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Chiffon inspiration

How's your weekend? My husband still needs to to work so I have extra time to spare while giving him a much needed time alone with his computer. Yesterday we had a lovely day just the four of us (our dogs included, always) going on a small local running race. I took Surak with me on our first official attempt together, I was super pleased with the way her ran our first lap, second lap was a bit disappointing: he lost interest when he a saw a dog friend of his, obviously he started to feel tired a little so started saving up energy (shepherd dogs' biggest issue with running) but overall it was fine. Time was worse than I expected but it's fine as well. If you are experienced in canicross, drop me a line in comments, I'll gladly chat about it too.
But having some extra time I wanted to write about something inspiring. What is more inspiring than wonderful dresses? Nothing if you are interested in my own opinion. So... today I teamed up with Alfabridal and going to show not one but three wonderful dresses I liked a lot. This tie I don't really want to focus on what these dresses are; I want to work the first impression. I hope it will be as fun for you as it was for me. Here are my top three choices:
This is a lovely and pretty red affordable bridesmaid dresses. Do like it? It looks so light, perfect for petite to wear
Even though it is marked as bridesmaid's dress on website I think it is a wonderful wedding dress. I'd wear if I want for classic wedding.

Soft pink for bridesmaids? Yes please. It feels absolutely perfect for me and this v-neck is he most versatile design to fit various ladies, making them stand out even more.

I hope you enjoyed this little post as much as I did. Drop me a comment so we can chat. Cheers!


Have a nice day,

  Follow Inside & Outside
Follow Inside and Outside


  1. very beautiful long dresses, Love them all <3

  2. Oh my God, these dresses are superb... And so pretty. I really loved these collections in here plus I love chiffon!


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