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Al Arabia Fashion Days

ENG: Earlier this week there was a wonderful event, a fashion show held in Moscow. Second season of Al Arabia Fashion Days. It is an international project to support creativity of designers and bring in everything best to the eyes of fashion lovers. Lasted for two whole days Al Arabia Fashion Days showed various talented and luxurious gowns and dresses. I was able to attend the second day and here is my report of it.
RU: На этой неделе мне довелось посетить прекрасное событие, показ мод в Москве. Это был второй сезон Al Arabia Fashion Days. Это интернациональный проект, направенный на поддержку креативности и красоты, развитию отношений арабских стран и России. Показы длились два дня, один из которых я и посетила. Прекрасные и роскошные вечерние наряды от очень талантиливых и креативных дизайнеров составили мне вечер.

ENG: I can't actually say which show I loved more: Sevda Fashion House or Anastasia Kiefer Couture as both shows had awesome points and sticking beauty of gowns. Each unique in its own ways. Bolder, more power play and girl boss styles from Sevda closely rivaled by feminine and gentle Anastasia Kiefer's lazure colors. Graceful and beautiful! Which one did you like the most?
RU: Честно признаться, мне сложно выбрать фаворита среди этих двух показов:  Sevda Fashion House or Anastasia Kiefer Couture, оба показа были яркими и уникальными, каждый в своём роде. Более резкие, яркие платья для девушек боссов от Sevda или нежность и женственность от Anastasia Kiefer. Так достойно, так красиво! А какая коллекция вам больше по душе?

And to check out more closely here are the highlights of the collections:

ENG: For my outfit during this hot day I have chosen comfortable pumps, basic white polo and a white spacious bag - all in purpose of complementing my next skirt. I love it so much! I recently got it. It is made by Russian designer Maria Braslavskaya 'Labyrinth'. Do you like it?
RU: Мой образ состоял из удобных лодочек, белого поло и белой же просторной сумки - всё с целью подчеркнуть мою новую прекрасную юбку. Я от неё в восторге! Юбка от российского дизайнера Марии Браславской "Лабиринт". Нравится ли вам этот комплект?

I was wearing:
Maria Braslavskaya Labyrinth skirt
Lacoste polo
Micheal Kors bag
Jimmy Choo pumps


Have a nice day,

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  1. I am loving your outfit! The one with the skirt and pumps looks like it would be so comfortable to wear and the skirt is so colourful as well.

  2. Where can I buy that skirt? That is a must-have!

  3. I envy you always participate in the best catwalk!

  4. Lots of cute dresses. Many of them I would love to wear.

  5. Before reading your blog I had no idea of the fashion scene in Russia! It is really spectacular. Are the fashions similar to those in the US? Is there crossover with designers at all? Love your outfit as well. I always show my girls your posts and they are enamored with the fashion.

    1. the designers here are not from Russia (there were russian designers on the event but I wasn't able to attend). A lot of designers travel with their collections and show it on various markets. For example Savda Fashion House is from United Arab Emirates.

  6. This looks like a fabulous show! I love those glittery gowns. You also have a great style. That colorful skirt would go with so many things.

  7. Ooh your skirt is incredible! What a gorgeous piece. I love that it is bright and colourful but still looks really sophisticated. You always look fabulous!

  8. Amazing coverage about the event,
    I love your outfit, it's casual but still stylish ♥


  9. I love the big bright colors of your skirt. So perfect for summer. I also love how different the styles were at the fashion shows. Both collections were so unique yet simply stunning.

  10. Oh wow, that looks like lots of fun to attend. I love being able to check out different fashions and this looks like it was a really neat opportunity.

  11. The look is chic, the models are all lithe and lissome and you are dressed to kill. The clothes are glam. Thanks for this an di always look forward to your write ups to keep upto date with fashion happening around the world.
    jerry godinho

  12. Sounds like it was an awesome event. I would love to go to a fashion show someday.

  13. Wow these outfits are amazing and I love the print on your skirt.

  14. The models look fierce at the top and then softer. I like your often, the skirt is great. The shoes are stealing my heart!!

  15. That fashion looks so fun! And, your outfit is adorable. You're rocking that skirt!

  16. Looks like you've had a wonderful time watching that fabulous fashion show event.
    I like your colorful skirt and it looks really good on you.

  17. Kristine Nicole AlessandraJun 16, 2019, 6:35:00 AM

    I think I prefer the clothes by Anastasia Kiefer Couture. It looks more feminine to me. But of course, that is just my opinion. BTW, I love your skirt!

  18. I liked all the dresses but my personal favorite would be the red one! It looks so hot!

  19. What a stunning collection at the Al Arabia Fashion Show, I totally love the collection by Sevda and your summer outfit looks great on you too

  20. I love that these gowns provide coverage. It seems that most gowns that I see, that are in style are very reviling. I am so glad to see some class at the Al Arabia Fashion Show.

  21. The collection highlights from the catwalk were absolutely gorgeous! I also loved your outfit, especially that beautiful skirt!!

  22. What a great experience and exposure you have here. Your skirt is so gorgeous and fits perfectly on you.

  23. The fashion shows look so glamourous! And the outfits amazing! I would love to attend such an event one day, just for the experience! I love the outfit you choose for yourself the skirt looks comfy but also so stylish!! Great post!

  24. This fashion shows looks really nice and full of glamour. love all the outfit you wearing also. I like skirts a lot.

  25. Awesome would be an understatement. Fabulous collection. And each one of them. I would love to be attending shows of such high quality.

  26. Glad that you got an opportunity to attend this event. The collection looks gorgeous. I also loved your skirt. Such a darling piece!

  27. I love fashion shows. I've only been to one and I loved it. Your skirt is amazing


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