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Stay at home tips, not numbered

I know I post about fashion but let's face it: we are all home and we are facing crisis. I have chosen to be open with my readers and I can't really avoid the issues me or most of people here face. I definitely mean people who follow the new normal and stay home which is a huge issue in Russia. Lots of people are not staying home and living as normal. I can't change the situation, all I can do is to follow the protocol and stay home as much as I can.
As you  might already know I work from home on regular basis, it means I didn't have to organize home office and somehow adapt to this. I also don't have little human at home so I don't have to try to homeschool anyone. But I do know a lot about working from home.
Normally I go for a walk in the local park several times a day: to walk the dogs, to have a run, to discuss something with husband (we both think better when we move). Now it is banned. We still need to walk the pups and we try to play with them a lot so they have enough movement, I think we might have spoiled them already. Make sure your pets move a lot, if you are steady they tend to be more steady too, especially if they are not that young (mine are 8 and 9 years old).

When you work take frequent breaks, just to stand up, drink some water, mixes well with communication with partner, pets and things like that. If you are organizing the working spot consider lighting: it's important to have lots of light and comfortable seat (or try work standing, it is very healthy). Set working schedule, even if you are at home it doesn't mean you don't have working hours. It is very important to have it or you will tire yourself out. But at the same time you should know it's ok not to feel focused and ready to work from home: there are a lot of distractions here, it's true. It is ok to do a bare minimum or skip it overall from time to time. It is ok to let yourself work more if you feel inspired and you can. Working a little extra if you feel like it might help you build a gap for future when you want to slack it off (it doesn't work for everyone but still). Also be ready that you will clean up a lot more, I was shocked when I realized how much more dusting I need to make. Remember a big part of dust is our own skin, spending more time at home meaning 'shedding' more.

Don't forget to set time for entertainment. There are plenty of online activities: podcasts, courses, webinars, theater and philharmonic. Combine it with reading a book, playing board games with your family or playing games on pc/console. Do you have a hobby you can maintain during the lockdown? GO ahead. Don't be shy to take your own time, you don't have to spend time with  your family if you don't want to. It is healthy to have your own space from time to time. Do something silly, there are a lot of challenges happening online. Because why not? I enjoy tiktoking too.

A lot of people are reorganizing houses, making small repairs and everything. It is spring (or fall if you are in southern hemisphere) so it's time to change your wardrobe anyway. It's a great idea to sort the clothes. Play dress up in mean time for extra points. If not don't forget to clean your living area, it feels good and helps you focus if you are surrounded with neat environment.

Cook homemade food. It is more budget friendly, it is great for family bounding and controlling what you eat is important to still fit into your clothes after quarantine is lifted. Don't be afraid to cook something guilty like a cake or a pie as well, the key is in controlling what you eat, not dieting. or scrap it and order delivery because there are no real limits if you feel like it. Comfort is important too. May be you would want to order delivery to mark a day of rest?

Lockdown means a lot less movement for each of us. Don't forget to workout. There a lot of free apps or apps turned free during the quarantine time. I know it is no where like a gym but it is something. You might want to try something different: try HIIT if you are yogy or try yoga if you work the weights only. Remember you don't need to order expensive new equipment just for lockdown time, you own weight is enough. You are free to do so if you want but think of time when things get back to normal, what are you going to do? Plus don't forget cardio: cycling, running, jumping is good for you, try to add it somehow. Our bicycles are stuck at my parent's place where they lived through the winter so we can't cycle at home. We have a ping pong table and play for an hour each day. It's a great way to chat, have fun and move more at the same time. Don't feel like you have to do it each day, it ok to skip or dance instead of 'workout'.
It gets on my nerves I can not go out just because I want to. So I started taking a shower or a bath during the day. I don't blow-dry my hair (actually it is a great idea to give your hair a blow dry rest) and let my hair air dry. It takes time. I tell myself I can not go out because I just left the shower (or a bath) my hair are wet, I can't go on the street. Not because of the pandemic but because I chose to. Also shower or a bath is a great grounding time. Taking time to use all those products and let yourself soak helps to switch off a little. I find a lot of joy in spending more time on self care. One more tip about it: do your nails! Your hands is something you see very often, neat nails and moisturized skin will improve your own feelings. I use professional help to tend my nails all time but during the crisis I can not. I simply push mu cuticle away and make sure my nails are evenly cut, I also color them often it makes me happy.

