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Saturday Night Special

This weekend is awesome! Finally great warm weather, lots of joy with my friends and family, lots of events, sun and general laughter. I wish I lasted forever. I am so excited I can' actually sleep so I decided to calm myself with something exciting and relaxing. Something fashion related because you know me, all right. I can't really think of something better than dresses because dresses are my uniform pretty much all the time I spend time in hot weather. I love it loose and short, it is making me feel as if I wear nothing without breaking any code. And it definitely looks more pretty. I also treasure dresses during my cycling trips because I often find myself tired after all day cycling and don't really want to think what to wear. Dress is life savior in that situation, all you need to do is just put it on and all set. less variations may be but still comfortable and relaxing.
That is why I decided to write a quite special post today teaming up with to show the very best of what they have for me to may be grab without thinking. Yes today's theme are dresses for summer and here are you top three choices:
White, floral and absolutely efforless. it is loose which is making this dress ideal for my summer! I'd weat it very often. And the shoulders are covered which is very important because if your sunscreen fails it's very important to have your shoulders at least covered.
Longer boho dress. For me this dress is definition of date. Nothing beats date night. And for it during the summer I can pick fashion floral short sleeve skater dress and be sure of my superb effortless style. My partner's eyes will not leave me all the time.
I am in love with this dress! I would wear it so much! it's actually bookmarked for me and I think I will buy it, I like it so much! It would totally fit my style and closet. It's a little pricey so I hope it will go on sale. The mixture of styles and beautiful embroidery makes the dress absolutely perfect in my eyes.

Well... Ok I lied. But I hope it's ok. Here is forth option wonderful beautiful o-neck print shift dress

Do you like the dresses from Which one would you pick for a hot day?
Also if you decided to shop here is the Promo code: Blog5. You'll have 5% off which is a nice bonus always,
Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


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