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FollowTheFabrika, start of second season

It's officially spring. I don't really feel it in the weather yet it is in the air and mind. Spring means revival of dreaming nature and beginning of something new. I find it perfect that one of the very best fashion event ever started in spring. I am talking about second season of FollowTheFabrika. Surely I couldn't miss the new stage. It was so worth it! First of all it started with kids fashion. For the first time a kid fashion brand took part in the project. The format is slightly changed but the core idea is intact. I want to thank and congratulate the organizers with fabulous start as well as the winners and wish them the best of luck.
русский перевод пож изображением.

RU:  Вот и началась весна! Пока погода это не дает прочувствовать, но в воздухе уже пахнет весной, а душа стремиться стряхнуть весь нападавший снег. Весна - обновление и оживление природы, начало чего-то нового. Мне кажется, что это особенно ценно, что мероприятие,  о котором сегодня пойдёт речь, выпало именно на весну. Я говорю сейчас о втором сезоне проекта FollowThe Fabrika, единственном в России, который действительно направлен на масштабирование бренда. Конечно, пропустить это было бы просто преступлением. Во-первых, он начался с показа детской моды! Это была первая десткая коллекция на проекте. Во-вторых, формат несколько изменился, хотя суть проекта осталась неизменной. Я хотела бы поздравить и поблагодарить организаторов с прекрасным началом, равно как и дизайнерам, и пожелать удачи и дальнейших свершений.

I recently newly discovered this vest in my closet and grew a little fond of it. It looks great. I love the asymmetry here as well as a little sheer here and there. Paired with my most comfy pants and wonderful new shoes I felt comfortable during each moment of the event.
RU: Я недавно снова наткнулась на это жилет в шкафу и немного увлеклась им. Он так интересно выглядит! Очень приятная ассимметрия, равно как и легкая прозрачность то там, то тут. Я скомбинировала его с удобными брюками и новыми ботнками, чтобы образ позволил мне чувствовать себя уверенно весь вечер, что бы не случилось.

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. We always talk about women and men's fashion so it was lovely to hear about a focus on kids fashion instead as lets face it kids love to dress up as well! I am glad that 'Follow The Fabrika' was able to bring in the start of spring as well!

  2. There's just something about seeing a runway show! The vibe, the music, the liveliness. It's all so beautiful and its own art form. I love attending them, and this one looked so fun! <3

  3. Looks like a good time! Kids fashion is always fun. Actually any type of live event is fun!

  4. Being a mama, I love when it comes to kids fashion and this live event for kids seemed really enriching to me.

  5. I love all your snow photos! I can't believe that it's Spring, you wouldn't think it with the weather that we've been having recently. As much as I love the snow, I'm looking forward to it warming up a little bit.

    Ami xxx

  6. Spring Season is a dreaming season for fashion lovers!!! Kids are looking so confident in the trendy outfits.

  7. Spring Season is a dreaming season for fashion lovers!!! Kids are looking so confident in the trendy outfits.

  8. It feels that you had lots of fun there. Kids fashion is very joyful and it is so good to see the fashion show. You styled your outfit beautifully and I totally loved it :)

  9. Очень стильные образы) классная подборка)

  10. I love watching fashion show's especially with kids! They are always so fun to watch! I cannot believe spring is here already! That means it's time for some editing of my wardrobe. I love the vest! Don't you love rediscovering items in your closet?

  11. I love that coat you're wearing, so chic! The fashion show looks like it was so much fun. Thanks for sharing, girlie, and I hope you have a great rest of the week!



  12. This sounds like a really fun fashion event. I love your outfit too... especially that top.

  13. Thanks a lot :D

    you look amazing my friend :D loved it!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  14. Everyone is excited about spring i'm wishing I get to experience that soon too. Anyway, very lovely pictures. It's nice to see more on kids fashion than men's and women's as it has always been. And again, that was a really fine fashion event certainly!

  15. Oh what a fun top! I like the zipper detail, and although you didn't wear your coat inside at the show I really like it and it looks good in the snow! :)

    Hope you are having a good week so far :) I've lost my voice so not the best week for me, haha!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  16. Some great pictures. I really like the zipper. The style is great and perfect for the spring season. So glad the snow has gone now too!

  17. I love watching fashion shows. All these pictures look amazing. The kids look so trendy in their outfits.

  18. It is officially spring but it does not quite feel like it yet. I am looking forward to rocking my spring pieces once it warms up.

  19. How is it Spring already? That's crazy to me! Especially considering the weather is still so cold! I love your snow photos. I am living in Beijing and have been so jealous of the snow photos back home!

  20. You look amazing out there in the snow. It's crazy there are parts of the world with snow. It doesn't seem to snow ever out here. A little dribble now and then. I don't even think you could call what we had winter. But I like you am ready for the spring and the spring fashions.

  21. All of those clothes look super chic! We are still a long way from Spring, need warmer weather soon.

  22. Angela Ricardo BetheaMar 7, 2018, 11:23:00 PM

    Before I really want to attend fashion shows. and this looks really fun and you really enjoy it, for sure. Anyways, you look gorgeous in your black dress.

  23. You wore it really well, I like how it compliments each other. I also really like the ones worn by the one with white hair, feels modern and majestic with a dark, beautiful vibe.

  24. The Follow The Fabrika event looks great! I've never been to a fashion event but it looks so interesting and fun. I really like your outfit and the photos you took!

  25. Spring is upon us but here's hoping the weather catches up soon so we can enjoy it! The event looks really great there are some lovely pieces shown.

  26. Looks great! Real mix of bold looks and normal everyday styles.

    Aishah x

  27. I have never heard of this event. I really like that they included kid’s fashion. By the way, I’m totally lusting after your long plaid jacket. It’s so classy and versatile. Love it!

  28. I am pretty sure that is such a fun and exciting fashion show. You look stunning in your simple black dress.

  29. So happy to know that they included kids fashion. It would be a great way for kids to express what they feel while they're still young!

  30. I love that checkered outer coat of yours. It looks great and suitable for all kinds of season! It's timeless!


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