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MBFWRussia, day 4

I am very excited and happy to show you this post. it is indeed special to me! This is my favorite outfit of all I wore for Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia. It is so beautiful, I can't help it. I am very excited to read what you think about this one. Please don't take it seriously though, it's more about colors than actual input with Asia.
RU: Я очень рада писать этот пост. Он особенный для меня! В первую очередь я могу с уверенностью сказать, что это мой любимый образ текущего сезона. Он красив и необычен и мне безумно нравится! Жду-недождусь прочитать ваши впечатления о нем. Но не будьте слишком строги, он скорее про цвета и ткани, чем большой намёк на Азию.

I wore it for two unique shows. First one was a very futuristic one from Linus Leonardsson. 5th Element, Luna from Harry Potter, 60s look into 00s. You name it we felt it. It was fun!
RU: Этот наряд сопровождал меня на два показа. Первым был футуристически показ Linus Leonardsson. Пятый Элемент, Луна из Гарри Поттера, 60е смешанные с 00выми. Что-то эдакое. Очень весело!

Second show was probably the most important on MBFWRussia. It was from Mad Daisy Moscow in collaboration with Tretyakov Gallery (one of the two biggest and most important museums in Moscow). Not only they used a very beautiful image from Russian female painter N. Goncharova from early XX but showed a message on the catwalk. Not only diversity they talked about alopecia. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease affecting hair. People who have alopecia loose all of their hair or a big part of it. Most of models on the catwalk are simple women from community Aplotianka (a mix of word 'alopecia' and 'inoplanetyanka', alien in Russian). I think it was a great message of equality mixing alopecia fighters with regular models. And also one of the best, most powerful moments of all the show was when a model took off her wig and showed bold head. I can't stop thanking the brand and the models from bringing it to us. If the disease affects your looks only it doesn't mean it doesn't need to be talked about.
RU: Второй показ был, на мой вщгляд, самым важным показом этого сезона. Его представила Mad Daisy Moscow в коллаборации с Третьяковской Галлереей. Они не только использовали прекрасные изображения прекрасной русской художницы Натальи Гончароваой (начало ХХ века), но и представили очень важное послание на подиуме. Дело даже не в разных типажах на подиуме, а об алопеции. Алопеция - это аутоимунное заболевание, поражающее волосы. Люди с алопецией теряют все или часть своих волос, что касается не только головы, но бровей, ресниц и т.п. Большинство моделей на подиуме - жещины из общественной орагнизации Алопетянка (микс из слов "алопеция" и "инопланетянка"). Мне кажется, это прерасное послание истинного равенства, эта смесь обычных моделей и женщин с алопецией.  ДЛя меня самым сильным моментом показа стал момент, когда модель прошла по подуиму в парике и вдруг неожиданно одним движением руки сняла парик, обнажая полностью лишенную волос голову. Я не могу перестать благодарить бренд и всех моделей за то, что сделали этот показ явью. Даже если болезнь не приносит постоянной физической боли, даже если основной её эффект косметический, это не значит, что об этом не стоит знать, не стоит говорить, не стоит считать нормальным.

I was wearing:
Kenzo bag
Monki jumpsuit
Portal shoes
c/o Zaful jacket and cardigan


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. What a great message MBFW had using models with Alopecia. Beautiful outfits and fantasitc way of supporting people. They did it right.

  2. These models and brand are so inspiring, I love this!!!

    Also I love your, the colors are amazing and it looked fab on you!

  3. I’m enjoying these fashion week posts. Another great show here. Your outfit looks amazing!

  4. Ho visto due vestiti nel tuo instagra, la verità è che li adoro. Mi piace questo colore e ha un bell'aspetto e un bell'aspetto.

    Outerwear for Women

    1. The looks on the runway this year are absolutely amazing. Some of the Russian fashion looks even more creative and out there than the things you see at NYFW. Very cool.

  5. This sounds like another beautiful fashion show event and those are really superb collections I've ever seen.

  6. I like your outfit choice. It is pretty and has a lot of interesting elements. It would be a lot of fun to go to a fashion show!


  7. You have chosen a sensational look for the show. I liked this one too.

  8. Another awesome turn out for this fashion show event and a great round of collections that anyone can appreciate!

  9. Looks pull off the look very well and fit right in with all the fashionistas!

  10. I love your outfit because you can fashion it different ways and it still looks chic. I also love how it flows!

  11. what an awesome fashion show! And raise awareness for alopecia! Double awesome!

