresses so much.

  6. Wedding topics excite me too. All wedding outfits displayed in your post are so pretty. This is great idea to have such event so that would be brides have plenty of choice.

  7. A wedding exhibition must be so much fun! The dresses are amazing!

  8. Wow such beautiful dresses here it looks like you had an awesome time!

  9. OMG that red cake is stunning. So sophisticated and beautiful. Those dresses are pretty too, but I am in love with that cake.

  10. Wow!! That is such a great fashion show. I love seeing those beautiful wedding dresses. Anyways, I love the simplicity of your outfit, you look good as always.

  11. It's been such a long time since I last attended a fashion show! It's always so fun an exciting and you get to meet awesome people as well. Loved your outfit!

  12. Wow! What lovely designs. I liked many of the dresses that were featured here. I definitely would wear the red dress. that is one of my favorite colors to wear.

  13. The fashion show looks like it was fun. But those don’t look like wedding dresses to me lol.

  14. First of all you look amazing, love your outfit. About weddings, I agree with you, I love everything related to weddings, those details and everything. The event looks amazing, I am liking all the outfits and pictures.

  15. Hello, I love the designs of the wedding dresses! Looks very beautiful. Your pictures are very nice and interesting.

  16. I love all that magnificent fuss that surrounds a wedding! The cake, the dress - even if I'm someone who doesn't even like the idea of great public gatherings, a wedding has a special charm. Thank you for sharing pics of those dresses, they are breath-taking!

  17. How fun. I am always amazed at how fads repeat themselves. How what maybe in style today, is out the door tomorrow. Weddings have definitely changed. Some are getting away from the traditional norms of the past.

  18. Love love love this post. I’m a bride to be and get married next year. I’m wedding obsessed! I love reading about weddings and getting ideas and learning how other people celebrate and the various traditions celebrated across the globe

  19. Those wedding dresses are extraordinary! What a wonderful event to attend, I can see why you keep going back! Beautiful!

  20. There is something about wedding that bring out our inner child of being a princess even if is for one day. The trend does change but like that they keep the traditional dresses for the old fashion in heart.

  21. Sounds like you really enjoyed this wedding show! I have never been to a wedding fair or show myself, as never been been married or even engaged x


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