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Lingerie Fashion Week spring 2018

This post is dedicated to all lingerie girls such as myself. April means Lingerie Fashion Week for me! There was no way I could have missed that. And you can be sure I had a total blast there. Wonderful fashion shows, useful masterclasses and endless shopping.
RU: этот пост я посвящаю всем девушкам, обожающим бельё, таким девушкам как и я сама. Апрель для меня прочно стал месяцев, когда проходит Lingerie Fashion Week. Конечно, я никак не могла пропустить её. И, конечно, это было шикарно. Отличные показы мод, полезные мастер-классы и бесконечный рай шоппинга.
As you might remember each fashion show is dedicated to some theme changing from season to season. This season the was dancing. And the fashion show below is rumba! Passionate, bright and a bit fancy. Just like the styles.
RU: как и предыдущих сезонах каждый показ посвящён определенной теме. В этом сезоне темой были танцы. А для показа ниже танцем-темой стала румба. Яркая, страстная и стильная. Очень подходящая образам на подиуме.

My outfit was a bit casual and very happy. I am super excited about spring we have here. It’s very warm now, it’s super nice to wear short skirt, tee and a light jacket. No tights if you know what I mean.
RU: мой образ повседневный, но очень радостный для меня. Я очень рада наконец наступившей весне. Тепло, а потом так здорово просто надеть короткую юбку, футболку и легкую куртку. И никаких колготок, если вы помаете, о чём я.

I was wearing:
Monki skirt
Under Armor sneakers
c/o Zaful jacket
Arny Praht backpack
Morothead band t-shirt
Topshop hat


Have a nice day,

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  1. YES! Lingerie Fashion week would definitely be top of my list for shows to attend too. I'm sad we don't have any available in our neck of the woods. Love your photos, and I can imagine the fun music and atmosphere at the shows! So glad you enjoyed yourself!

  2. I didn't even know there was such a thing as Lingerie Fashion week! How fun! I would love to be able to see this in person. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Отличный образ! Наконец-то можно сказать "пока, колготки" :D

    My blog is "Demilla". Welcome!

  4. Love your high socks and the sneaker shoes and the jean skirt look so matching! It make you look so young and vibrant, full of energy!

  5. You look beautiful and cool young girl in your outfit. I like the way you style it, it so simple but rock!

  6. I love your jacket and what you matched with it, it looks comfy and perfect for the weather here as well. It's such a nice refreshing feeling to see those lingerie with a nature theme.

  7. I have happened to attend a Lingerie Fashion Show and I definitely loved the collection. I can even imagine how awesome the vent was for you and yes, I think that your casual affair just did it right!

  8. I love the flowery dressing gown and lingerie! As well as the denim skirt x

  9. This is so lovely! How I wish I was as talented and could pull off such a look.

  10. There looked to be some really interesting items in the show, I hope you had a really good time! I like the outfit you chose to wear too, the long socks really set it off!

  11. Wonderful, I love all the outfits, from yours to the lingerie models. Casual is always good, and with the milder weather, the possibilities are endless!

  12. you look so cute in that outfit

    ❤ Ms. Kei

  13. It's one of the most awaited Fashion shows by many people!

  14. I do really love attending Fashion show event. It fulfill my passion on styling. and it looks like you really enjoy it too!

  15. You look amazing. The show looks so good, I like the collection, especially the flower patterns on the robes. I am glad you had a nice time at the event.

  16. All your looks are simply amazing! I especially liked the last look. Great styling!

  17. The spring lingerie collection was really amazing . Really amazing styles ! I really liked your look for the fashion week too.

  18. what a lovely show! I used to love lingerie when I was younger, now with age I lost my interest to buy it.

  19. I would love to experience Lingerie Fashion Week! From your photos - all of the designers were on point with their designs!

  20. I love how you styled yourself, perfect for spring. I am a big fan of your style. I need a lesson in photography. Glad you had fun at the lingerie event.

  21. Oh!! This is so much fun.. How I wish we could have that here for month long celebration.. Like a Lingerie Month - definitely all ladies and feeling ladies would go gaga

  22. I didn't know April is Lingerie Fashion Week! I've seen before a lingerie show by Triumph and Victoria Secret on TV, but nothing else. I guess it's pretty different seeing it in real life and on show!

  23. I've never heard of lingerie fashion week apart from the victoria secret shows I never knew there was such a thing. It looks like you had a great time.


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