  12. Lovely outfit! The colors look awesome on you. The fashion show looks amazing with all the different looks. Very inspiring!

  13. MBFW has a very nice message, these models are so beautiful and it's stunning how they rock the stage, with so much confidence. Love it.

  14. So many interesting and unique looks here! What an exciting event!

  15. These outfits are looks so comfortable to wear. The classic colors are awesome.

  16. Your outfit is so nice, you really rock it girl..! And it's nice that MBWF designed this fashion show for people with alopecia, it's such a great act to encourage everyone of us. Hairless or not, we are all beautiful.. ��

  17. Your outfit looks lovely and it's so versatile since you can dress it up or down. I love quite a few of the designs that you showcased here, more especially the simple lines with sumptuous colors and fabrics.

  18. Love your outfit as the colours are so beautiful and it suits you so perfectly as well.

  19. This event is so fantastic. I really love watching fashion runway. You got it all classic clothes and unique style. And your clothes is stunning beautiful. You wear it very nice!

  20. Oh wow, I definitely see why it was your favourite outfit. It makes such a statement! You look absolutely incredible.

  21. I love your outfit and the colours are great together, I think I prefered the second show to the first as can relate more to those outfits

  22. This fashion week showcased some LOVELY outfits ... if only I had the money to keep up. **hahaa** Your outfit was marvelous too.

  23. These outfits all look very wearable and lovely. You also carry your clothes very well. Love it.

  24. I am obsessed with what you're wearing, looks sooooo unique and gorgeous, love it.

  25. I really love the outfit that you have on. It looks awesome. The other fashion...'s not much my style. But your looks great! Guess that's why I keep stopping back here!

  26. Love your outfit I have the exact same kimono, perfect for an easy day out.

  27. What a great show and I love your print mixing colourful outfit! That kimono is such a stunning piece on you! :) You know I love my kimonos, haha!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

  28. I love how this fashion show inspired people to be comfortable in their own skin. The outfits are all beautiful and so are the models!

  29. That is such a cute outfit, I love it! The show looks pretty fun and so many amazing things! Would love to go to something like that someday.

  30. I really like your outfit. It is both elegant and fun. Looks very comfortable, too.

  31. Kristine Nicole AlessandraOct 24, 2019, 8:52:00 PM

    I love your jumpsuit. I like the color and the style. It is a very versatile piece that you can wear casually or dress it up with the right coat and accessories. I enjoyed viewing the photos of the fashion show too!

  32. I love it - and the pairing with the leather jacket. Looks like a great week

  33. I really love watching fashion show. These outfits looks so comfortable and this is so classic! and the choices of color is great!

  34. I love the jumpsuit you wore under that kimono! The colors are gorgeous and I love how you can dress it up or down depending on how you accessorize or wear it

  35. I'll totally rock some of these fashion styles. I love the emerald wide leg jumper with the lower cleavage neckline.

  36. I absolutely love your outfit! It is gorgeous and makes you look amazing! In the fashion show.. I really like the purple outfit and the white and black outfit. I'd wear those!

  37. Super love your outfit. The print is just so pretty and totally my style. Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience. The futuristic one looks really exciting.

  38. The flowing dresses and outfits are so beautiful. You gotta explain to me those ones that some young men were wearing: tight and designed from several pieces. I just don't get it. To me, it is not beautiful or meaningful in any way. Unless, I miss the backstory.

  39. Oh my- I am in love with your outfit, more than the runway pieces. You have such incredible taste!

  40. Omg just love the look loves!!! Fashion shows are the best. So much fun to watch

  41. I am in love with these outfits. This showcase is stunning.

  42. I loved the collection and sounds like a wonderful experience! I also loved your outfit and you're totally slaying it babe!

  43. Love the look. So different... You definitely stand out in the crowd with those beautiful colors. Some great fashions during the showcase too. wow

  44. You look really lovely on your outfit. and those collections are really awesome. Such a nice experience you had there.

  45. Toistaiseksi - suosikkini päivä) rikkaat värit ovat innostavia) Jokainen puku on antropomorfista sateenkaarta)))

    Dear Lover


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