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Ms. Spring

it's a quick update because I can't actually find anything even remotely smart to talk about. Most of the time when I start writing a post I either tell about the event I attended to or have something interesting to share about my outfit. This is an outfit I wore at home to have a regular daily life. Work, have fun and eat. I also danced with my doggo.

I like this dress, it very comfortable and I have strong association with spring and sun. I dunno why but it makes me feel happy and very easy. My favorite leg warmers and a headband add to the mood. I find this outfit very cheering up or something like that.
I was wearing:
Monki dress
Mod Cloth headband
leg warmers from Lingerie Fashion Week last season
bracelets bought from hippies on nudist beach on Canary Islands
c/o Glasseshop glasses


Have a nice day,

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  1. Perfection dress


  2. I love your dress and head band. Such a great combination.

  3. This is a very cute dress love it. It's so colorful and it seems like it's a very comfortable dress

  4. This dress fits you very well. I am less a fan of your green socks, but I guess that just me. You are very lovely anyway! And I love your eyeglasses :)

  5. Good of you to find things that enhance your mood. That's nice self-care.

  6. It makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one struggling to write during this lock down. It feels like my brain just shutdown when the country shutdown. Cute dress and dog.

    1. so true! I can't bring up something to write when everything stays so still around me.

  7. The color matching is wonderful, u looks good in this dress and hair band...

  8. This is a pretty dress! I really like the color and the hair piece.

  9. I’m a huge fan of spring, and especially the fashion! This is a cute outfit you’ve put together.

  10. That is a pretty dress. I too have clothes that make me fell amazing

  11. The dress looks really good on you! Your glasses are also very cute! You overall style is very pretty :)

  12. That dress is absolutely adorable (it looks comfy too) and there is never anything wrong with dancing with the doggo! I dance with mine too lol

  13. I always look forward to your next article about your outfit. They all look good on you. I like your dog, too.

  14. I love that whole outfit. I does look like spring! But I absolutely love the shelf on your wall! It is so perfect!

  15. I think many of us are suffering from "don't know what to blog about". Love the pic of you dancing with your dog, Cute!

  16. That dress looks really beautiful and it looks really comfortable to wear. I love it!

  17. I love your dress! <3 it feels to comfy when worn... and most especially, I wanna hug your sweet dog!

  18. That is a very cute dress! It's a shame you don't really feel you have anything to talk about, how are you filling your time at the moment? Have you read any interesting books or watched any good films? Perhaps you could talk about that??

  19. I'm sure you could find lots of things to talk about...maybe how Russia or your city is managing the pandemic and how people are taking it. Global perspectives are interesting to know.

  20. I'm sure you could find lots of things to talk about...maybe how Russia or your city is managing the pandemic and how people are taking it. Global perspectives are interesting to know.

    1. I don't really want to talk about the pandemic. It's actually very depressing. people are scared, people get sick, tons of people do not believe in the threat and go out as much as they can. The amount of people on streets equals the best summer weekends. Small and Medium Business are in the pinch and there is not much help for them (tons of details to qualify, mostly they help huge corporations 'because they give tons of jobs': for example there is help to McDonald's from Russian government). I prefer looking on the bright side. Plus I work with fashion, there is not much to say about that now. I could talk about face masks but I dunno.

  21. Oh my gosh how cute are you, I am loving that dress! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us!

  22. Such a nice dress. It looks so nice. Love the color too!

  23. I love the dress. It is very classic and cheerful. Your dog is adorable too :)

  24. What a cute dress. It is coming up to that time of year when I can ditch the jeans and wear more dresses, skirts and shorts. Sometimes it is hard to know what to write as it does require making a long term plan for your blog.

    1. Yeah, I wear dresses most of the time during summer as well.
      Planning ahead is what I do as well but the pandemic screwed over the planning. 70% of my content is event related so... poor me!

  25. That's an absolutely lovely outfit that made me think of summer and normal life — very much needed. I grew up with dogs and your post reminded me of the times I danced with them. Thanks for the smile.

  26. I love how you are still keeping well and making the most of things. Such a lovdely and cute dress by the way x

  27. That's a very pretty dress , bright and summery! I suppose all bloggers go through writer's block too!

  28. You look so lovely in the dress. I liked all the clicks of yours. I am sure you will write more soon.

  29. I love the dress and your head band is SO cute. I wish I could pull of headbands like that but I always look so weird with them! Looks like you are ready for spring!

    1. Yeah I know how you feel, I think it's just about face. I look stupid in half I try on as well

  30. Love the way you keep yourself motivated – with fashion! The dress is adorable, and your puppy is so lively, too!

  31. You look so comfy and precious! I might have to try dancing with my dog soon. Way to get creative!

    1. it's a great idea. My dog however didn't like my attempt on tango much.. may be he wanted to lead?

  32. Any dress that makes you feel comfortable and confident is a winner! And red always works...

  33. Kristine Nicole AlessandraApr 28, 2020, 10:40:00 PM

    That is a really pretty dress! I like the color and the delicate print design. Even the style of the dress is so nice! You always have pretty outfits!

  34. The dress looks beautiful on you! I love the color!

  35. Such a simple but nice dress! I love the print design aside from the color, it looks good on you!

    1. I agree: print is what what makes the dress special!

  36. Love the dress color on you. Can't wait to go outside again.

  37. Lovely dress on you! Your dog is so cute<3


    1. thanks! my dog especially likes this comment because you have a beautiful dog of your own

  38. You are super cute with that dress and how you style your hair! Take care!

  39. That dress does look very good on you and I like the blending with the headband. Good coordination and love your dog dancing with you! Goes to show that sharing without any special event is fun and interesting as well.

  40. You look really cute in that outfit. Even if it's just something you wear in everyday life. I understand starting out writing and not knowing what to talk about right now. I hope things get back to normal soon.

  41. What a cute dress! I cannot make it out but are those flowers?

  42. Yes we need to keep finding new ways to keep ourselves engaged. I love this one of dancing with your dog. Also love the red printed dress of yours. Bright and refreshing.

  43. Hi girl, you look beautiful in your dress. It looks fit and comfy when worn.

  44. That is such a beautiful dress! You look gorgeous.

  45. What a cute dress! Definitely a good springtime dress and that color looks so good on you!

  46. I feel like this is exactly what we need right now - the things that make us smile and bring joy into our lives. Whether it's blasting the music, dancing around the room or rocking a favourite outfit. I think this dress is PERFECT for the current situation we're in!

  47. Looking lovely as per usual. I really do like the dress it is very pretty xx

  48. The dress does look very much like spring, it's pretty. I have a blue romper that I associate with this season as well, but haven't had a chance to wear it yet. Hopefully when the rainy English weather clears up.

  49. I love this dress! It fits your style so perfectly too. I am at the point right now where I just change leggings and tank tops every day. It's difficult to get excited about getting dressed when I can't go out but to pick up food. I feel like I should more just to get into the routine, and your dress inspires me to do that.

    1. I feel your pain. I use dressing up as normality anchor as it is very closely tied with my own perspective. I think it works worse on people who only dress up for some real reason because it's not a hobby for them

  50. Wow! such a pretty dress. I love the color. You look so elegant and fresh. I usually love spring collection. It is so colorful and adds freshness to life

  51. Love your dress

    Best homewear


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