I am a personal style and fashion blogger. I know what you wear means a lot. try to wear proper clothes as well. Wearing a suit might help you to feel more focused, dressing for evening time with your partner will feel more like a date if you take time to dress for it. Dressing up comfortable is important too: I gave in and wore sweats yesterday and it actually felt nice. Just make sure you wear clean clothes and you like yourself in this clothes. Say no to any ugly, not repaired clothes. If you you look like a mess most likely you act like this as well.

I was wearing:
Reebok sweatsuit
ZNU top


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. Thanks for the working from home tips. I'm just starting a new job. It will be mostly from home even after social distancing. Thanks.

  2. I've been working at home for almost a year and I am loving it! We just need to schedule our time and activities properly, so it wouldn't feel exhausting.

  3. Many people find it difficult to cope at this time. Others are adapting to it. Still, there are some who are used to this way of life. You've got some nice tips. Hopefully, many will find them very helpful.

  4. These are great activities to do when working from home and wanting to keep a schedule in tact.

  5. These are really useful tips. I've recently started cooking in my home

  6. Gloomhaven looks interesting! Is it a board game? My partner and I are both big geeks and love anything that reminds us of Warhammer!

    1. I love Warhammer as well. Tau army here!
      Gloomhaven it's more like an DnD without a master, tactic-wise but there is no roleplay (because no master). it's huge and fun. They state it's at least 180 hours of gameplay per one run.

  7. Great to know you have two doggos to take to. Yes, just like you, I walk the dogs twice daily despite the lockdown.

  8. A lot of helpful tips. Setting flexible work period. Homecooking. Exercising. Physical and emotional selfcare. Thanks for reminding us how to keep ourselves occupied.

  9. Fun tips here! I love having at home spa evenings.

  10. All of these ideas are great. I actually have way more things to do than I have time. But I would still love to get out for a bit. I miss meeting with my friends and eating out.

  11. Great post!
    I enjoyed reading your work from home tips. I'm trying to adapt to this and I have noticed taking breaks in my backyard really helps. Your pups are so cute :)

    Perla Lifestyle Blog

  12. I'm still working but I took a few days off to spend with the hubby - we've been cooking, going for walks, and playing lots of games. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!

  13. There are so many things that you can do at home but if you are not in the situation you don't think about them... Cooking, reading, workout and more! - Paolo

  14. It is such a strange time, but there is comfort in knowing that we might be across the world but all in this together. I completely agree that it is so important to be able to exercise and move your body for both physical and mental health. I think we will all appreciate our daily freedoms so much more after this, I know I will!

  15. Thanks for sharing these great tips! So many of us are working from home and not at all used to it or prepared so this are very helpful.

  16. Cleaning and cooking are my ways of coping up! Thanks for these recommendations/tips. I am loving your dog. I bet he's doing a good job to keep you mentally healthy.. <3

  17. These are some great tips! I have been throwing myself into rearranging my home ( we just had a new baby so we are looking to downsize. then to boot my blog has been getting a ton of attention! plus more time with my babies between those three i never have a dull day!

    1. I think it's only fortunate for you. My friend has a new born (March 15th), she says she is actually happy to be locked down because her family is closer to her and help a lot more

  18. I think you're definitely right here! It is annoying as it is, but it's needed to stay home so we can all beat this asap.

  19. I'm thinking that this quarantine period a positive one because I am seeing a lot of people have more time to take care for themselves and back on track to fitness. It feels like we are all healing.

  20. Thanks for all these tips. I definitely agree on taking breaks. It helps break the monotony and burn out. I actually use the pomodoro technique. It's great.

  21. Thanks for all the great tips. I have been watching alot of netflix and youtube

  22. Great tips, thank you for sharing! -Sedija

  23. These are really useful tips. I started my work from home journey just before all this virus craziness started, so a lot of this good to know.

