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ENG: I love fashion. If you read my blog now you definitely understand it. I do love it and I am always happy to touch it, to feel it, to be part of it. I definitely can prove it. The of my arrival home from Goa I rushed to event. If you were me, you'd do that too. It was an event by BeretkAh hat and accessory brand. I have seen the creations many times and hope to see more of it in the future. During the meet up the guests (me included) were able to socialize and enjoy the creations, trying them on and creating the looks with it. I have to admit, I couldn't hold it long and tried on many hats. Which one is your favorite?
RU: Я обожаю моду. Если вы читаете этот пост сейчас, вы определенно это понимаете. Я люблю моду и я всегда рада прикоснуться к ней, почувствовать её, стать её частичкой. Сегодня я даже могу это доказать. В день моего возвращения с Гоа, я уже спешила на мепроятие. Впрочем, окажись вы на моём месте, вы поступили бы так же. Причиной послужило мероприятие, встреча с маркой от BeretkAh, которая специализируется на шляпках и аксессуарах. Я уже неоднократно видела их прекрасные творения, и надеюсь увидеть ещё больше их в будущем. Во время ивета у гостей (и у меня, конечно) была возможность познакомиться и пообщаться, примерить шляпки и ободки, создать потрясающий образ с помощью макияжа и укладки. Я, признаться, от души повеселилась и примерила множество образов. Какой вам понравился больше всего?

Photos c/o BeretkaH
I was wearing:
BeretkaH hats and hairpieces
Monki sweater and pants


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Thank you for sharing that amazing event!
    I love the polkadot one like a rabbit and gold one like the Statue of Liberty in third to last picture!
    The brand's website and video are really great, and I would love to try their head accessories <3


    1. In case you might find it interesting: the shop is international!

  2. Really great photos! And the hats presenting - amazing, each with their own, unique character :) Love it!

  3. Wow, looks like this was a wonderful event!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  4. You give me inspiration to write it for beauty & fashion. You are awesome..

    1. Thank you so much! You do a great job making your post. I feel safe to say I have read your blog on full!

  5. I absolutely adore such head wear! All the pieces look so elegant and inventive.

  6. Those are some wild hats. I liked the black and white polka dot one too. I think it is the winner.

  7. these are some cute accessories! the polka dot has to be my fave!

  8. BeretkAh hat and accessory brand looks so cool. Loved their collection of products

  9. I love anywhere there is live music, especiall a bass or cello which are my two faves. I'm not so big on fashion these days, but I sure used to be!

  10. i just adore all those stunning hats they are so stylish and look so good on you

  11. Good article and nice photos. Are you doing a pics by cannon?

    1. I didn't make photos for this post myself, I have been provided with images photographer made during the event/ Unfortunately I didn't pay much attention to the camera so I can't really fill you in

  12. Thanks for sharing about this event. I personally like the net hat and polka dot hat.

  13. This looks like a wonderful event! I really liked that polka dots hat as it looks so chic!

  14. I love all the fascinators. It's a toss between the feathers and polka dot! Either way you look great

  15. Yesss I sure do know you a big fashion fan. I am loving that hat. Thanks for keeping us uptade with these great events

  16. What a wonderful post! This seems like such a fun time. Thanks for sharing! :)

  17. What a fun event. We love all the fascinators. They are so pretty.

  18. I think i like the black hat the most. What sort of event was this? Were they selling the hats, or did everyone just bring their favorites?

  19. Great pictures my friend, i love the confidence in your body language in the pics

  20. I love your sweater! Where did you get it?

  21. I love the jumper you're wearing! That colour <3

  22. Cool photos! I love your jumper and cute hat.


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