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Fresh and Clean

Everyday matters consume you. People you love miss you and want your attention. Also you need to work. But coming back home I had an additional and very exciting thing to do to: to get my delivery from postal. And you know what? it was very nice too. Once again I got goodies from Nivea and couldn't be more excited! Shower gels are finishing up way too fast during the summer and I personally don't mind a new scent. and as for deodorant (my second item), can you actually have too many? One for daily use/work, one for gym and if you are me one for runs too. Yay for my new Black and White from Nivea.

Shortly about the products:
Shower gel smells peonies. I love it that Nivea scents go by the book and you don't have to laugh over what is was supposed to be. It smells fresh and calming. I found it the most delightful for me to use in the evening.

Deodorant works. I think it is the most important. It doesn't leave stains on black but I have a habit with applies roughly 5-10 minutes before getting dressed so I don't actually know how fast it dies so it doesn't leave the stains. Don't want to really test you know. It works great for me. But the main pro of it is a scent. It smells tiny lollipops! The exact scent of a small candy I obsessed when I was little. I am overly excited with this!

Do you like Nivea products and my dress?

I was wearing:
Lucio dress
Nivea 'Love Peonies' shower gel and 'Black and White' deodorant
NYX liquid lipstick

Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Nivea is a good brand! So pretty dear:)

  2. I love that the deodorant smells like lollipops, how fun! :)

    Hope that you are having a great weekend! We went to a birthday party in the park which was a lot of fun :)

    Away From Blue

  3. I’m loving your dress, Lyosha! It’s literally perfect for you. Easily the best and most complimentary outfit I’ve seen you wear so far (and you have a lot of other great ones) and my favorite.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nivea is always a good product, isn't it? I think I'd enjoy the shower gel scented with peoniesYour dress is so pretty.

  6. I love the summery vibes that you give off from your flowery dress! It's a simple and beautiful look

  7. I've never tried Nivea products. Thanks for the review. The deodorant sounds like a winner for sure!

  8. I LOVE Nivea products, and this peony scented wash looks amazing! Totally a scent that I would love on my body.

  9. I LOVE Nivea products, and this peony scented wash looks amazing! Totally a scent that I would love on my body.

  10. Well first of all your dress looks excellent. I like the flower prints. Nivea is a good product. From my childhood days my parents had preferred it and I also used the lotion and the cream. I have used the deo too.

  11. you look gorgeous in that floral dress!

  12. Nivea products are great. I’ll have to try the deodorant.

  13. I love lollipops!! Gimme a deodorant that smells like lollipops and I'll definitely buy it!!

  14. Your dress is so pretty! We love Nivea products! My oldest uses them all the time.

  15. They look like lovely products - lollipop deodarant is definitely a winner!

  16. i love nivea brand ! its been used in my family for years - their products are always fantastic - kind regards Pati Robins- stylesqueeze blog

  17. Have always loved Nivea products because it's so clean and fresh looking.

  18. I love Nivea products, definitely nice on the skin! Your dress is super pretty, that color looks lovely on you!

  19. First of all, you look pretty with your outfit and it looks really good on you.
    Nivea is such a good products to use. I am a Nivea user and I love it!

  20. I love Nivea products and use them religiously, my husband also uses the men's line.

  21. Your dress is lovely. It looks comfy and fresh for the summer. I love Nivea products, my favorites are the lotions.

  22. I like your dress so beautiful and I use some Nivea products for my skin :) Gorgeous!

  23. My three girls andI love Nivea products. This is another one we have to give a try!

  24. Yes i like nivea products! And now i wanna get my hands on these babies! 😍

  25. Nivea products have always been a reputable brand and great product to users. Your outfit is very gorgeous too.

  26. Nivea is one of my favorite brands too and has a constant presence in our home for years together. We started with their winter cream first and now keep using most of their products. My personal favorite is the deo range.

  27. So lovely to smell pretty and look pretty too. I have not seen these products in stores here. I will have to check them out.
    Have a great week,

  28. I've never heard of this brand! I'll have to check it out.

  29. I am a fan of shower gels and Nivea looks interesting. I would love to try it .

  30. Nivea is a great brand! I haven't tried their deodorant yet though! I adore your dress. That pattern complements you so well!!! I'd love to find something like that for myself.

  31. That's a gorgeous dress on you! Regarding the deodorant, how natural is it? Is it free of parabens and aluminum?

  32. I like Nevea body wash and lotion, this is something I bought for my middle schooler and he likes the smell of both them. I usually buy recommended product but this time I just went for it because it has lavender in the lotion which is something I can't get enough of.

  33. I definitely love your dress! And in summers, Nivea deo is my go to product. I absolutely adore it.


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