  24. Kristine Nicole AlessandraApr 20, 2020, 1:41:00 PM

    I have been working from home for 4 years now, so this lock down period is nothing new to me, work wise. But there are still changes and adjustments we have to make to this "new normal." We can't walk our dog outside so we had to train him to just be content with walking in the garage. Going out for groceries or medicine is allowed only during a limited time during the day, so planning everything and having a list ready before I go out is a must. A few good things that have come out of this lock down is that I have some extra time to attend to my plants and I am also currently learning a new language online. So fun.

    1. I so feel you! walking the dogs is pain. we can walk around 100 meters from the door but we had a special dog walking area within 100 meters so pups are fine. having to stay at home all the time is definitely not the same as being able to take a short walk break from work at any given moment

  25. Good that you were already working from home that makes it a lot easier for you :)

  26. Keeping busy is the best way to cope with this whole thing.

  27. Like you I try to stay at home as much as possible and leave the house only for food shopping and walks. Thanks for the helpful tips!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  28. These are really useful tips. I've recently started cooking in my home

  29. Though we don't have any choice, staying inside our home is the best that we can do. I think this is also the best time to work on those things that we left behind and enjoy every day positively. You're doing ok, stay safe!

  30. Much like you I have been working from home for a long time (17 years now) so not much has changed overall with the exception of my going out and running a quick errand during the day just to get away and clear my head. You are so right about escaping when you can whether it be with the dogs (we have 3) or just to take a quick walk. We can still walk outside if we practice social distancing or wear a mask. For the last 50 days or so I have been relegated to working out in my basement like I used to do when I was younger. Ever the occasional yoga class with my wife and girls when they are all up at the same time. Great tips to help us all get through this pandemic.

  31. These tips were great. I especially think it is important to keep moving. Our bodies need the movement. I am trying to keep up with my workout routine. It just makes everything better. I've also have been gardening. It really has helped. Spending this time with my family.

    Stephanie S.

  32. I really like your tip about getting up, moving, and taking a break when you are working from home.. I'm spending so much time sitting at my computer these days. I also wish I had blue blocking glasses. After this is all over, I am going to invest in a pair.

  33. very useful at this time. being at home can be distructive as well as constructive.

  34. I have never worked from home before, so these tips was really needed. Thanks for sharing

  35. Sorry to hear your local parks are closed. Ours are still open but we are only allowed to go walking once per day.
    I agree about the clothes. Despite staying in, we should dress in clean clothes, which will make us feel better.

  36. There are some really good tips here for sure. Looks like you have everything all sorted x

  37. We have been loving our time at home. I have been introducing myself to improving my cooking skills by looking up recipes.

  38. My favourite tip from this blog post is the one about cooking homemade food, that really helps me with staying cheerful, I ended up cooking many meals I haven't eaten for a while, some since childhood and I also made my first-ever tiramisu just a few days ago. I really should focus on other things now, such as wearing nice clothes.

    1. sounds awesome! My husband made his traditional drink (non alcoholic), he could find time to try making it for years! It's fun because his grandmother's recipe is lost, he and his mother try to recreate it online. it's pretty exciting

  39. I too work from home mostly except the training programs that I facilitate. But the thought that I cannot move out when I wish to is stressing me at times. I walk on the terrace is not as satisfying as a brisk walk outdoors.

  40. Since I started my blog, I've worked from home too. Staying at home isn't out of the ordinary. My biggest complaint is that I never get to drive anywhere by myself anymore. My husband is always with me, because we're going grocery shopping or out for a walk. Then he takes my vehicle to work, so I can't justify taking him and keeping it, because where am I going to go? It used to be that if I needed my vehicle, I would take him to work and go do whatever I had planned. Not so much now! So I'm alone at home and can enjoy that time. But I can't escape the house on my own these days.

    1. no escape! that's a great wording, that is what we feel as well. I also am used to escape if I am not feeling emotionally fine (nervous tired, stressed, woke up in the bad mood) walking in the nature all by myself helps a lot normally. Here I have to stay put

  41. I LOVE working from home, but you're right - there are some things that we can to help improve our productivity and optimize that work time. I find that having a set 'work space' is so important. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have a home office in a separate room, but even just to take a corner and set that space aside for working. That way you mentally 'go to work' and 'come home from work'. It makes it much easier to create that distinction, which is key! You need to be able to leave work 'at work' when your work time is up and enjoy your home life.

  42. The pictures are so beautiful and like the leg warmer.


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