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Jaws, cute jaws

Fall means funny sweaters to me. The funnier the better. I am still waiting for my own ugly sweater for Christmas, hoping for this year, may be. But funny sweater is funny sweater and I enjoy it a lot. I always look for a cute option to add to my closet because I have to be honest - I tend to wear jeans and random sweater often in windy Moscow autumn days. Bright and funny print often helps to make up with the weather. Today I want to share the new and super cute item I recently received from Wholesale7. Not only they have lots of cute dresses and sport clothes but also charming collection of various sweaters (side note: lots of them come in both female and male versions). I didn't actually think twice when I saw this funny and cute babe in stock. I new it immediately: this shark sweater has to be MINE (Halloween appropriate laughter here, please). It is of great quality and perfect for current weather, not too warm.In fact I already wore it several times with various bottoms. This one is so far the cutest. Denim skirt, comfy boots, cute sweater, huge glasses. I feel like I am a bit typical but who cares, this outfit is me.


I was wearing:
c/o Wholesale7 sweater (shop it here)
Monki skirt
Jil Sander boots
Love Moschino bag
c/o Firmoo glasses


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. That is such an awesome sweater! I need one just like it. Love the color of it especially

  2. That is such an awesome sweater! And you are as usual so lovely.

  3. This is such an awesome sweater :) I love it a lot. And cute photos as always - looking great!

  4. Nice jumper! I really need to go shopping and get myself some nice Fall outfits

  5. Great post dear! Have a wonderful day!

  6. YES. I love funny sweaters as well! (And ugly Christmas sweaters, too.) This one is awesome. I love it!

  7. Now how cute are you—the sweater screams fun, but I loved how you paired the outfit with a playful hat and skirt!

  8. You are the cutest period! Love your sweater, perfect for this season!

  9. You are a doll. I love your outlook on life. I love your style. I DEFINITELY love that smile!

  10. I love the shark sweater! what a way to have fun with fashion!

  11. Amazing outfit!! I love It! ♥
    Have a nice day dear! xoxo

    New post

  12. Great outfit. I do love the sweater the most!

  13. Fall is by far my favorite time of the year! I absolutely love your sweater, it makes me smile!

  14. Cute outfit. I think my daughter would appreciate it.

  15. Adorable sweater! So much fun. The whole outfit is perfect for this time of year.

  16. I love your cute "ugly" sweater. Speaking of which, I need to dig mine out from god knows where...

  17. It looks like a cute sweatshirt to brighten up the fall mood. It's nice to break the mood as well and get away from the peppermints and burgundy hues.

  18. that shark is so adorable! and i love the way you paired it with denim jeans. cut outfit!

  19. This seems super cute! I would love to gift sweaters like these to my funky and cool friends.

  20. It is pretty cute! I'm a massive jaws fan so any excuse to work it into my wardrobe is a plus!

  21. I love the Jaws films so this is an appropriate jumper and I love the colour

  22. That shark sweater is adorable! I love it! I don't really have any 'cute' ugly sweaters of my own, but this is making me think that I should look for one!

  23. I love your Jaws sweater! I love sweater weather too and try to find original and cute sweaters as well. Love to be different :)

  24. Amazing jumper! I usually wear black or white but would definitely go for this one!

  25. Love the sweater bright red is amazing plus a fun shark! Love it.

  26. That is a really cute outfit on you! I would love to have that shirt.

  27. Your sweater is super cute and love the way how you have styled it with your entire outfit. You look gorgeous girl!

  28. Ohhh the cutest sweater in the world! I love Cute Jaws! :)

  29. This is a really cute outfit! I really like the sweater. Definitely something I would wear, as I like eclectic items.

  30. These pictures are too cute! I love when people can have fun with fashion, and you certainly do! I love sharks, so this sweater is perfect.

  31. that jumper is just the cutest hun !! love the color and shark pattern

  32. I loved how you paired this sweater with a jean skirt. This looks so 90s and I love it!

  33. This outfit is perfect! Love the trend mix. I love the look. The boots go so well with the whole outfit.

  34. This is so adorable! I'm a fan of the 'ugly Christmas sweater, so this is perfect for me!

  35. Auwwn..that tells me a lot about your personality which, by the way, looks beautiful. I’m more a all black outfit person.

  36. This look is so joyful! not so much my style but it looks awesome on you!

  37. That is a really cute sweater! In fact the whole outfit is super cute. I would definitely wear it.

  38. Omg!!! Cutest top EVER!!! Love the shark. So cute

  39. You look so darn adorable :) cute outfit. and I can connect coz I LOVE fall too. the colors, the cool wind, the fallen leaves.. everything is so gorgeous about it!

  40. I am loving the red sweater you have on here. It is so stylish and pretty. Love the design a lot.

  41. That is the cutest sweater I have ever seen! I have a thing for sea life so it's doubly cute to me

  42. Hahaha LOVE your sweater!! So so fun!

  43. That is one cool sweater. I love it and its so much fun! and it looks amazing on you!


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