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Summer time

Summertime and the living is easy. During hot and not so hot summer days I do enjoy as much time out as I can. I try to connect with all the greenery around and enjoy warm and pretty sun around me (tons of SPF included for sure). This is one of my relaxed casual summer looks I wore to hang out with friends and family (and yes crime detected: I wore it several times without changing the details!)



I was wearing:
Calvin Klein jeans and watch
Marc by Marc Jacobs shoes (8 years old and still going)
H&M body


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. summer time is a moment you spend with your love ones that will give you a great feeling

  2. Summer is a time to be outdoors enjoying the fresh air and scenery around you with friends and family x

  3. Having a go to outfit is so important, especially one that makes you feel good while wearing! We also love spending copious amounts of time outside in the summer heat as well.

  4. Summer can be quite annoying if I can't tolerate the heat just like today, I am so done with it.

  5. For me summer is a month of vacation, In summer I alway visit different places listed in my bucket list.

  6. These are such lovely photos. And I like summer, I just wish it weren't so dang hot in Texas.

  7. Loving your casual look, great outfit when you are out and about during summer or warm weather

  8. I am a summer person. I like wearing shorts and tank tops.

  9. Super love your style and your photos are gorgeous wow!!! That park is amazing...

  10. I love that you are enjoying all of the beautiful summer weather right now! You look so gorgeous in these pictures.

  11. This is such a perfect summer time outfit! I am all about wearing comfortable cute outfits and rocking them as many times as possible!

  12. My favorite time of the year, I love to pull out all the summer clothes as soon the sun starts to move higher. I love your outfit, beautiful.

  13. looks like summertime agrees with you. love the background by the pond! enjoy your summer

    Joy at The Joyous Living

  14. Summer is my least favorite season. It's scorching hot! Anyway, your outfit looks good on you. Happy Summer!

  15. Summer time is the best timing to show off our shoulders and you have great shoulders, lean and tone. Great for all summer outfit. Really envy.

  16. i love the black on black outfit! so slimming and flattering

  17. Sigh. Sometimes I wish summer could last forever. But then I guess I wouldn't appreciate it as much when it is here.

    1. I couldn't agree more. I wish summer was endless but in that case it wouldn't be so special

  18. Awesome shots! Summer is one of the best season for me!

  19. Summer is the time for us to have more chance to spend quality time to our loved ones and that is why I love this season.

  20. These are beautiful pictures. I love the greenery at pretty much any local park this time of year. So gorgeous!

  21. You look adorable and so in tune with nature. I just love those jeans and those shoes.

  22. Very nice and summery shots! You look wonderful!

  23. I love summer because we get very rough winters so I try to soak up the rays as much as I can.

  24. It's so beautiful here! The park so green and you so glowy in the sun...oooh...the beauty of summer!

  25. It goes so fast but Summer is so much fun. I love every second of Summer with the kids.

  26. The Summer is almost ending and I'm going to miss it just a bit, but I'm definitely looking forward to a colder weather. Lovely photos! Your outfit is on point. Enjoy your weekend.

  27. Summer is really fun! I am so glad to see you're enjoying summer through these wonderful photos.

  28. This look is so casual as well as smart and perfect for the summer. It looks so good on you. Vicky

  29. Summer seems so quick these days. We try to pack so much into a few months and live outside as much as we can. Great outfit.

  30. It’s an amazing outfit. And through your blog you make it more comfortable. Nonetheless you look elegant

  31. Marc Jacobs does make long lasting, great items. The pics are great!

  32. I like the bodysuit. The place is so nice and relaxing! Wishing you a wonderful Summer, beautiful!

    The Flower Duet

  33. That nice thing about summer is we could go out in our favorite attire, no thick jackets and stupid bonnets lol. But if it's already too hot to handle, I wish, winter or autumn would come already. :)

  34. Wow, the setting looks so serene. Personally I prefer spring and fall, but I'll take summer over winter.

  35. This is a lovely summer look. It's relaxed yet chic and I like your shoes too!

  36. Perfect opening lines for this post about your lovely time outdoors in the summer sunshine. Great simple outfit, too!

  37. I love your photos you look so relaxed . I love your shoes, I hope you are enjoying the summer.

  38. Summertime can be fun when the sun isn't scorching. Between those are nice photos you've got.

  39. Great outfit :) I don't like summer. I prefer spring :)
    I'm your new follower :)

  40. You look so so stunning! Love the outfit on you, it really works for you. Thanks for the post.

  41. I too love to get in touch with nature in the beautiful days of summer. Great outfit as it looks great and also versatile so you can likely get up to many different outdoor activities while wearing it!

  42. Cute outfit. I love the detail on top. Amazing that you’ve had the shoes for 8 years...stylish and obvious great quality.

  43. YES! Love being outside in the summer. And love a good pair of shoes that last for years! That's what you get for buying quality!!

  44. That is such a lovely outfit. Yes, summer time is the best time of the year! Enjoy the rest of the summer!

  45. I love being outdoors in the summer, and a natural background is perfect for a summer photo shoot! Your shoes are so cute!

  46. I love the summers in the west as our summer in India is too hot and humid in many places. I love the green here in the pics and you so relaxed.

  47. Out of the topic but what's your fitness secret? 🙈 Do you work out or eat healthy? Maybe you can some day right a post on how you keep yourself fit and lean? :)

  48. These are fabulous pictures of you, Lyosha! I do agree that summer is the best. My husband and I have been making it a point to get out more this summer and really explore where we live, and it’s been a ton of fun. I don’t want it to end when fall arrives.

  49. I love summer. I am from a tropical country and sometimes the Canadian winter is no fun for me.

  50. I definitely want to be outdoors as much as possible. It looks like you live in a fabulous place to take outdoor shots.

  51. When it's warm, I'm outside every second I can be. I'm probably the most heat-loving-tolerant person you'll ever meet! And summer clothes are by far, my favorite part of my wardrobe!


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