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It is not so!

I don’t actually have new outfits to post now. I am saving it for exciting period of local Fashion Weeks. But it doesn’t mean I want leave you without updates. I will post some oldies. These are two my final summer outfits actually worn late September.
Don’t get me wrong I love fall but I do miss summer as well. Especially when I am in a hurry as I have to spend extra time to get ready because putting on scarf and coat means extra time spent.
Anyway I hope you still like my basics! We will see them next season.

I was wearing:
Outfit 1:
Monki top
Twinkledeals skirt c/o
Armani jeans shoes
random bracelets

Outfit 2:
Lacoste polo
Zaful shorts c/o
Caterpillar shoes
Bornpretty earrings c/o
vintage scarf (worn as belt)


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Cute outfits! I am looking forward to your updates from the Fashion Weeks you have coming up :)

  2. Love these outfits. The styles and colours go really well together and suit both girls.

  3. This is a very good fashion everyday use.

  4. Love these outfits. The styles and colours go really well together and suit both girls. However, I am looking forward to your updates from the Fashion Weeks.

  5. I do like your second outfit best, I think it suits you better. I do like the blue tshirt and the scarf wore as a belt.

  6. I love the pictures and all the outfits match the surroundings

  7. I love all of your outfits! I too love summer but wish we did have cooler weather in South Florida, as I do love to wear boots and sweaters too!

  8. I hear you about missing summer. As much as I love fall, there is always something special about that time of year. I love both looks but the first is definitely my favourite!

  9. The two outfits are so beautiful! I really like the orange skirt :)

  10. That skirt is so fun and frilly! Love it! easy to take into fall with a jacket and boots!

  11. Very cute outfits. I really like the orange skirt it's very Autumnal x

  12. Very chill outfits. You look super comfy and ready to tackle your day!

  13. Those are great outfits! They look so comfortable yet so stylish.

  14. I really liked your outfits. It's okay if they aren't exactly new, I've not seen them so great combos. Happy autumn. <3

  15. Those shorts look very comfortable! I would not mind having a pair myself!

  16. It might be too cold now for me to wear shorts. Those look comfy though!

  17. You have great style. I really like the outfits you picked to showcase here.

  18. Hey girl! You are looking nice in these outfits! I wish I was younger and had more confidence!

  19. Omg so many cute outfits!!! So wish it was shorts weather here in WNY!!!!

  20. I love those outfits they are so cute and looks so perfect to wear in that place.

  21. I get the same feeling, while autumn is perfect for layering and trying out so many colours and textures, it`s forever summer in my heart. You are wearing a vintage scarf as a belt, how cool <3

  22. These outfits look so comfortable -- perfect for the season. Loving the vintage scarf.


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